With Xue an's voice, a golden light appeared in the center of the high platform, and then a Buddha statue sitting on the lotus platform with a vague face and a vast momentum like the sea appeared.

It is the Bodhi of Tantra!

That is the one who founded Taicang, the ultimate master of the two realms of Vajra.

Although he could not see his face clearly, he had been looking at Xue an with warm eyes. After a long time, he sighed: "you really have his breath, so he has fallen, right?"

Xue an was silent for a moment, then nodded, "yes!"

He knew who the master Bodhi was asking.

In fact, the Buddha who founded the pure land Buddhist kingdom was a disciple of Tantra at the very beginning, but only when he had his own insight did he leave.

That is to say, in a sense, the Buddha is also a disciple of this master Bodhi in front of him.

"Oh, what a fool My master Bodhi sighed and then he was silent.

Xue an did not speak and waited quietly.

It was not until a long time later that the master raised his head and said slowly, "although he sacrificed himself to seal the bronze gate, it will not last long, right?"

Xue an slightly shocked, "you all know?"

My master Bodhi chuckled, then slowly spread out his hand, and in the palm of his hand appeared a bright ball of light like a mirror.

The light ball is slowly turning, and there are countless Qi machines on it, which are deducing birth and death.

"Though I am in this Mandala, I can hardly conceal from me the affairs of the heavens!"

With that, My Bodhi raised his head, and the mist in front of him suddenly dissipated, revealing a half dignified and half kind cheek.

"Didn't you just ask me why I invited you here? I will tell you now that Maitreya has told me everything, so I want to hear what you mean now

With the words, my teacher Bodhi's eyes burst into a very bright light, staring at Xue an.

He said with no hesitation to defend the enemy, but he did not dare to defend the nature

"Defend the heavens?" My master Bodhi suddenly laughed and said, "do you know what existence you are going to face?"

Xue an nodded. "Of course I know!"

"Are you so confident?" My teacher Bodhi asked curiously.

"What are they in conflict with how I defend the heavens?" Xue an asked.

My master Bodhi was slightly stunned, then he burst out laughing, "this answer really has the demeanor of your red lotus immortal! But do you think that if I agree, the whole Tantra will be involved in this catastrophe, and even how much it can survive is unknown! "

"Thought about it!" Xue an nodded, "so now I want to ask you whether you want to join or not!"

My master Bodhi gazed at xue'an and suddenly said, "have you noticed something?"

"About what? For example, you have dissipated. Is it just a matter of will that you are talking to me now? " Xue an said lightly.

As soon as he said this, the master's Bodhisattva was shocked and immediately began to laugh bitterly, "as expected, nothing can be hidden from you, but what you said is not all right. I have not dissipated, but I have integrated with the whole mandala and the two realms of Taizang Vajra."

Xue an listened quietly, because he knew that this master Bodhi would have something to say.

Sure enough.

I only listened to my master Bodhi with a wry smile and said, "and the reason why I do this is because my body has been destroyed, and the creator is also from evil things outside the heavens!"

Under this, even Xue an can't help but be frightened.

Because this master Bodhi is one of the great powers from ancient times. Although it is said that due to the unique nature of Buddhism, his reputation is not very high, but his strength can not be underestimated. Even in the realm, it is infinitely close to the realm of half step immortal.

However, such strength has been destroyed by people. Finally, he can only connect consciousness with the world. How can he not be shocked.

It seems to feel Xue an's surprise, the master Bodhi sighed: "I know you must want to know who the other party is and what kind of strength, but I can't tell you!"


"Because That experience has been erased from my memory by some force

Now, Xue an's eyebrows are even more erect.

"Erase your memory?"

"Yes! I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it's true, but that's how it happened! So... "

My teacher Bodhi looked at Xue an with bright eyes. "Now tell me, if you are faced with such existence, do you still have the confidence to fulfill the promise you just made?"

I thought Xue an would be hesitant, but unexpectedly, Xue an didn't even hesitate and nodded directly.

"I still say that, no matter what it is, I am not afraid of it!""Good! Then I will also answer the question you just asked. In this catastrophe, my secret school should be under

Thank you very much

"Don't thank me. In fact, even if you don't, I won't stand idly by, because I know the truth that there are no eggs under the nest! And... "

"At that time, I was going to ask for an explanation."

Speaking of this, my master Bodhi suddenly laughed. "He thought that he could rest assured by erasing my memory, but he didn't know that I had found a trace of picture after thousands of years of meditation."

Then, in the middle of Bodhi and xue'an, a light curtain slowly opened, and a vague picture appeared on it.

In a chaotic world, a huge finger is pressing down.

Nothing else.

Xue an looked at this picture, his eyes were shining, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The master Bodhi said lightly, "this is the shadow that remains in my alaiya consciousness. Although the existence that has erased my memory is powerful, he has forgotten that alaiya consciousness can remember some shadows."

Outside, the altar of many monks began to stir.

Because it's been a long time since Xue an stepped into the high platform.

No one knows what's going on inside.

Maitreya looked at it with worry on his face.

"Elder martial brother, are you worried about this red lotus immortal?" Guan Zi appeared behind him and asked softly.

Maitreya took a deep breath and nodded.

"I really wonder what he has done to you, to make you so proud of him?"

Maitreya turned his head and took a look at Guan Ziyi, then chuckled: "what? I was defeated by him, so I was a little unconvinced? "

"Of course not. It's just curiosity." The light voice of Guanzi.

Maitreya once again looked at the high platform and said faintly, "if I said that he broke my persistence, would you believe it?"

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