There was a flash of amazement in Xue an's eyes.

Because there are a few big characters standing in front of this statue.

The statue of God Xue.

Is it my statue?

However, Xue an couldn't connect this dull looking statue of Buddha with himself.

But it is under such a poorly shaped statue that a lot of students are gathered, and one can still hear what someone is saying impassioned.

Xue an approached curiously and saw a man in a long gray shirt standing on the steps beside the statue, his face full of excitement said.

"Students, it was here that Xue shenzun started his legendary journey

"At that time, God Xue, like you, was just a young man who didn't know anything about the world. In order to make a living and support goddess an, he worked hard. The biggest entertainment every day was to bring goddess an to sit by the lake."

Hearing this, Xue an's eyes can not help but flash a flash of light.

This guy I know a lot about it!

At that time, Xue an often took an Yan to relax here.

But what did he do with it?

Just at this time, the man looked at the students below and said excitedly, "but do you know? It was this seemingly inconspicuous walk that Xue shenzun realized the truth of martial arts from it

Hearing this, Xue an almost didn't laugh.

Martial arts doctrine?

What is that?

However, he made several students around him glare at him.

One of the students lowered his voice and warned, "look serious. Now the teacher is talking about the past of God Xue. You can't profane it!"

Xue an didn't say anything. She just picked up her shoulder and listened.

At this time, the man's expression became crazy.

"Since then, Xue shenzun has embarked on a road against the heaven, and behind him is the absolute immortal."

I have to say, this man's speech is still very infectious, at least these students smell the speech all face leisurely, many boys are excited, the whole body is shaking slightly.

"And do you know where Xue shenzun came to realize the doctrine of martial arts?" The man turned and asked in a deep voice.

Many students all shook their heads.

The man laughed, then clapped the statue beside him with infinite exclamation, and said with pride,

"do you know why I cast this statue here

The students shook their heads again.

"That's because everything comes from this small lake." The man waved his arm excitedly.

All the students at the scene looked along the direction the man pointed to, but there was nothing unique about the small lake lying there, except for the relatively clear point.

But this man's expression is more and more fanatical.

"At that time, Xue shenzun understood the martial arts doctrine before this small lake, so this is the origin of all things. It's amazing that people are so stupid that they don't know the importance of this place, but I understand that there is profound truth in this place!"

"That's why I brought you here. I want you to have some understanding. Even if you get the Qi machine left by God Xue, it will be enough for you to look at the world and sweep the same level!"

The man's mouth was foaming.

The students present were even more agitated and excited.

Xue an is a little silly.

When did you get enlightenment from here?

Why don't I know it myself?

What's the truth? Isn't that serious nonsense?

And what is he going to do?

At this time, only listen to this man to make a very serious expression.

"Don't get excited. I know you all want to have a good understanding here. But have you ever thought about what kind of person Xue shenzun is? He is the greatest genius who has oppressed the heaven for a lifetime. He can understand the truth of the way. Can you? "

As soon as this sentence came out, the eyes of these students were all dim.


Even the most proud people dare not say that they can have the talent of God Xue!

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became low.

Many students even lowered their heads and looked depressed and disappointed.

However, seeing this scene, the man's eyes flashed a touch of joy, and immediately said sternly: "all look up at me!"

All the students raised their heads and looked blankly at the man.

See this man heartbroken said.

"What? Have you all lost your confidence just because of my words? With your will, how can you make progress in your practice? What's the difference between you and trash? ""But..." Standing in the front of a young man's face red, some unconvinced want to explain what.

The man waved his hand, "OK, don't explain. I know what you are thinking. Yes, few people can catch up with Xue shenzun's talent, but the method is people's idea. Today I specially prepared this for you!"

Said, the man suddenly pulled out from behind a common shape Pu Tuan, full of precious caress, and then slowly said: "what is this?"

"Futon!" Said the teenager, who wanted to explain.

"Wrong! This is not futon, but the crystallization of my decades of hard work At this point, the man's expression became excited.

"Do you know how much effort I spent on developing this Futon? Yes, it looks like an ordinary futon, but in fact, every stitch and thread in it has its own special meaning

"In particular, it is filled with soil that I specially took from Xue shenzun's hometown, and through various complex methods to sacrifice and refine it. It can be said that every putuan contains a trace of Xue's Qi. As long as you sit on it, you can maximize your heaven Fu, and even..."

Looking around, the man's expression on his face was almost distorted. "Just like the God Xue, he understands the truth of heaven and embarks on the road of cultivation."


There was a shock all over the place.

All the students were attracted by the wonderful vision described by the man.

Xue an is more stupidly looking at this man, after a long time, two big characters appear in his mind.


Because Xue an almost believed these words.

Even he was a little suspicious that he had ever sat in this small lake to understand the martial arts.

Even Xue an is like this, let alone the students present.

I saw them one by one excited with fighting chicken blood, a few students are more excited. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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