I saw the man through a busy street, and then turned into a deep alley.

No matter how bright the city is, it is inevitable that such a dark corner exists.

Beijiang is no exception.

The road was muddy and dirty, and even the air was filled with a strong odor.

After walking to the depth of the Hutong, the man suddenly stopped, and then looked around, his expression also became very nervous.

At this time, in front of the man not far away, slowly condensed out a group of gray shadow, and then listen to the inside came a bleak voice.

"Is today's task done?"

The man trembled all over and lowered his head in a hurry. He didn't even dare to look at the grey shadow. He said in a trembling voice: "my Lord, I've just changed my income today!"

"Well, good, this is your antidote!"

After that, a white light flew out of the gray shadow.

The man was busy catching, and his face finally showed a look of relief.

"Thank you very much."

"Jie Jie, make great efforts and perform well. I can apply to the patriarch to let him show mercy and completely cure your injuries."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The man repeatedly nodded and bowed.

"Well, I don't want to tell you. Today, I'm going to attend a grand dinner party with the patriarch. At that time, all the major families in the provincial capital will be present. I have to prepare in advance."

With that, the gray shadow began to dissipate.

But at this time, the space suddenly shakes, and then this already dissipated gray shadow will directly solidify.

"What's the matter? Who did it in the dark? " A roar came from the gray shadow.

But as soon as the roar fell, Xue an's figure appeared at the entrance of the Hutong.

After seeing Xue an, the man's eyes widened instantly.

What's going on?

How could it be him?

But just when he was confused, Xue an gave a faint smile, and then stepped into the void.

Seeing this scene, the originally clamorous gray shadow instantly closed his mouth.

Because a fool can see that the man in white is obviously very human.

It is enough to make people shake by stepping into the air with this hand.

At the same time, Xue an came to the gray shadow near, first lightly swept the man, and then smile.

"I didn't expect to see you again so soon!"

The man shivered and his head sank lower.

"Is this the existence you have been afraid to face?" Xue an turned his head and looked at the gray shadow, and said faintly.

The gray shadow twists and turns, and then comes a voice of evil.

"My friend, it seems that I have never seen you before! Why do you want to imprison me here? "

Although the tone is cold, but the tone has become more polite.

Xue an laughed at the speech and then said in a light way: "to control others with evil and poison is my use. Who taught you this method?"

As soon as he said this, the gray shadow trembled slightly. Then he listened to the voice inside and said, "what are you talking about? I don't understand! "

"Oh? I cannot understand you? Well, I'll let you understand it today! "

After that, Xue an's eyes flashed and released a trace of prestige.


Although it is only less than one percent of the prestige, but in this man and the gray shadow, it seems as if the sky has collapsed.

The gray shadow was broken in an instant, and then a man with sharp mouth and ugly face fell out of it.

The man fell straight into the muddy water, but could not move. He could only look at xue'an with infinite horror.

Xue an's eyes were indifferent, then asked, "do you understand now? If you don't understand, I still have a way to make you understand, understand? "

In the last two words of questioning, the man's face Shua white as paper, and then busy nodding.

Xue an raised his head and looked at the man who had been bluffing before, and with a smile, "can you face it now?"

This is also a confused face.

Because he never thought that the boy in white who happened to meet by the lake had such strength.

But who is he? This man is simply puzzled.

Because today's xue'an's strength is too strong, so when he appears in this earthly world, the laws of heaven of the earth will actively cover his face, which makes people feel as if they have seen him, but they can't remember his appearance at all.

Therefore, neither the swindler nor the grey shadow man recognized Xue an's identity.

At this time, Xue an asked the man lying on the ground, "now tell me, what's the matter with these poisons on your body, and who taught you?"

The man said in a hurry: "my Lord, spare your life! I've got it from the archbishop. I don't know anything else"Oh? Lord? What clan? "


"Well?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

The man was so scared that his hair stood on end. He immediately said, "it's the five poisons sect. Your honor, I'm the descendant of the five poisons sect. My name is Yang Hui. It's the leader of the five poisons sect who taught me these skills and let me control these people."

Then, the man said what he knew like pouring beans out of a bamboo tube.

It turns out that the five poisons sect is a newly rising sect, and the patriarch is Lu Yang. He has strange and unpredictable means in his hands, and is especially good at mixing all kinds of strange poisons.

The man named shiteng, who swindled by the lake, was sealed with poison by LV Yang and finally became his puppet.

What's more, according to Yang Hui, he is not the only one under the five poisons sect, and many disciples are outside to manage the puppets trapped by poison.

After saying these words, Yang Hui looks at Xue an beseechingly.

"My Lord, what I said is true. Everything was ordered by Lu Yang. Even I was poisoned by him, so please forgive me!"

Xue an suddenly laughed, "what are you so afraid of? I didn't intend to kill you!"

"Really?" Yang Hui was overjoyed.

"It's true, of course, but I heard you said that I'm going to a dinner party with your Lord tonight. What's the matter?"

At this point, Xue an's eyes flashed.

Yang Hui's face became more ugly, but after a little hesitation, he could not help but sigh.

"My Lord, although I don't know whether to say it or not, I still want to advise you that you should not be in charge of these matters!"

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

"It's because all the young talents in the provincial capital and Beijiang are the most famous ones. None of them can be regarded equally as I am. In fact, the strength is not to be underestimated, so you..."

Although the following words are not finished, but the meaning is already obvious.

It's to persuade Xue an not to meddle.

But Xue an just a faint smile.

"Coincidentally, what I like most is to deal with the children of these powerful families. So tonight, I have to go to see how great these young talents are, and even dare to deal with the existence of mastering Yin magic."

At the end of the day, Xue an's words showed a trace of cold killing.

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