As soon as he said this, Lu Yang's face changed greatly.

What's going on?

How could he know that?

But Jiao ganghao thought Xue an was mocking his stupidity, so he roared and rushed to xue'an.

But he just rushed to the middle of the way, Xue an just lightly glanced at him.

A majestic and majestic force suddenly came down on his knees and could not move any more.

This scene also caused a violent stir in the audience.

"Less focus!" Many people cried out.

Jiang Hongzhe's face sank. He raised his hand and chopped a sword at xue'an.

The sword light cuts at Xue an like a competition.

Xue an slightly raised eyebrows, "Yu family sword idea? When will the Yu family have such a stupid descendant as you? "

The words fall, the sword to, and then they break into pieces, into nothing.

Jiang Hongzhe suddenly turned pale and exclaimed, "how could it be possible?"

"Why not?" Xue an said lightly.

Jiang Hongzhe's face became extremely dignified.

He really couldn't accept that the sword spirit he was proud of would be so unbearable to be defeated.

All this happened very quickly. From Jiao ganghao's beginning to Jiang Hongzhe's sword Qi being extinguished, it was only a flick of a finger.

At this time, Lu Yang, who had been standing in the distance and couldn't bear to hair, also started at the moment.

But seeing a wisp of gray mist woven into a huge silk screen, toward Xue an, they shrouded over.

Where the fog passes by, even the air is corroded to produce a nourishing sound, which shows its strong toxicity.



Seeing that Xue an has not been moved, it seems that he does not know how to avoid it. Lu Yang's face can not help but show joy.

No matter how strong you are, as long as you are poisoned, you can't live!

But when he was full of pride, he suddenly saw a deep irony flash in Xue an's eyes.

It was as if the towering giant tree was laughing at feimayer's incapacity.

And then he did not wait for LV yang to react.

The gray fog of these cages to xue'an was broken and then turned into nothingness.

Lu Yang couldn't believe his eyes.

"This It's impossible! "

But Xue an didn't give him much time to be surprised, but saw Xue an light way: "kneel down!"


Lu Yang felt that there was a mountain on his shoulder. He fell down on his knees with a plop. His strength was so great that he even smashed a deep hole in the floor, and his knees were smashed in an instant.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Lu Yang felt pain, but he cried out bitterly.

But the next second, he closed his mouth, because Xue an did not know when he had appeared in front of him and looked down at him.

Staring at the eyes full of indifference and dignity, LV Yang felt his whole body's blood was cold.

"Now I ask you to answer, if I am satisfied with the answer, I will release you. If not, you can imagine the consequences yourself, understand?"

LV Yang nods wildly.

"Where did you learn this insidious skill?"

"This..." Lu Yang hesitated.


The strength of the pressure increased again, and LV Yang felt that his bones were being frantically compressed, which made him roar wildly.

"The abyss! This is what I learned from the abyss

"The abyss?"

"Yes, the abyss!"

At the beginning, Xue an cut open the abyss channel and connected the abyss with the earth.

Therefore, from that time on, there was an upsurge of going to the abyss to explore treasure.

Although there are many dangers in that abyss, danger often means opportunity.

In particular, a few lucky people got a lot of rewards from it, which stimulated many people to plunge into the abyss one after another.

Lu Yang was one of them.

At the beginning, Lu Yang was just an ordinary world.

Such cultivation is only a little better than ordinary people in the present earth.

Although LV Yang's practice of forgetting to eat and sleep, because of his natural talent, he could not survive at all.

In desperation, he took risks and simply went to the abyss to fight for an opportunity.

The result did not expect, the chance was really found by him.

At that time, he mistakenly entered a space-time gap. He thought he would die, but he didn't expect to get a strange jade resolution from it.

This jade decision records all kinds of strange and unspeakable cultivation methods, which LV Yang learned from.

Speaking of this, LV Yang looked at Xue an beseeching all over his face. "This is what happened. I promise there's no half a lie!"

And Jiang Hongzhe and others can not help but fall into shock after hearing this speech.This is not what Lu Yang introduced to them before.

In the mouth of LV Yang, he is a Miao poison cultivation inherited from the ancient times. He has the uncanny ability. He is especially good at using various kinds of pills to stimulate people's potential and help them to practice!

But I never thought that he was just a liar.

After hearing this, Xue an took a deep look at LV Yang and said in a deep voice, "where is that jade?"

"In the pocket in front of me!"


A wisp of sword spirit crossed, and the clothes on LV Yang's chest directly broke. Then the jade Jue flew out and reached Xue an's hand.

As soon as he started, Xue an was slightly stunned.

Because this jade has no sense of existence.

You know, Lu Yang is kneeling in front of Xue an!

Even so, before that, Xue an did not feel the existence of this jade resolution, and even held it in his hand without any feeling.

"As I expected, isn't it a thing of the heavens?" Xue an whispered softly.

In fact, from the time he saw Yang Hui, Xue an noticed something strange.

Because Yang Hui's means are not all the known means in the heavens, but more like things out of heaven.

Until he met LV Yang, the so-called leader of the five poisons sect, Xue an's idea was confirmed.

In the abyss, there are things beyond the heaven. Does this mean that there are channels in the abyss that are similar to the pure land of Buddhism?

Thinking of this, Xue an's face could not help but become more dignified.

LV Yang looks at xue'an in horror. He doesn't know what to do with him, who doesn't know where to jump out.

When the whole audience was in a state of stagnation, there was a burst of disordered footfalls outside the door, and then Li Xingwei, the security director of Longteng building, rushed in.

Behind him was a group of capable men.

You know, since Xue an entered this room, there was such a big battle, and the Longteng building was naturally disturbed.

Li Xingwei, who is in charge of the building's security, turned pale when he saw that the room was filled with newly rich children from the provincial capital and Beijiang.

If these people make any mistakes in Longteng building, they will be completely finished.

So he immediately led his men to come.

"Stop it, or don't blame me for being rude!" Li Xingwei roared hysterically at Xue an.

Xue an turned his head and glanced at him lightly. Suddenly he said, "are you a man of destiny?"

Li Xingwei slightly a Leng, subconsciously nodded.

"Well, you go to inform Tianyuan headquarters now, let your general manager Qiao, Zhao and Yang come to see me!"

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