The Global Limited pen in Joel's hand fell to the ground and fell in half.

But Qiao Le didn't feel this, but murmured in a vacant voice: "the second brother is back..."

Immediately, the three people were shocked in unison, and then they stood up and said with one voice: "where is it?"

Yuan Mengying said quickly: "it was Li Xingwei who called me to inform me that I should be in Tenglong building in Beijiang now, and adults said that you should go to see him now!"

"Quick, spare the car, no, helicopter!" Cried jolle at once.

But Zhao Xuehui was the first to rush out at this time, and said while running: "it's too late, we'd better fly over to the sky!"

With the rapid development in recent years, the cultivation level of the whole earth has risen.

It can't be said that scattered immortals walk everywhere, but it's almost the same.

As for Zhao Xuehui, the three of them, as the boss of Tianyuan Group, with the blessing of many resources, their strength is even better.

Zhao Xuehui, the most powerful man, has broken through to become a half step immortal.

Even Qiao Le, the weakest in strength, has already accomplished the cultivation of Jinxian.

So there is no pressure on flying in the sky.

Without a second's delay, the three kicked open the tall French window of the conference room, jumped up and flew into the sky.

Yuan Mengying did not return, and said to many security guards and secretaries who came to hear the sound: "you wait here, and block the scene. No one else is allowed to enter here!"

After that, without waiting for the public to respond, yuan Mengying grew up and drove to Beijiang after the three men.

At the top of Tenglong building, the atmosphere is very dignified.

Jiang Hongzhe and others stood on the side, staring at Xue an, who was sitting on the sofa. They almost burst into fire.

In particular, this young Jiang family, as a newly rich son of Beijiang, is a distinguished guest no matter where he goes, which one does not greet him with a smile.

Therefore, he had never encountered such a situation. It was originally a feast for the children of a powerful family, but he was stirred up by the young man in white who did not know his origin and identity.

How can he not hate it.

Time passes by.

Li Xingwei, who went out to make a phone call, did not come back. The atmosphere in the field became strange.

"Jiang Shao, I think this guy is bluffing, and I don't think about the identity of the three bosses of that day. How can we come to Beijiang to see him? Who does he think he is? So I don't think we can... "

Jiang Hongzhe snorted coldly, and his eyes flashed with cold light. He said in a cold voice, "don't worry. I've just informed my family. Now people should be coming soon."

As soon as the voice dropped, a burst of noise came from outside. Someone roared: "who dare to disrespect the people of our Jiang family?"

Jiang Hongzhe's face was pleased and immediately called out, "three grandfathers, I'm here!"

After that, he heard a heavy mountain like footstep outside the door, which made the whole floor tremble slightly. Then an old man with his hair and beard stretched open, like an angry lion, came in.

This old man is very tall, full of silver hair, a pair of eyes in the light of all directions, look not angry but self-confident.

It was one of the top offerings from the Jiang family, named Ou Haiyang.

This man was originally a monk in the world, but after he was promoted to the realm of true immortality, he was hired by the Jiang family and regarded him as the most important trump card in the family.

As a result, all the members of the Jiang family were worshipped as gods.

Even Jiang Hongzhe should be honored as his third grandfather.

At the moment, seeing that he had come in person, Jiang Hongzhe couldn't help laughing at Xue an, and then raised his hand.

"Third grandfather, this is the man who disturbed my wine business and injured my friend. He didn't pay attention to me at all. Please teach him a lesson!"

Ou Haiyang sniffs a cold hum from his nostrils, then turns his eyelids and looks at Xue an coldly.

Because of the shadow of the law of heaven, he could not see Xue an's true face. He only saw a plain young man in white, so he could not help grinning.

"It's true that there are so many heroes in the flourishing age. I didn't expect that some people would dare to disrespect our Jiang family on the boundary of Beijiang."

However, Ou Haiyang never expected that the white clad boy would not even lift his head in the face of himself,

he didn't even bother to look at himself.

This is to make him angry, the murderous spirit in the words can not help but heavy again.

"What? Dare not speak? Well, then you will kneel down and apologize to Jiang Shao. If you ask for his forgiveness, I will let you go, otherwise... "

Ou Haiyang burst into a strange smile, "I'm not a vegetarian

Ouhaiyang was wandering the rivers and lakes in those years, and committed many shocking crimes. However, after he joined the Jiang family, he didn't get any responsibility.That's why he was so arrogant to give his name.

At this time, Xue an suddenly chuckled, then slowly raised his head, "bloody hand man butcher?"

"Yes, it's the old man!" Ou Haiyang raised his chin with pride on his face, which means you are afraid!

In his opinion, after hearing his name, the young man in white will change his color and kneel down to beg for mercy.

Can never expect, Xue an but smile and shake his head, "I really don't know which uneducated give you this nickname, it's dirt to explosion."

faces Xue An's Tucao, and Haiyang's face is suddenly green and red, and then he growls. "Boy, I'll make complaints about the benefits of your mouth. Today I'll show you how old you are!"

After that, his hands turned blood red in an instant, and then he rushed to xue'an angrily.

Seeing this, Jiang Hongzhe couldn't help but smile.

He is very confident in Ou Haiyang. After all, he is a real immortal level master!

Now all the top-ranking experts are waiting for the earth!

Therefore, in his opinion, this young man in white must die!

But Xue an didn't even move, just a flash in his eyes.

This Ou Haiyang felt his feet suddenly soft, and then he fell to the ground with a plop, and fell a dog to gnaw excrement.

Now the whole audience is shocked!

The smug on Jiang Hongzhe's face solidified in an instant, and then he looked at the scene in disbelief.

What's going on?

Why did the third grandfather fall suddenly? Is it a special trick?

And even more incredible than him is this Ou Haiyang.

His eyes were wide open and his face was confused. He looked at Xue an sitting on the sofa in front of him.

Xue an light smile, "how so polite, just meet so big ceremony?"

Ou Haiyang's eyes gradually glowed red, which was a sign of his complete rage.

The power of the real immortal is even more surging in the whole room, forcing Jiang Hongzhe and others to retreat one after another. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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