LV Yang was scared out of his voice.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me. I didn't do it. I just happened to pass by here and picked up the jade resolution."

"If you dare to argue, I will kill you today!" Joel didn't listen to his explanation at all. He rolled his arms and sleeves and tried to do it.

"Come on, he didn't do it, and he didn't have the ability and qualification to do it!" Xue an said lightly.

Qiao Le this just full face is unwilling to stop the hand, but still be surprised to say: "how can suddenly appear a crack here?"

"Ha ha!" Xue an sneered, "some guys want to break in from here because the road was blocked before!"

Speaking of this, Xue an turned his head and looked at LV Yang, who was already shaking.

"It's a pity that these guys are so careful that they even send Yu Jue in. They want to find a suitable person to help them open the channel, but they find a waste who can only boast and don't understand convergence!"

"In that case, kill it!" Said jolle in a murderous voice.

After hearing the speech, LV Yang rolled his eyes and was scared out again.

Xue an shook his head. "Forget it, this guy is simply controlled by the greed in his heart. It's useless to kill him. On the contrary, it's better to let him do meritorious deeds."

With that, Xue an raised his hand and a flash of light penetrated into LV Yang's eyebrows.

Lu Yang was shocked, and when he opened his eyes again, his fear and fear had disappeared, and instead he was extremely calm.

He got up slowly and bent down at xue'an.

"My Lord!"

Xue an nodded. "Go on!"


Then Lu Yang turned and left the abyss.

Joel looked at his back in some incredible way. He couldn't help asking, "second brother, what have you done to him? Why did he become so obedient?"

"It's nothing. It's just the removal of fear and greed from his spirit." Xue an said lightly.

Qiao le was cold at the smell of speech, and then he did not dare to speak.

If he makes the second elder brother unhappy, he will cut off some parts of his spirit. Will he not be finished?

Xue an seemed to see his idea, but did not explain it. He just gave a smile and then looked up at the void in front of him.

"Second brother, what about the crack? Let it stay like this? " Zhao Xuehui said with some worry.

"Of course not!"

Say, but see Xue an hand pinches sword Jue, complexion is abrupt a Su, then raise a hand to point in front of, sink a voice to drink a way.


At the command, the darkness surged like a tide.

Then, the crack began to creep and gradually healed.

And with the healing of this crack, you can hear a little unwilling roar from the void.


After a full quarter of an hour, the void in front of me is as flat as before, and the crack is no longer seen.

Zhao Xuehui and others took a breath.

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time, and the fracture was blocked up!"

But Xue an's face did not have any relief, still full face serious said.

"This is just a temporary measure. Since the other party has found this place, he will not give up. If it is delayed, it will take several years, and if it is fast, it will be half a year. Such cracks will certainly appear again, and the trend may be even more fierce than this one."

"What about that?" Zhao Xuehui and Zhao Xuehui were frightened.

Xue an turned his head and looked at the three of them and said, "what? Scared? "

"Of course not!" Said jolle immediately.

"No matter what kind of bullshit the other party is, as long as they dare to make the earth's idea, my old Joe will never agree!"

"Yes, I am too!" Yang Bin echoed.

Although Zhao Xuehui didn't speak, the look on his face had already indicated his attitude!

"Good!" Xue an nodded with satisfaction.

"After the smell of copper is gone, I will be a good friend I know!"

Hearing Xue an's words, the three people's hearts were warm, and the estrangement caused by Xue an's identity disappeared instantly.

You know, when they were in college, the four of them fought side by side no matter what happened.

Even in the face of several times their opponents, the four of them have not been afraid.

"Hey, second brother, if you don't tell me, I almost forget how fierce we were. Once we had a fight with a little gangster outside the school, the eldest brother pulled a dumbbell from the sports equipment room and rushed into the battle group, beating those boys crying for their parents! That's prestige. " Said Jo with a smile.

Zhao Xuehui's face turned red, and then he said with some embarrassment: "that's what happened in those years. What are you talking about! Oh, by the way, why didn't you see your sister-in-law and two nieces when you came back this time? "Xue an also laughed.

With a smile, he did not have the momentum of aloofness before. Instead, he changed from a strong man of half step Immortal Emperor to that ordinary young man again.

"Yan'er was left in the pure land of Buddhism and managed the influence there."

With that, Xue an told the story about the whole story.

Hearing this, the three people were thrilled.

Until Xue an finished, Zhao Xuehui said with a solemn face: "second brother, you can tell us now, what do we need to do?"

"Yes! Tell me now, my brother, I have nothing to say Qiao le and Yang Bin one also have a clamor.

"Don't worry. Since I come back this time, naturally I have my plan. But it is not enough for you alone. What I need this time is the joint efforts of the whole country of China and even the whole earth."

After that, Xue an stepped down one step, and the void under his feet was suddenly rippling. Then, Xue an's eyes flashed, and the majestic mind spread like water along the ripples of the void and spread to the whole abyss.

At this time, in one place, Tang Xuaner and Xue LAN are fighting side by side.

After years of experience, Tang Xuaner's cultivation has made great progress, and her momentum has become capable.

As Xue an's cousin, Xue Lan's strength is not vulgar.

Soon, the two of them will be opposite this small group of abyss demons to eliminate, the ground dropped a lot of shining stones.

This is the crystal stone of the abyss devil after his death.

Xue Lan was very excited. "Sister xuan'er, we have gained so much this time."

Tang xuan'er glanced at the hair scattered around her ears and said with a gentle smile, "well, it's quite a lot!"

But at this time, the ripple has already rushed to the front.

Tang xuan'er and Xue Lanqi were shocked, then looked at each other and said with one voice.

"Xue an?"


Then the two men did not care to pick up the crystal stones on the ground. They immediately grew up and flew in the direction of Xue an.

It's not just them.

In another corner of the abyss, a team of Fire Phoenix who were fighting happily was also in full swing.

Then the team leader Cheng Hao immediately woke up and said in a deep voice, "listen to the orders, stop all the tasks at hand immediately, follow me!"

After that, he took the lead in flying, and the rest of the team immediately dropped the prey available and followed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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