This is a vast desert.

The huge sun hung overhead, baking everything with almost crazy enthusiasm.

Anying can't remember when she drank the water last time. The feeling of extreme thirst was gradually disappearing and her lips became moist.

But anying knew that it was because the lips had dried to a certain extent, which led to the blood gushing out, thus forming the illusion.

And it won't be long before the feeling of wetness will disappear.

Because at that time, the blood on his body may not flow.

Anying didn't know how long she had been walking. She only felt that her vision began to appear in front of her eyes. Moreover, the soft and hot sand under her feet began to become sticky. Every step she took required the strength of her whole body.


After a stumbling, anying felt only a little dark in front of her eyes and fell to the ground with a flop.

The hot sand covered his cheek instantly, and the hot air poured into his lungs with the rapid breathing, baking everything along the way.

But he can't feel the pain any more. He just wants to lie still and wait for the darkness to come.

Failed again! An Ying thought of self mockery in her heart.

But at this time, an Ying suddenly felt the sand under her body was shaking slightly.

This feeling is very slight, but an Ying is a spirit.

Because the vibration is very rhythmic, it is obvious that something is quietly approaching.

An Ying is still lying on the ground, but her hands have quietly clenched their fists, waiting for the arrival of the opportunity.

The vibration is getting closer.


The shaking stopped, and it was obviously the object near anying that stopped.

Right now! This idea came to an Ying's mind, and then the whole person got up with her last strength, jumped up from the ground like a spring, took up a piece of dust to cover her sight, and then her fists went straight to the thing close to her.


After a dull sound like hitting leather, an Ying felt that her fists were almost cracked.

The whole person was shaken back more than ten steps, and only after standing firm can we see clearly.

Next to him was a giant lizard.

This lizard is full of seven or eight meters long, more than one person tall, spit out sharp letters, people look chilly.

But the matter has been so far, an Ying has been bold to go, roaring: "evil animal died!"

Said, he once again regardless of all rushed up.

Although cultivation in this desert was greatly restricted, but at this moment, an Ying's eyes still suffused with a faint light.

The lizard could not help but step back a little.

But an Ying just rushed to the front, saw the lizard's tail then fiercely pulled over.

The speed, even with the sharp wind.

Anying's eyes were already red. She didn't care about the tail from her waist. Instead, she went straight ahead.


Anying bumps into the lizard's forelimb and blows her fists into the sky, hitting the lizard's soft white belly.


The lizard let out a painful roar, and then frantically stepped on her feet, trying to kill anying.

Anying dodged from left to right, and then, seeing the opportunity, hit the lizard's throat.

The lizard screamed, and then he waved his tail angrily and drew to anying.

Anying didn't dodge. In fact, he didn't have the strength to dodge.

Just a few movements had exhausted all his physical strength. At this time, an Ying was black and could fall at any time.

But at this time, anying was provoked by the ferocity in his bones.

"Brute, it's not so easy to kill grandfather!"

With that, anying went straight forward instead of hiding, and then bit the lizard's throat fiercely.


The tail lashed hard on anying's back, and her clothes and skin were instantly torn, and pulled out a deep gap, and even a faint sight of the white Sen's spine.

An Ying's whole body trembled with pain, but her mouth was not relaxed. Instead, she used all her strength to bite down.

The teeth finally penetrated the skin of the lizard's throat and bit the lizard's throat directly.

The lizard struggled to get rid of anying.

But at this time, although an Ying's lower limbs had been paralyzed, her hands were like steel claws, clinging to the lizard's neck, but refused to let go.

Not only that, at the moment she bit the lizard's throat, an Ying felt a fishy liquid gushing into her mouth and flowing down her throat into her stomach.

It's lizard blood!

An Ying was shocked, and she felt that her body, which had run out of oil, was cheered by the influx of the lizard's blood.Anying began to suck the lizard's blood.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, the lizard fell to the ground and became a dead body.

If you look at its throat, it has been completely bitten by an Ying.

But at this time an Ying, the state is also very bad.

The lizard's tail is not for fun, though it's powered up.

Now an Ying felt that her whole lower body was unconscious, and she could not survive in the desert.

When an Ying was ready to give up, she suddenly felt a shock all over her body, and then the surrounding environment began to change rapidly.

The desert faded like water and was replaced by familiar earth scenes.

At the same time, an Ying felt that all her injuries disappeared and her accomplishments were all back.

He jumped up from the ground and looked around in some doubt.

Why did you suddenly return to earth when you didn't quit?

At this time, only a faint voice came from behind him.

"To tell you the truth, I'm surprised!"

Hearing this sound, an Ying looked back, but saw Xue an standing not far away, looking at himself with a smile.

An Ying was shocked. She bent down in a hurry and said, "elder sister Mr. Xue

He originally wanted to call his brother-in-law, but when it came to his mouth, he finally changed it to Mr. Xue.

Xue an didn't pay attention to his gift, but said faintly, "do you know what I'm surprised at?"

Ann young shook her head.

"I thought you were spoiled and spoiled since childhood, but you are a dandy who is greedy for pleasure. Even if you take part in the martial arts test, you will give up quickly because you can't bear the pain. But I didn't expect that you gave me a big surprise!"

Speaking of this, Xue an's face appeared a faint smile, and then raised his hand, a amulet flew to an Ying's head.

Just listening to a click sound, an exquisite and imposing amulet and armor was put on an Ying's body.

Anying looked down with a face of stupidity. She didn't react from the shock.

"Congratulations, you passed the test!"

With that, Xue an turned to leave, but after a few steps, he suddenly stopped and said without looking back.

"I'd better call my brother-in-law in the future. After all Yan'er, you are the only brother now! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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