"Rush up, catch these two little girls first!" The emperor's Army division said in a deep voice.

Don't wait for him to finish, the flower has no language already rushed out, and then the face of grim smile to think and read.

An Yan heart big anxious, "think of read, you run!"

But at this time, I saw read small face solemnly raised a finger flower speechless.

"Go away!"

At an order.

The flower does not have the language to feel a tremendous force, directly oneself gave the earthquake to withdraw far away.

Flower speechless by the shock of dizziness, and in the inexplicable, the heart is feeling a huge shock.

Because she could feel that the power to shake herself off was different from any other method, like some kind of immeasurable will, which was totally irresistible.

But soon, all these shocks turned into a sneer on the face.

"It's true that he is the blood descendant of Honglian xianzun. He has such amazing talent at such a young age. It's a pity You're still too tender! "

After saying that, the flower speechless again rushed up.

And at this time the small face of recitation has become a little pale, obviously has not been able to support the second time with words.

Seeing the flowers speechless, he would rush to the front, but at this time, a flash of light came out from two little girls and an Yan's body.

Then, above the heads of their mother and daughter, a virtual image of a man sitting on a red lotus appears.

At the sight of this virtual image, Hua Wuyu couldn't help shaking her whole body and exclaimed, "Honglian xianzun!"

That's right!

This virtual image is exactly before Xue an left to stay in the three people know the sea, in order to prevent them from falling into the extremely dangerous situation.

At the same time.

But see Xue an's virtual image slowly open his eyes, and then drink a cold.

"The white light takes the sun and the moon, and the purple air row bullfight!"


In a word, there are three brilliant swords between the eyebrows of the three virtual images of xue'an.

Then, the sword will be wrapped in the sun and moon, reverse the momentum of heaven and earth, straight cut down.

The flower is speechless and screams, and then wants to run away.

But under the lock of the sword light, there was no place for her to escape.

And the other two sword lights directly point to the emperor's military division and xuanming elder.

All these changes appear to be slow to describe with words, but in fact only a few flicks of the finger time.

Many people just feel that there is a flower in front of them, and then there are three powerful sword like mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, the military division of the emperor could not help shouting, "the power of the emperor!"


The huge seal on the sky suddenly turned slowly.

And in this rotation, the whole world's gas engine is instantly disturbed.

Including these three swords, everything has lost its direction.

Then the three swords were shaken for a few times and then broke into pieces soundlessly.

Seeing the sword dissipated, the three men just let out a breath.

Then startled Fu Ding's flower speechless, he roared angrily: "now I see what you can do!"

With the voice, she rushed to think and read like a meteor.

At the moment, even if it is from thinking about the nearest moon brake also has no time to come.

Can be at this time, but see just still in the rapid forward of the flower speechless, with faster speed than before fly out.

Then I heard a crisp slap in the air.


The audience was shocked.

And at this time, the flowers fly out of speechless finally reluctantly stop, and then spit out a large mouth mixed with broken teeth of blood.

What's going on!

The emperor's military division and the xuanming elder and others are Qi Qi Yizhen, waiting for Dingqing to have a look.

But in front of the two little girls, a light figure is emerging.

In the blink of an eye, a young man in white appeared in front of the crowd.

When he saw him, an Yan couldn't help but breathe, and then spat.

This son of a bitch, I have to rush to the last minute every time. I've been worried for a long time!

It is Xue an who appears here.

As soon as the two little girls saw their father, they couldn't help cheering and rushing up.

"Dad, you're here at last!"

"Auntie, we want to go away

Two little girls began to jabber to Xue an.

Xue an smile, gently stroked the heads of the two little girls, and then said in a soft voice, "dad knows, you should step back to see how Dad can vent his anger on you, OK?"


Two little girls nodded together, cleverly back to the back.Then Xue an raised his head and gave a smile to the three strong men who were all in a state of consternation.

"Hello, my name is Xue an, which is the Honglian xianzun you have been looking for


As soon as this was said, there was a violent commotion.

Even the people in the pure land Buddhist country are all incredible.

Because they didn't expect Xue an to suddenly appear, and also come so coincidentally.

Only a flash of small sand body shape, restore the human form state, and then hey hey smile: "OK, the master came, these guys are finished!"

At this time, the disturbance gradually subsided.

The emperor's military adviser and xuanming elder all appear in the presence of Hua Wuyu.

Three people stand side by side in a row, staring at Xue an, who is indifferent and smiling.

"Xue, how dare you show up?"

"Joke, why don't I dare to appear? It's you who... " Xue an shook his head and said with a look that he hated iron but not steel.

"I deliberately delayed some time on the way, just to see what you can do. As a result, it took you a day just to break the defensive array I left behind. You said What else can you do? "

The irony in Xue an's words is so strong that it almost overflows.

But these three people are top strong, naturally won't be easily provoked by Xue an's inner emotions.

The emperor's military adviser sneered, "Honglian xianzun, your courage is not vulgar, and you are also strong enough. But you are wrong that you should not be so arrogant, and even fight against the heaven with your own strength. Do you really think we can't cure you?"

Xue an Wen Yan also laughed, and then spread out his palm, a face sincere said: "please!"

"Please treat me. It happens that I am a bit bored recently, so as to relieve my boredom!"

"Looking for death!"

The emperor's military division's eyes burst out with infinite anger, and then suddenly unfolded the scroll in his hand.

"The emperor has orders to kill this son!"

But to his surprise, there was no response from the outside world. Even the huge seal in the sky seemed to be silent.

The emperor's military division was stunned.

Xue an said with a smile, "excuse me, are you going to use this to deal with me?"

With that, Xue an raised her hand to the air.

In an instant, a huge hand suddenly appeared on the sky, and then grasped the seal with one hand.


The virtual image of the emperor's seal was broken.

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