After the storm, the pure land Buddhist country finally recovered its peace.

Yueji led Maitreya and others to go to zhugaruo to repair the big hole that was blasted out.

Anyan then rushed to straighten up the medicine field, even thinking and reciting these two little girls were also interested in helping to catch the insects.

Xue an and Yue Cha are standing on the iron pillar left behind in the distance, talking quietly.

"Seriously, it's the first time I've found out that you have such a talent for acting." He brake light voice way.

Xue an faint smile, "still can't, because you already see."

He brake shook his head, "your performance can be said to be seamless, even I was nearly cheated."

"And how do you see that?"

"It's very simple. How can the magnificent red lotus immortal not know the magical effect of the magic charm Koi?"

"No wonder you monks are crafty. It's true."

Xue an chuckles a few times, and then looks at an Yan who is busy in the distant medicine field, light way.

"In fact, I'm not cheating, but coaxing! After all As long as I pretend to be stupid, I can win the whole day's happiness of this silly girl. Why should I not do it? "

He was silent. After a long time, he sighed: "is this the so-called love between men and women?"

"Yes, envy?"

He brake shook his head, "I just feel trouble!"

"Cut, you seem to be so lofty."

"There is no Buddha in the south. I am a noble monk!"

"What about Yingluo? You don't even want to cultivate for the sake of your previous life. It's still called Qinggao? "

"I was just fulfilling a wish. It doesn't mean that I can understand the love between men and women."

"You monks, when it comes to reasoning, you always have a set of principles."

Speaking of this, Xue an and Yue Cha looked at each other and then laughed at the same time.

"Seriously, how's your injury?" Xue an asked in a deep voice.

"That's it. I can't die for the time being, but it can't be cured."

"Does Yingluo know?"

He shook his head.

Xue an sighed, "when are you going to hide it from her?"

He brake or shook his head, and then quietly spit out three words.

"Follow the fate!"

"Go with the fate. What I hate most is that you monks use this excuse to cover up their cowardice." Xue an suddenly became a little excited.

But Yue Cha just slightly bitter smile, "that does not follow the fate and how?"

Xue an also can't help silence, and finally sighed, and then gently patted Yue brake's shoulder.

"If you can hold on, you must bite your teeth and hold on. When I return to the position of immortal, there should be a way to save you!"

"Well!" He brake heavy key nodded, "don't worry, in order to see you ascend the immortal position again, I will also gnash teeth to wait for that day!"

Xue an suddenly stepped back a few steps, his face became a little strange.

"Well, I just take you as my friend. Don't think about it!"

Yue Cha is slightly a Leng, immediately understood what Xue an said, can't help crying and laughing and said: "can you be serious?"

"Hey hey, how much money is serious worth? Go first. I'm going to coax my wife. Goodbye

After that, Xue an jumped up and flew to the distant field of medicine.

Yue Cha is quietly looking at Xue an's back, the tired color in the deep eyes is more and more thick, and finally whispered: "thank you!"

He is very clear that Xue an just gagged, is not want to let his topic too heavy.

With Xue an now far better than his own strength, but also can take care of his own feelings, yuecha how can not be moved.

But he didn't know whether he could survive until Xue an returned to xianzun.

Because he can clearly feel that his life is a little bit towards the end.

At this time, Xue an fell into the field of medicine.

"Yan'er, are you tired? Let me come!"

said Xue an would take the shovel of Ann's hand.

"No, how can I be tired of this job?" An Yan wiped the sweat on his forehead, then asked with a smile.

"Husband, what did you say to Yue Cha just now?"

"Oh, nothing, just talking about the growth of these medicinal fields!"

At the mention of medicine field, an Yan can't help but get excited.

"Husband, do you think that the medicine fields I opened up will help the coming catastrophe?"

"Of course Xue an nodded seriously, "it's not only helping, it's really helping!"

"With these herbs, we can refine countless pills, and these pills can save countless lives. What do you mean?"Hearing Xue an's words, the brilliance in an Yan's eyes can't help but become more and more intense.

"I will say that these herbs will certainly help. Then I will open up a field of tens of thousands of Mu to save time and not enough time to use them."

As soon as this saying was said, the ball that was spitting bubbles and fertilizing in the distance almost didn't fall from the air, and then Chong Anyan, who was wronged infinitely, moaned.

The meaning is very clear.

That is, don't add any more. If you add more, I will become a bubble maker.

And that is when the whole pure land Buddhist country is actively preparing for the future catastrophe.

The three strong ones were all destroyed, and the news of the death of Hua Wuyu, the leader of Qianhe palace, was also like a hurricane.

The news spread, and the heavens shook.

"What? Then xue'an appeared and got entangled with the pure land Buddha? "

"Not only that, but he also brought a mysterious army in armor. Its combat effectiveness was extremely terrible. It was a total killing machine!"

At that time, when the three powerful sects attacked the pure land Buddhist kingdom, some people watched from a distance through the method of water mirror. Therefore, some people saw the blurred images sent back at that time through this channel.

Naturally, he was also shocked by the terrible fighting power shown by the fire phoenix people.

"This can be regarded as stabbing the hornet's nest. The emperor's palace, xuanming mausoleum and many other sects had been struggling to find Xue an's whereabouts. Now he not only appears, but also destroys many of the followers of the two clans. This adds an invisible hatred. It is estimated that the next two main gates will gather people and horses to attack the pure land Buddhist kingdom!" Some people gloated.

This view also represents the ideas of many people.

After all, Xue an is no longer a provocation this time, but a direct and open challenge to the authority of the two major sects.

If the emperor's palace and xuanming mausoleum can't make a reasonable response to this, then the prestige will really be swept away.

Sure enough.

The two main gates began to surge in the dark tide, and the others were also moved by the wind.

But when the wind and rain are about to come.


There was another extremely strong news, which shocked everyone.

At that time, the woman named Jian Qi, who has been promoted to Jian No. 3, openly challenged Li Jingxing, the leader of the sword palace! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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