Because at the moment, an Yan is standing beside him.

She first looked at the letter, and then looked at Xue an meaningfully.

Xue an was embarrassed by the twinkling eyes.

"Er Yan'er, listen to me quibble for you Oh, no, no, no! It's an explanation. "

But Anyan didn't listen down at all, but said lightly: "don't explain. Now pack up your things. I'll go to the sword palace with you to watch the battle!"

Xue an is silent for a moment, then nods helplessly.


This time, Xue an's departure was silent.

Because the situation in the sky is extremely tense now, if only Xue an himself, it doesn't matter.

But Anyan insisted on going with her. In order to ensure her safety, Xue an did not make any publicity. She simply told Cheng Hao, the captain of Yueji and huofenghuang, a few words, and then prepared to leave with a low profile

of course, Anyan wants to go, and the two girls naturally follow.

Since the two little girls follow, Xiaosha and zhangxiaoyu will not fall.

But this time they couldn't get into Fubao building.

Because the magic ball needs to stay in the pure land of Buddhism to irrigate the tens of thousands of mu of medicinal fields.

So Xue an simply asked them to change their appearance a little, and then they took an ordinary star boat to drive to the sword palace.

It can be said that the star region of sword palace is very far away from the pure land of Buddhism, but because of the abundant time, Xue an did not rush on his way, but let the star boat gallop in the void.

Because recently, Xue an has been running around in the sky, hardly resting.

So just take advantage of this rare leisure time to accompany two little girls.

Speaking of, if the two little girls are divided according to the age of the earth, they are already over ten years old.

But because of their own talent is too strong, resulting in the growth of two little girls is far slower than ordinary people.

Now it looks like a seven or eight year old girl.

But Xue an knows that no matter how slow the growth is, children will grow up sooner or later.

Therefore, in order not to leave regret, Xue an will accompany the children as much as possible.

Like now.

Xue an will be serious with the two girls under the Gobang.

In fact, with Xue an's divine sense and calculation ability, this kind of Gobang can win with closed eyes.

But for two daughters happy, Xue an or very "serious" under up.

"Ha ha, Dad, you lost again!" Think about it, clap your hands and laugh.

Niannian came to see it in a hurry.

Sure enough.

On the chessboard, the white pieces belonging to my sister have become five.

"Wow, my sister is so powerful that she actually won Dad!" Reciting is simply a face of exclamation.

Xue an smiles, "yes, it's really great to think about it!"

"Again, but this time we're going to make it a little more complicated." Think about it and say it confidently.

"Oh? How can it be more complicated? " Xue an asked with interest.

"Well, we can't look at the chessboard. We play chess only by dictation, and my sister is responsible for restoring the board according to what we said. Finally, we have to judge whether we win or lose. Is that OK, dad?" Think about it and say it seriously.

One side of the recitation is simply listening to silly, "wow It sounds so complicated! "

Xue an also can't help but slightly a Zheng, immediately looking at his eldest daughter, the face gradually emerged a faint smile.

"Of course I have no problem. The key is how do you come up with these methods?"

"It's because my sister is too stupid to play chess with her. So I play chess with myself in this way." Think about it.

Niannian blushed and murmured softly, "I'm not too stupid. I'm just a little bit stupid..."

Xue an's face smile can not help but more Sheng, "so it is, that good, that father will accompany you to the next set!"

Soon, the two put the chessboard aside and began to play the blind chess orally.

The final result also shocked Xue an.

Because he found that, in the case of a little inattention, he quickly lost the first set.

Think of smiling and saying, "Dad, you lost again, do you still come?"

Xue an took a deep breath, took a deep look at her daughter, and then nodded, "of course I will."

In the second set, Xue an didn't look down on it any more. Instead, he focused on playing chess with him.

But the result is still the same, still lost.

And there's no suspense about losing.

Xue an felt that although he had calculated all the coping strategies, he could always see the flaws in the chess game and easily beat him.

"Are you coming?" Think about it and ask again.Xue an nodded. "Come on

The next three sets, Xue an lost all three sets.

At this time, even an Yan and small sand can't help but get close, looking at with surprise.

After the last game of chess, Xue an was silent and looked at it quietly.

It's a little unclear, so, "Dad, what are you always looking at me for?"

Xue an's face gradually bloomed a smile, "nothing, just some exclamations."

With that, Xue an stood up and came to the porthole.

Naturally, I don't understand Xue an's meaning, but the nature of a child makes her quickly forget these things and play with recitation.

An Yan walked to Xue an's side and said softly, "husband."

"Well." Xue an tou did not return.

"What's the matter with you?" An Yan asked.

Xue an sighed, "nothing, just feel some pressure all of a sudden."

"Pressure? What pressure? " An Yan was a little surprised.

Xue an light way: "Yan'er, who do you think is more talented to think about and recite them?"

"This It should be the same. "

"Tell me the truth."

"It should be Read it An Yan whispered.

Xue an nodded, "I thought so before. After all, it's a natural talent to recite what you say and what you say, but now I'm not so sure! Because... "

"If you think about the computing talent that she's showing now, combined with her peeping talent, it's likely to grow into a terrifying talent."

"What talent?" An Yan can't help but get serious and ask in a deep voice.

"Not a prophet!"

An Yan also can't help but be shocked by Xue an's words, and his voice trembled and asked, "not a prophet?"

Xue an nodded solemnly, "yes!"

An Yan suddenly speechless, and then fell into a deep worry.

Others are worried that their children are not good enough, but Anyan is worried about how to do with their children who are too good.

Because even an Yan can imagine, if you think about the spread of this talent, what kind of storm will be set off in the sky.

After all No one can resist the temptation to foretell the future.

It seems to see an Yan's worry, Xue an sighed: "I just feel the pressure also comes from this, but you don't have to worry too much, after all, with me, they will naturally grow up safely and smoothly."

"As for those who dare to covet their talents..."

Xue an's eyes suddenly flashed a touch of cold to kill, "I will let them understand what is the price of blood." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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