Before in the abyss, Xue an met Jane in the heart who was looking for Li Jingxing's whereabouts.

I didn't expect to see her here again.

But at this time, Jane in the heart, has been trapped in the killing hell before her a world of difference.

Not to mention anything else, just with the awe inspiring sense of the sword on his body is enough to frighten people.

Let alone in front of the sword Palace at this time, under the blessing of the meaning of the supreme sword, which was condensed and gathered by the dozens of generations of sword cultivation for thousands of years, Jane is in the heart like the incarnation of heaven, which makes people dare not look directly at it.

Even Feng Ziming, who was always arrogant and domineering, had to close his mouth and stand there obediently.


Jane's eyes in the heart swept over everyone's face, and then said in a calm and dignified voice: "the sword master has an order, invite everyone to enter the star realm to observe the ceremony."


Hearing this, the audience was boiling, and many people were surprised.

Because no one expected such a good thing to happen.

I thought it would be enough to wait for the news of the war outside the star territory, but I didn't expect to be invited to watch the ceremony. This is a great honor.

Therefore, for a moment, the audience was filled with praise and response.

"Thank you very much

"Thank you for walking with three swords!"

These shouts come and go.

Jane had no expression in her heart. She just took a meaningful look at Feng Ziming, and then said faintly, "you don't have to thank me. It's all the meaning of the sword master. But it's OK to enter the ceremony. If someone wants to make trouble, don't blame the sword in my hand for being merciless."

These words are murderous, and they are obviously for Feng Ziming.

Naturally, Feng Ziming understood this truth, but he didn't attack. Instead, he laughed a few times. He ignored the sword washing old man and turned around and left.

Then, Jane leads the way in front of her heart, and the crowd follows closely, and Qi rushes into the sword palace and star field.

Xue an and others are riding this star boat also mixed in, did not attract anyone's attention, very smoothly into it.


A high platform has been built in this sword palace.

The whole body of this high platform emits soft fluorescence. In the middle of the high platform, there is a flagpole, on which a big flag is flying.

There is a gold sword embroidered on the flag, which shows great momentum and dignity. It is the symbol of the sword palace.

And along the foot of the platform is placed in turn a layer of grandstand.


The stands were full of people who came to watch the ceremony, including many famous swords.

The crowd was talking, apparently talking about the coming war.

"If Jian San wins this battle, then there will be no one in the sky who can stop her from moving forward except the red lotus immortal." Someone sighed.

"Isn't Honglian xianzun a Dharma? How can it be regarded as a sword repair? " Some young people wonder.

"You don't know that. The red lotus immortal statue is unique in both magic and sword, especially the other red lotus sword meaning, which is unique and invincible."

"Wow, is that so good?" The young man listened with rapture.

Suddenly, someone sneered, "ha ha, no matter how fierce it is, you can't live for long. After all, the emperor's palace and xuanming mausoleum are not vegetarian."

All the people nearby were silent.

Because it's beyond what they can discuss.

It was not until a long time later that someone sighed and said, "I'm ashamed to say that we men are actually pressed on our heads by a woman. If the master of sword Li can't stop her this time, we men's sword practitioners will not be able to raise their heads."

Many men nodded their heads.

At this time, Jane leads the crowd to the stands at heart rate.

The new comers made another commotion in the field.

Some of them, who knew each other well, began to shout hello.

But there are still many people who are not good at ordinary times and even have hatred. At this time, they can only glare at each other, but dare not have the slightest action.

Because this is the place of sword palace and star field!

Who dares to make a mistake.

Among them, the most striking one is Feng Ziming, the evil sword master.

I saw him stride forward carelessly, where he passed, everyone gave in, afraid to avoid it.

After all, no one wants to fight a madman.

As for the sword washing old man yebufan and night sky bright, the two grandsons hid in the crowd in gray for fear of attracting other people's attention.


The commotion subsided.

People began to look forward to the war.

Those who can appear here at least are the strong people above daruo. Naturally, they are very patient. Even if they wait for ten days, it is not a matter of matter.But this kind of unbearable boredom and loneliness is very to kill people's will.

So soon someone began to talk in a low voice.

Xue an led the disguised Anyan and his two daughters, as well as the small sand Zhang Xiaoyu and others stood in the stands at the back.

Two little girls got together and whispered something, and from time to time a burst of laughter.

Anyan is chatting with Xiao Sha and Zhang Xiaoyu.

Only Xue stood there quietly.

At this time, a man on his side looked back several times and finally couldn't help asking, "friend, what's up? Do you still bring a large family to watch the party? "

Xue an glanced slightly.

In the eyes of the man, there is a bright and hard-working man.

Xue an couldn't help but smile, "yes, staying at home is also waiting, just taking them out to see the world!"

"Yes, children should exercise like this, otherwise they will become frogs at the bottom of the well if they stay at home all the time."

The man said with a sigh on his face. Then he took out a jade box from his pocket naturally. After opening it, there were long black sticks inside.

"One!" The man handed over one.

Xue an didn't refuse, so he took it directly.

Then it swayed slightly in his mouth, and the end of the stick ignited.

Xue an took a sip, and after slowly spitting out, he could not help saying, "three hundred years of Ganoderma medicine? No, it's also mixed with the fragrance of jade rhinoceros horn

The man put out his thumb with admiration on his face! It's not difficult to extract the fragrance of Ganoderma lucidum herbs, but you are the first to taste the fragrance of jade rhinoceros horn

Xue an smile, "flattered, I am just guessing."

This kind of tobacco like thing that Xue an smokes is actually the tobacco that is popular among the practitioners of the heavens.

It has been very popular because it has the magical effect of calming the mind and relieving depression. It has also become a social means like smoke on the earth.

Like now.

Through the medium of this cigarette, Xue an and the man quickly chatted.

But while they were chatting and laughing, there was a pair of hateful eyes staring at them in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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