With the voice, but see the evil sword venerable Feng Ziming sneering out of the crowd.

The whole scene was quiet, because no one expected that he would actually come out to speak at this time.

Jane's face sank and she was very upset.

When is it the turn of an unrelated outsider to intervene in the affairs of the sword palace?

But as soon as she was about to reprimand her, the letter chuckled at her.

"Miss Jane, please don't be impatient. Since I dare to question, there must be a reason for that!"

Then he raised his head and looked at xue'an with a sinister look on his face.

"Boy, I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Jian San's women, but this is not the place where you should tell me what to do!"

These words are very serious, but Xue an didn't get angry. Instead, he looked at him quietly, and then a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Oh? What are you, then, since you say that I should not be the judge here? "

"Don't talk nonsense, to tell you the truth, since I dare to say this, naturally there is a root. Now go away, otherwise don't blame me for being rude," Feng Zi Ming said.

Xue an was dumbfounded. "I really want to know what gives you the courage to talk to me like this?"

At the end of the speech, a sharp sword suddenly appears in front of Xue an, and then it splits the void and appears directly in front of Feng Zi Ming.

Xue an's intention to kill is so fierce that he has no patience to deal with the evil sword master who jumps out and yells.

Feng Ziming did not expect that Xue an's hand would be so sudden. Before he woke up, the sword had been cut to his neck.

He could even feel the chill of the sharp sword piercing his skin. His heart was throbbing and his eyes were full of panic.

But the next moment, the sword meaning of cutting off Feng Ziming's throat and cutting his head disappeared.

It's actually blocked by a hand.

A clear bony, but as white as a dead man's hand.

I saw this palm lying in front of Feng Ziming's neck, just blocking the meaning of the sword, and then lightly grasped it.


The meaning of the sword disappeared.

And then the whole audience was shocked.

Because right next to Feng Ziming, there was a man in black, with handsome features, but a very pale face.

Nevertheless, his eyes were as chilly as the ghost fire.

At the sight of this man, including Jane in the heart, all the disciples in the sword palace were shocked by one, and then all bowed down to salute.

"See you, elder martial brother!"

The sound shakes in the four fields, making many people color change.

Jiujianxian Linghu Jue's face became very dignified, and then whispered: "the chief disciple of the sword palace, double swords face the sky!"

That's right!

The man in black, who appeared in front of Feng Ziming, is the most legendary disciple of the sword palace. He is also the most powerful successor of Li Jingxing and the future master of burying Jianshan.

The two swords are facing the sky and the sun is shining.

Feng Ziming stepped back and bowed his head respectfully.

Mu Hongxi did not pay attention to Feng Ziming, but quietly felt something, and then a touch of fun appeared on his pale face.

"It's a good sword!"

He slowly raised his head and looked at Xue an.

"But you shouldn't have done anything to my men."

"Oh? Is he your man? " Xue an asked with interest.

"Yes Mu Hongxi laughed and said, "he is my new disciple recently. Do you have any opinion?"

As soon as this was said, the whole audience was shocked.

Even Jane in the heart and others can not help but open their eyes, face incredible color.

Because they didn't hear anything about it before, even the master didn't know about it.

What's more, the master of the evil sword is also a giant in kendo. How could he learn from Mu Hongxi?

It's incredible, isn't it!

But it seems that in order to confirm Mu Hongxi's words, Feng Ziming called respectfully.


This time, the whole audience was in a great uproar.

"What's going on here? The sword palace has always been a decent sect in kendo. Its disciples are carefully selected. If there is a slight defect in their mind, they will be expelled. But how could someone like Ziming be accepted as a disciple this time? Or was it collected by a leader like Mu Hongxi? " The old man who washes the sword says to himself with astonishment at night.

It's not just him, almost everyone can't think of it.

But the facts are in front of them, and they can't help believing it.

Xue an's eyes flashed a touch of different color, immediately then light way: "then what do you want?"

"It's very simple. It's up to the people in the sword palace to make decisions, so You'd better leave before I change my mindMu Hongxi's tone naturally seems to be telling a trivial matter, but the threat implied in it is enough to frighten people.

There was also silence.

Because no matter from which angle to think, what Mu Hongxi said is very reasonable.

After all, he is the leader and disciple of the sword palace. Now that the master of the sword is closed, it is quite reasonable for him to take charge of the sword palace.

In contrast, no matter how powerful the young man in white is, his name is not right and his words are not smooth.

Jane had a tangled look on her heart's face, for she did not know whether she should speak out her suspicions.

In fact, up to now, she has not been sure whether this young man in white is the person she thinks.

Now, in order to avoid the trouble, Xue an has been hiding his face.

So Jane just felt that the smell of the white boy was very familiar, but she didn't dare to make a final decision.


Even if it is really the red lotus immortal, what can it do?

After all, the elder martial brother is the legal successor of the sword palace!

Thinking of this, Jane sighed in her heart and closed her mouth.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly chuckled, and then the laughter became more and more big, and finally the whole platform began to shake slightly.

The cold light flashed in Mu Hongxi's eyes.

Feng Ziming, the Venerable Master of the evil sword, was even more furious. Then he stepped forward, raised his hand and roared, "what are you laughing at?"

The laughter gradually converged, and then Xue an stood down and looked down coldly at Mu Hongxi.

"What you said is very reasonable. Of course, the people of the sword Palace should be in charge of the affairs of the sword palace, but do you know who I am?"

Mu hung Xi shook his head. "I don't know, I don't want to know, because you are not important at all. Even if you are strong enough, the sword palace has the final say, not you!"

"Well said!" Xue an gently clapped his hands, and then looked at Mu Hongxi with a smile. Suddenly, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

"But what if I was the real man in the sword palace, and you were just a liar in vain?"

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