As the previous owners of the xuanming mausoleum have said, this underground palace is unknown from where or who built it.

naturally generates many worlds, such as bubbles, which are packed in layers.

But Xue an breaks through the void all the way, and finds that there is no way out of the world.

It can be seen that the passage to the sky is likely to be hidden in this world.

At this point, Xue an's eyes flashed, and then the majestic mind surged out, but the whole world was covered in a snap.

Such a powerful mind, as well as the top-level control like an arm and a finger, shocked the zombies transformed by the mausoleum owners of the past dynasties, and then carefully stepped back a few steps to get a little farther away from Xue an.

This scene was also seen by the swordsmen.

In fact, many people have been very interested in these zombies from the beginning.

Especially those who are younger are more curious.

The night sky light can't help but ask his grandfather in a low voice, "grandfather, what is the existence of these thugs who come with Lord Xue? Why does it look strange? "

The zombies took a deep look at them, and then took a deep look at them.

"If I guess correctly, these people should be the masters of xuanming mausoleum in the past dynasties!"

"What? You mean Are they all dead? "

Ye Bufan nodded, "yes!"

"Then how can they move?" The night sky is just a face muddled.

"This one Naturally, I'm going to ask Mr. Xue! "

Speaking of this, ye Bufan can't help but look at Xue an, who is searching for the whole world with his mind in the distance. His eyes are full of amazement.

Because he really can't imagine how Xue an convinced the masters of the xuanming mausoleum, and even made them obediently use them, and even turned to deal with xuanming mausoleum.

Is it true that Lord Xue subdued all the mausoleum owners of the past dynasties with his own strength?

This thought that the night was extraordinary, and the spirit shivered, and his eyes toward Xue an became more and more awed.

Because if this is true, it clearly shows that Xue an's strength has reached a fantastic state.

Is it possible that He's back on the throne?

Just when ye Bufan was standing here, Xue an suddenly opened her eyes and said in a cold voice, "come with me!"

After that, he turned into a streamer and flew to the deep darkness. Naturally, all the sword practitioners followed him.

The zombies looked at each other, and then they followed.

Although it is said that innumerable worlds have been created naturally in the underground palace, the scale of the world cannot be compared with that of the real world.

As a matter of fact, the largest underground palace world that Xue an had ever seen was similar to the moon.

For Xue an, this distance was only a flash away.

Can never expect, when Xue an LED people to the depths of the time, but enough time to fly a cup of tea.

And even after flying for such a long time, there is still nothing in front of me.

This time, even the sword practitioners also noticed the difference.

"What's the matter? How do I feel the slower I fly? " The night sky bright some words of astonishment.

Not only he, but also many sword practitioners have found this phenomenon.

"It's not that the speed is slowing down, but the space around is becoming stagnant." The night is not uncommon, the face is dignified the light voice speech.

Linghu Jue could not help nodding, "yes, I can feel that we are like entering a ball of glue, and the surrounding space is slowing down our speed!"

But just when the people were in a turmoil, Xue an's face was as heavy as water, without a word, still flying to the deep.

Because he could feel that just as he was searching, the strange void that God had captured was just ahead of him.

But with the deepening of the flight, the sense of stagnation from the surrounding environment became more and more intense, and even slowed down the speed of people by at least 30%.

Just when people feel more and more difficult, Xue an suddenly drinks a light, and there is a sword light across his eyebrows.


The light of the sword, like thunder, blew up most of the void.

People feel that the chest is smooth, before that kind of stagnation and suffocation feeling has slowed down a lot.

But this is just the beginning. I can see the sword light pouring down like the Milky way of nine days.


The darkness in front of him was like a huge curtain, which was split in two and then turned into nothing.

Then the scene appeared in front of the public, which shocked everyone.

In a dark red void, there are many blood vessels of different thickness.

These blood vessels are deeply buried in the void, and seem to be constantly absorbing something, and the little bit of light is transported to the center of the center.And the core, along with the blood delivery and slightly beating, as if It's like a heart.

"This What's going on? How can the heart appear in the void Some people were astonished and said to themselves.

And in the eyes of these zombies, there is a thick color of fear.

Xue an stood in front of the dark red void, staring at the heart coldly.

Although far apart, he could still feel the evil power in this heart.

And every time it beats, the evil power will increase.

This is enough to make the scalp numb.

Because nobody knows what it's going to turn out to be.

But one thing is certain. This should be the gateway to the sky.


He takes a deep breath and takes a deep breath.

Senleng's sword fell from the sky, as if to cut the whole world in two.

But it was such a powerful sword that it failed to shake the heart.

Because at the moment when the sword fell into the dark red void, the heart trembled slightly.

Then there are countless blood vessels pulled out from the void, waved like a whip for a few times, and then pulled toward the sword light.


Although the sword was extremely powerful, it was still smashed under this blow.

Not only that, these blood vessels are like tentacles, and they all jump at xue'an.

Under the attack of the front, there are many blood vessels quietly appear behind Xue an, trying to sneak attack.

"Oh, my God, this heart has wisdom The night sky could not help but exclaim.

The hearts of all the swords were also raised to their voices.

Because no one has ever seen such a strange existence.

But at this time, only listen to Xue an slightly sneer.

"Is that all? Then you are too weak

He said, but saw Xue an step down.


Under one foot, the void vibrates. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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