The pure land of Buddhism.

Since Xue an left, the place has been under close guard.

Because Yueji, Maitreya and others all know that the sealed copper door in the pure land Buddha kingdom is related to the life and death of the whole heaven, and it must not be taken lightly.

Therefore, every day, there are many great Buddhists with profound accomplishments who patrol around the border of the Buddhist kingdom, in order to prevent the evil minded people from approaching and ensure the safety of the whole pure land Buddhist kingdom.

Today, of course, is no exception. It is Zhongtong, the senior brother of Dingchan temple, and his two younger brothers Yuantong and Huitong who are sent out to patrol.

After hearing that, the three of them could not help but feel relieved.

"Two elder martial brothers, seeing that the time of seal failure is getting closer and closer, when do you think the Lord will come back?"

"Huitong, don't ask what you shouldn't ask. It's not something you should worry about." Senior brother Zhongtong said lightly.

Yuantong also hesitated. "In fact, it's not surprising that Huitong has such doubts. Recently, I always feel scared. It seems that something bad is going to happen. Moreover, the Lord has been there for some time, and it's almost time to come back!"

When Zhongtong heard that he was silent, he didn't think so.

After all, Xue an is the backbone of the whole Pure Land Buddhism.

He has not been heard from for such a long time, which really makes people worried.

But soon he took a long breath, "OK, the Lord must have his own consideration. Let's guard the Pure Land Buddhism and wait for the Lord's return!"

Huitong shriveled his mouth, then he didn't dare to speak.

As they were preparing to continue their patrol, they suddenly saw a bright light in the void outside of zhugaro.

Three people is a Leng, spin even if raised vigilance, full of vigilance to do a good job of prevention.

Then Zhongtong stepped forward and cheered in a cold voice: "who? This is the forbidden area of Buddhism. Please get out of the way

The sound went straight to the distant light with the power of dragon and elephant.

This is also the intention of Zhongtong, in order to frighten the curfew and make them retreat.

But then he heard a smile coming from the light.

"Yes, I'm very alert! But you don't even know me? "

With the voice, but see this light quickly fly to the front of zhuocara, and then stand still body shape, appeared inside the figure.

When they saw the familiar face, the three people could not help but fell to the ground in surprise.

"I've met the master!"

That's right!

It was Xue an.

Looking at Zhongtong Yuantong and Huitong who knelt down on the ground, Xue an waved his hand with a smile, "OK, let's all get up. Why be so polite."

The three of them just got up, and then stood respectfully with their hands down.

"What's the situation in the Buddhist kingdom recently?" Xue an light way.

"If you go back to the Lord, everything is well in the Buddhist kingdom. The bronze gate is guarded by my master Yueji and others. There is no change!" Zhongtong said immediately.

When he heard the word "Tongmen", Xue an's eyes flashed slightly, and then nodded, "good, you're doing well!"

After being praised by the leader, Zhongtong and Yuantong are trembling with excitement. There is no doubt about him.

Then he bowed himself and said, "master, do you want me to inform the master and others now to let them come out to meet you?"

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "No, they are all busy. Don't bother them. Just take me in!"

"Yes Yuantong and Zhongtong answered the promise quickly, then stepped aside and made way for a road.

But Huitong did not move, but stood in the same place, looking at Xue an with some doubts, as if thinking about something.

Seeing this scene, Zhongtong quickly pulled it aside, and then whispered: "Huitong, what's the matter with you? What are you standing there staring at? "

Huitong didn't say a word, just quietly watching Xue an walking into zhuocara, the color of doubt in his eyes can't help but become more and more heavy.

Just at this time, Xue an even felt something, turned to look at him for a while, and then a smile.

"What's the matter? What can I do for you

Huitong was shocked and lowered his head.

One side of Yuantong quickly said: "master, Huitong may be a little silly to see you back! Yes

With that, Yuantong secretly pushed his younger martial brother.

Huitong a slight shock, immediately low should be a sound.

Xue an takes a meaningful look at Huitong, laughs, and then turns away.

Seeing that he was gone, Yuantong took a long breath, then leaned to Huitong's ear and whispered, "what are you doing? How strange? "Huitong looks at Xue Anyuan's back with complicated eyes, then shakes his head, "nothing, maybe I'm wrong!"

"Let's go! You're just cranking all day

With that, Yuantong and Zhongtong rushed to catch up.

Huitong, however, stood in the same place, frowning and puzzled, "am I really wrong?"

With all kinds of doubts in mind, Huitong finally followed up and planned to see what happened.

At the same time, when Xue an entered the pure land of Buddhism, all the Buddhists were delighted and praised where he passed, and then knelt down to the ground.

"Welcome the leader!"

"The leader is back!"

These shouts of surprise came one after another.

Xue an also smiles and nods frequently.

Soon, he came to the hinterland of the pure land of Buddhism.

After seeing the endless field of medicine, Xue an's pupils contracted slightly, but his smile remained unchanged.

"What a busy scene!"

After hearing the news, Yueji and Maitreya arrived.

"I've seen the leader!" The crowd saluted one after another.

Xue an nodded with a smile, but his eyes passed the crowd.

"Why is there one less person?"

Yue Ji immediately said, "master, my younger martial brother Yue Cha is guarding the gate, so he can't come here!"

"Oh Xue an nodded, "so it is. Let's go and have a look now. I'll check the seal on the copper door, too!"

"Yes They are just about to start.

Just at this time, the magic talisman ball, which is responsible for fertilizing the endless field of medicine, just arrived.

Xue an looked at the ball with a smile, but the ball, which should have rushed forward to meet him, retreated a few steps in fear at the moment, then flashed and left.

Such an episode did not attract other people's attention, only the little monk Huitong saw it in his eyes, and then his doubts became more intense.

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