Looking back, all of them looked back.

Xue an's face was gradually gloomy, "Oh? Why can't you open it? "

"Because Because... " In the face of Xue an's question, Yingluo grabs her ears anxiously and suddenly turns her eyes.

"Because I have a hunch that once the seal is opened, something very bad will happen!"

These words caused a stir in the whole room.

Xue an, in particular, showed a strange color, "Oh? Bad things, what bad things? "

"Well Oh, it's a bad thing if you ask so clearly what to do Yingluo said impatiently.

But Xue an cast his eyes to the side of Yue Cha and said faintly, "Yue Cha, is that what you mean?"

Yue Cha immediately stepped forward, palms together, "of course not!"

With that, he turned his head and looked at Yingluo. Then he said in a low voice, "Yingluo, don't make a fool of yourself!"

Yingluo couldn't help but get angry. "I'm not fooling around. I really have a very ominous premonition."

Xue an snorted coldly, turned around and left.

At this time, Cha Yue said, "you can't go back, but you can't go back very fast."

After that, he turned to go.

In the face of the incomprehension, Yingluo almost cried, and finally summoned up the courage to shout.

"Uncle fool, don't you see that this guy is fake?"

This remark shocked the whole audience.

Yue Cha is Huo Ran to turn round more, "what do you say?"

At this time, Yingluo simply gave up, raised her hand to "xue'an" in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "from the first sight, I felt that something was wrong with him, and the following behaviors confirmed my conjecture that he was not xue'an at all, but something else pretending to be him!"

The whole room was quiet.

All the people, including Yueji and Maitreya, looked at it with astonishment.

Because no one expected such a big turning point.

He Cha is to lift Mou to see to Xue an more, the eye is full of the color of amazement and doubt.

"Teach The archdeacon... "

Yue Cha just want to continue to say, but never thought, Xue an but directly interrupted his words.

He said with a sneer, "why? Just a few words of nonsense from a young yellow haired girl, and you start to doubt me? "

"You're a wet blanket, you're a yellow haired girl!" At this time, Yingluo had no more scruples, so she started to splash.

Xue an's eyes were cold, and then she said: "little girl, I don't care with you first. You say I'm fake. What's the evidence?"

With that, Xue an stepped forward, and the momentum around her body was surging, and a red lotus loomed between her eyebrows.

"Appearance can be fake, can momentum be fake?"


Whether it's the silence of the moon or the brake of the moon, people can't help nodding to themselves.

It's not a fool's eye that can judge whether a person is true or false, but whether he is a fool.

At the moment, the breath of this person really belongs to Honglian xianzun.

This is also the reason why everyone didn't notice anything strange, but little monk Huitong and Yingluo felt strange.

Because their cultivation is still shallow, they can't distinguish a person's momentum through their mind, and it's because of this that they can see the fog hidden in the truth.

That's what the onlookers see.

Speaking of this, we must have guessed that the man standing in the pure land of Buddhism at the moment is not Xue an, but is disguised by the evil thing outside Heaven.

At that time, the evil creature, after the failure of its plan to ambush qiuyiye and try to seize her skin, immediately hid in the void.

Because he was scared.

Who could have thought that the Jian Xiu in this small puddle would be so fierce that he even killed his accomplice.

If you don't run fast, you may even have to explain yourself there.

Although he escaped by chance, the evil creature knew that the failure of the plan also meant the exposure of his whereabouts.

Soon, the news of his presence in the sky will spread, and by that time, all parties will be on guard.

Therefore, if you want to complete the task, you must seize the time and come before the news spreads to the Pure Land Buddhism, otherwise you will lose all your previous achievements.

Therefore, he almost arrived at the pure land of Buddhism without stopping, but he did not expect that he was about to succeed, but there was such an episode.

At the moment, in the face of this evil thing's question, Yingluo didn't panic at all, but said calmly.

"I don't know what momentum is not. Now I just ask you, why didn't you come?""Ha ha, I have already said the reason before. They were delayed because of some trifles, so they didn't come back for the time being!"

"Oh? What trivialities are they? " Yingluo asked calmly.

This behavior also made everyone calm down, as if there was a magic power in little Lori.

Little monk Huitong looks at Yingluo's back with a full face of worship, because Yingluo's look at the moment is too SA.

This evil thing didn't take Yingluo seriously at first, but her eyes couldn't help showing anger under her questioning step by step.

"What? Do you still want to question me? "

If you are not willing to cross examine yourself, I will ask you the truth

These words made the evil thing who was going to stir up the flames speechless.

Because what Yingluo said is really reasonable. If she resolutely refuses to answer at the moment, she seems guilty.

So he could only look at Yingluo coldly, "what do you want to know?"

Yingluo said in a cold voice, "it's very simple. Why didn't they come back?"

"Because Yan'er can't be separated from the sword palace, they can only wait there with her. When things are finished, they will come back naturally? Is there a problem? " Evil thing cold voice says.

At this time, even the most stupid people, but also aware of the "Xue an" body strange.

Because Xue an used to speak in such a tone.

But the problem is that the momentum of this evil thing is so similar that it can be confused with the real.

So people can only look at this evil thing suspiciously.

Cheng Hao quietly winked at the people behind him. The people of the fire phoenix special forces immediately dispersed and surrounded the evil thing with a fixed look.

"I'll ask you again, what are their nicknames?"

Little Yingluo asked again.

The evil object's eyes finally showed anger, because he had already felt the hostility from Yueji and others.

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