At the bottom of the pure land of Buddhism is an endless void.

At the moment, in this void, suddenly there is a flash of light, it is in the back to catch up with the evil thing of Yue cha.

At the moment, he had already run to the scene of a cup of tea, but still did not see the trace of the evil thing.

It didn't stop him from getting more and more impatient.

Because every extra second of delay in time will increase the probability of an accident at Tongmen by one point, and Yingluo's life will also be seriously threatened.

That's why he flew to the void.


A huge copper door appeared in front of it, and in front of it stood the evil thing disguised as Xue an.

Yue brake immediately stopped.

And this evil thing after seeing Yue Cha, can't help but smile, "you come quite quickly, it seems that this little girl is very important to you!"

In its words is full of strong confidence and indifference, it is creepy.

Because this tone gives people the feeling that a cat is talking to a mouse under its paw, full of fun and cruelty.

Yue Cha's pupil instantly shrinks to the size of the needle tip, because he sees, beside this evil thing, there is a strange flower suddenly suspended.

The petals are as red as blood, full of ominous meaning, and the stamens are like black vines, firmly binding a person.

Yue Cha took a deep breath, and his voice trembled with a cry, "Yingluo..."

That's right!

It is the Yingluo that is bound in this strange flower.

At the moment, her eyes are closed, her face is pale, and there is no breath fluctuation around her, as if Dead!

Since he was a child, yuecha has been a member of the Dingchan temple. He is gifted and courageous, so he has a profound cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism at a young age. Otherwise, he could not have become friends with Xue an and taught him many Buddhist secrets.

But no matter how firm the state of mind, how profound cultivation, when see in front of this behind the scenes, Yue Cha or in an instant broke the work.

His eyes were about to crack, and he was staring at the evil thing, "what did you do to Yingluo? What's the matter with her? "

Evil thing Jie strange smile, then stretch out a hand to lightly hook a finger, this strange flower then flew near.

Then he stretched out his hand and ran his fingers slowly across Yingluo's cheek. "Don't worry, I didn't do anything to her. Now she's just in a temporary coma."

Yue Cha smell speech this just slightly relaxed tone, but evil thing next words but make him leave of anger.

See this evil thing full face evil cunning of say.

"How can I kill such a young good embryo so easily? She's bad for me. I'll take it back with interest! So

The evil thing suddenly began to laugh, "you know, many adults like this one very much, so as long as you take her back and present it to you, you will surely get rich rewards from adults! What do you think of that? "

He Cha whole body gold light such as boil, in the eyes is to show infinite kill idea, then a word a way: "let go of her!"

However, the evil things were not moved at all. Instead, they laughed and said, "aren't you the most compassionate Buddhists? Why is there such a strong intention to kill at the moment? "

Yue Cha doesn't speak, just stares at this evil thing.

If eyes can kill people, this evil thing has obviously died countless times.

However, the evil thing laughed more and more wildly. "Tut Tut, the monk is killing for a little girl. Is that what you Buddhism call cutting off the world of mortals?"

"I said, let her go!" Yue brake eyes cold as ice, once again a word said.

The evil thing seemed to have not heard the same, cast the vision to the distance, light way: "come again!"

Then, there is another light flying to Maitreya.

When he saw this behind the scenes in front of the copper door, his face could not help being dignified.

Then the evil thing began to laugh strangely, "Jie Jie, there's another monk. What's the matter? For you, too, little girl? It seems that this little girl It's really popular

The tone is extremely obscene. Maitreya, as a master of esoteric school, can't help but face such a thing. He says in a cold voice: "let her go, I can't kill you!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" The evil creature gave an exaggerated shout, but the palm of his hand suddenly reached out to Yingluo, and then his five fingers turned into sharp daggers, which stood on Yingluo's throat.

Then the evil thing said fiercely: "you'd better find out who you're talking to now, otherwise, I can't guarantee that this little girl can still stand in front of you in good condition with such a beautiful face. If you lose some parts, it's a pity!"

While speaking, the evil thing's fingers trembled slightly, and directly pierced the skin on Yingluo's throat.

A drop of blood came out in an instant, and Yingluo woke up with a cry.When she saw the evil things in front of her and the yuecha and Maitreya in the distance, she instantly understood what had happened, and then said with a calmness beyond her peers: "uncle, don't worry about me, kill this monster first!"

He was as deep as water and didn't say a word.

But the evil thing laughed.

"Tut Tut, it's more and more interesting! Yes? Do you think death will solve all problems? I tell you, it's no use. Even if you die, I will take back your spirit and offer it to the adults who are good at it. At that time, your spirit will suffer eternal torment and can't get rid of it. How about that? Does it feel good? "

This made Yingluo's little face white.

At her age, although she is far more mature than her peers, and even not afraid of life and death, she is still a child after all.

When she heard the terrible scene described by this evil creature, she could not help shaking, and her big eyes were covered with water mist for the first time.

But the more she was like this, the more excited the evil creature was.

Just at this time, listen to Yue Cha suddenly say: "I can replace her!"


The evil things and the Yingluo look around.

Yue Cha's palms were folded and he said calmly, "no matter how beautiful she is, she's just an ordinary human girl, and I'm the top monk in the pure land Buddhist kingdom, so I think my value should be much greater than her!"

Said, Yue Cha raised his head and quietly looked at this evil thing, "and now I am willing to replace her to bear the pain you said!"

Yingluo stares at the peaceful Yue Cha with tears in her eyes.

Evil thing is in a Leng after, suddenly strange laugh up, "good! What an affectionate monk, but the problem is that she's just an ordinary woman. I can say that she's handy, and you're the top Buddhist monk. If you're a little strange... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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