At this time, however, Xue an took another step forward and said faintly, "the light shines all over the place, breaking all the misery and darkness!"


The immeasurable golden light poured down like a torrential rain and directly occupied the whole void.

Where it passes, the darkness disappears quickly and is replaced by endless light.

Then he heard the evil creature howl in pain, because when the golden light reached his body, it melted away like ice and snow under the hot sun, which made all physical means helpless.

In the blink of an eye, it was as high as ten thousand feet of the body will melt more than half, the only body is also rapidly dissipating.

The great pain and the fear of death make this evil creature extremely crazy.

"Ah, Xue, I curse you and all the people around you. Your end will be like those Chinese people. There is no place to die!"

As soon as these words came out, Xue an's color changed in a flash, and then came to the evil thing's front, and roared.

"What did you say? What's the matter with those Chinese people? "

"Ha ha ha ha, do you want to know? But I won't tell you, just wait for that day to come The evil thing is ferocious and laughing wildly, and its body is collapsing rapidly.

Xue an scattered the golden light, at the same time, he reached into the body of the evil object, trying to grab its spirit to grab the memory.

But it's too late.

Xue an's hand just reached into the body of the evil thing, and the evil thing completely collapsed.

All of a sudden, a bright almost white light exploded, and then the whole void returned to silence.

Maitreya narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the air again.

Xue an stands in silence.

From Maitreya's point of view, we can only see Xue an's back, but it is such a thin back, which makes Maitreya's heart a little sad.

Because he felt that this thin shadow seemed to be carrying an endless burden, which made people just want to be silent.

Although Yingluo didn't feel so much, she could also feel the difference of Xue an at the moment.

This does not prohibit her to close her mouth,

at this time, Xue an's head also does not return light way: "these things you all know, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, Yue Qinghuan's figure appeared beside Xue an, then nodded gently, "that's right!"

Xue an turned his head and looked at the girl, who had become a fan of history, unknown background, and even unknown strength. Her eyes were as bright as snow.

"What did he say about the Chinese before he died?"

In the face of Xue an's almost boiling power, Yue Qinghuan just chuckled, and then said, "do you think I will tell you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue an's figure appeared in front of her, and the surrounding void was completely blocked by the majestic mind.

"Do you think I'll let you go if you don't say it?"

In the face of Xue an's aggressive power, Yue Qinghuan had a strange look on his face.

There is anger and sneer, but it is more fun and appreciation.

"What? Want to use strong

This sentence from such a beautiful fairy like girl's mouth, it is very easy to think crooked.

Especially when she said this, the color of teasing in her eyes could make people with a little less determination unable to hold it on the spot.

But Xue an was silent and uninvited.

Yue Qinghuan sighed, "in fact, it's not that I don't want to tell you. It's really that this matter can't be mentioned to you now. You don't want to make those who survived suffer from the disaster."

Xue an's face was full of thinking. Then he just looked at Yue Qinghuan and said slowly, "not now. When can I do that?"

"It's very simple. When you are entitled to the truth, I will tell you naturally!" Yue Qinghuan also rarely did not tease, but very seriously responded.

Because Xue an's mind blocked the void around him, Maitreya and others could not hear these words. If they heard these words, they would be shocked.

Because the once immortal master, now the quasi Immortal Emperor, is like an ordinary person in Yue Qinghuan's mouth, and even has no qualification to listen.

It's incredible.

"Then what is qualification?"

"Like..." Yue Qinghuan suddenly mischievous vomit tongue, "won this war?"

Xue an's eyes flashed. Even though he was no longer talking nonsense, he withdrew the idea of covering the void. Then he turned and looked at the copper door, his face as indifferent as water.

Yue Qinghuan could not help but let out a breath.

To tell you the truth, although she was very relaxed just now, she was also very nervous.

After all, Xue an is more mysterious and terrible than she imagined.

Even she couldn't see through Xue an's bottom line.This makes Yue Qinghuan feel as if he is a deep ocean. There may be unimaginable power under the calm surface.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and looked at the copper door in the distance with a smile. "Tut Tut, it's a seal made of the whole life of a quasi immortal level strong man. No wonder it can seal and lock the entrance, but it doesn't seem to last long!"

As Yue Qinghuan said, because of the disturbance of this evil thing, the sutras based on all the cultivation of Buddha are mottled, and some of them are even beginning to blur.

This is a sign that the seal is gradually failing.

Xue an watched quietly, "yes, it really can't last long!"

In fact, because of this toss, the seal that could have lasted for ten years can only last for three years at most.

This is virtually equivalent to shortening the time by nearly half.

One can imagine the pressure it represents.

But Xue an just picked an eyebrow, and then went on to say, "but that's enough!"

Looking at Xue an's resolute side face, Yue Qinghuan's eyes were full of splendor, and a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

In fact, this guy seems to be good. Although he is weak in strength, he is much better in character than those guys with noble background, at least not so dandy and arrogant.

If this is.

Just then, Yue Qinghuan suddenly shook his head to stop him from thinking about it again.

Because to her, it was ridiculous.

It's impossible.

That is, when Yue Qinghuan was daydreaming, a cry came from the distance.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

Then she heard Yingluo cry hysterically: "Mr. Xue, have a look, uncle fainted!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Xue an's people rushed to Yingluo.

Right now.

Yingluo kneels on the ground, holding the head of yuecha with tears on her face.

And on her chest and hands, there was a lot of red blood.

And along the mouth and nose of Yue Cha, blood is still gushing out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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