After hearing this, Yingluo's eyes began to fade with the speed visible to the naked eye.

But suddenly, as if she had made up her mind, she suddenly raised her head and said firmly.

"Teach me Buddhism, I will find a way to save you in three years!"

Yue Cha was stunned, then he wanted to laugh.

Because no matter how you listen to it, it's impossible.

But when he saw the blazing and seriousness in Yingluo's eyes, he couldn't laugh any more.

Then he reached out and touched Yingluo's head, sighing.

"Fool, how can this Buddhist practice be so simple, and even Xue an can't do anything about my injuries, let alone you?"

This time, Yingluo broke away from him and said firmly: "Mr. Xue is Mr. Xue, I am me. He can't find a way, which doesn't mean I can't find it. As long as you are willing to teach me, I believe I can do it!"

Yue Cha can't help but also be affected by the firmness in Yingluo's tone, and seriously nods, "OK, then I'll teach you!"


When the two of them go out from the void, the moon is still quiet, and people immediately gather around, looking at Yue Cha with concern.

Especially Yueji, as a senior brother, naturally he is extremely concerned about his younger brother's injury.

Although it seems that everything is as usual on the surface, but after a careful examination, the heart of the month is quickly sinking to the bottom.

"Yue cha..."

He just wanted to say something, Yue Cha shook his head at him with a smile, and then folded his palms together, "I've seen elder martial brother!"

The month stillness sees, had to swallow all words back.

The storm ended in such an unexpected way.

But all the people couldn't relax.

Because we all know about the seal of the bronze door.

It would have been six or seven years before the seal would have been broken. After this twists and turns, the time has suddenly shortened to just three years.

This is absolutely too bad news.

So the hearts of all the people became very heavy.

Only Xue an behaved as usual, and called Yueji and Maitreya to his side.

"Master!" All hands.

Xue an nodded slightly, then said faintly: "since this has happened, you don't have to worry all day. It's just that the time has been advanced. I have my own discretion."

Having said that, the atmosphere was still a little dull.

Then Xue an turned to Yueji and said, "Yueji!"

"My subordinates are here!" Yueji immediately stepped forward.

"From now on, you will integrate the strength of the Pure Land Buddhism, harvest the medicine field, and make all the preparations before the war, understand?"

The moon was silent, and his face was silent. "Understand!"

"Cheng Hao!"

Following Xue an out of the earth and taking root here for several months, Captain huofenghuang immediately came forward and said, "instructor!"

"You lead the fire phoenix, all-weather surveillance seal, if there is any change, I know the first time, understand?"

With that, Xue an throws a seal. With this seal, even if Xue an is not in the pure land of Buddhism, Cheng Hao can still send the message in time.

After receiving the seal, Cheng Hao immediately stood at attention, and then yelled, "don't worry, instructor, and promise to finish the task!"

"Maitreya!" Xue an called again.

Maitreya also immediately came forward, "Lord!"

"You lead the people of Tantric school to defend the pure land of Buddhism. If anyone with a bad heart comes near, there will be no amnesty for killing them!"

"Yes Maitreya didn't hesitate to go.

All of a sudden, the whole Pure Land Buddhism became boiling under the orders of Xue an.

Yue Qinghuan, who watched the whole process coldly, could not help nodding.

Because every step arranged by Xue an was just right, which not only swept away the pessimistic atmosphere that had pervaded the pure land of Buddhism, but also mobilized all the people's fighting spirit.

With this alone, it will surpass many strong people who have strength but don't know how to plan.

It's worthy of being highly praised by that lazy cat. It seems that this trip is not in vain!

Just as Yue Qinghuan thought to herself, Xue an turned to look at her.

That kind of strange vision makes Yue Qinghuan slightly chilly. He can't help but step back. "What do you think I'm doing?"

Xue an said with a smile, "I don't want to do anything. I just want you to help me!"

"Help?" Yue Qinghuan shook his head immediately. "It's impossible. As I said before, I'm just a spectator, so I'm sure I won't get involved in this matter!"

"Don't worry, you don't need to intervene in this matter, just borrow your ability to cross the void!" Xue an light way.

"That won't do either." Yue Qinghuan once again resolutely refused, "anything against the principle, I will not do.""Oh?" Xue an slightly raised her eyebrows, "so to speak, it's just not good to go on the road?"

"No way!"

But Xue an laughed, "I think you'd better think about it in advance."

"Don't think about it. It can't be. You..."

Before Yue Qinghuan's voice fell, Xue an suddenly stepped forward and came to her, then looked down at her.

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly, just wanted to move away, but she didn't expect that Xue an suddenly bent down and said faintly in her ear.

"Since you said you could not intervene in this matter, why did you tell me the origin of that evil thing and remind me secretly that its goal is Pure Land Buddhism?"

This sentence made Yue Qinghuan's beautiful lavender eyes coagulate slightly, and immediately said: "when did I remind you? I just thought it was fun, so I told a story! "

"Oh?" Xue an's mouth raised a dangerous smile, "is it really so?"

Somehow, after seeing the smile on Xue an's face and smelling the faint grass fragrance on his body, Yue Qinghuan's heart beat a little faster.

But she strongly denied: "yes, that's it!"

"Well, your story is just right. It not only reminds me that this evil creature is a projection sent into the past, but also deliberately guides me that its goal is Pure Land Buddhism."

"So if I guess correctly, the forces represented by these evil things must be hostile to you, right?"

Yue Qinghuan didn't say anything. After a long time, he said, "so what?"

"No, but I always believe that the enemy of the enemy is the friend, so since we have the same goal, why don't we help each other?"

Yue Qinghuan looks up at Xue an with a meaningful smile, and finally sighs.

"Well, I can help you on your way, but remember, it's just a little help from friends. Besides, I won't help you deal with these guys!"

"Don't worry, even if you want to end up, I won't agree, because these evil things Must die in my hands

When he said this, a very dangerous light flashed in Xue an's eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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