But now although fan Mengxue's strength, but the prestige is still seriously insufficient, so he wants to expand fan Mengxue's influence as much as possible.

Can see now so, fan Mengxue for all this obviously some interest lack.

In fact, it's not just that he is not interested in these so-called prestige or status. Tianzhena found that since he left the earth, fan Mengxue had no interest and hobbies except practicing all day long.

That's why he just sighed.

The distance of thousands of miles, for such strong people as fan Mengxue and tianzhena, is just a flick of a finger.

Soon, a mighty fleet appeared in the void ahead.

The fleet is made up of star boats of different shapes.

These star boats are big or small, but all of them are magnificent, and some of them are ridiculous.

Seeing this scene, tianzha couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

Because in his impression, Jian Xiu usually doesn't take the star boat. No matter where he goes, he always sticks to his sword.

How can these swordsmen, on the contrary, not only take the star boat, but also take such a swaggering ride?

Just when the sky covered the stupefied God, the fleet had also found their master and apprentice, and could not help slowly stopping.

Then the people in the star boat could see the face of fan Mengxue standing in front through the porthole.

First, it was quiet, and then there was an extremely enthusiastic cheering and discussion in the public communication channel of the fleet.

"My God, am I right? Is there such a beautiful woman in the world?" There was a scream.

"Mine? Fortunately, I came out this time, and I really opened my eyes!" The person who speaks is almost drooling.

"Tut Tut, how can such a young lady suddenly appear here? Isn't it for someone between us? " Some people wonder.

"There is no doubt that this girl must have come here because she admires our young master's peerless demeanor!" Someone said with a smile, and his voice was full of pride.

"Bah, you're so shameless upstairs. You're the only one who's so gorgeous?"

"I have a showdown. This young lady is my distant cousin. We made an engagement when we were young. This time, we must have come to find me to fulfill my engagement."

"There's paranoia upstairs!"

"I admit she's really beautiful, but I'm the man she'll never get."

For a time, all kinds of comments are everywhere!

But these people didn't notice fan Mengxue's powerful power. Instead, they regarded fan Mengxue as an ordinary Friar and talked about it wantonly.

What they don't know is that their public contact channel has been cracked as early as fan Mengxue's appearance.

So fan Mengxue heard everything they said.

Listen to these guys that "unscrupulous" discussion, fan Mengxue's mouth gradually raised, showing a smile.

But such a smile made the whole fleet boiling again.

"My God, my God, she laughed at me!"

"Fart, that's laughing at me!"

"The smile Which cadre can stand it! "

"Damn, I'm so angry that I'm a woman. I can't help but be moved, let alone a man!" Some women even lamented.

Just as the fleet was boiling up, there was a flash of light in the leading star boat, and then a sword light flew to fan Mengxue.

After showing his figure, he was an outstanding young man in a light blue gown with a sword hanging from his waist.

He gave fan Mengxue a gentle smile, then clasped his fist and arched his hand, and said in a warm voice, "I've met a girl in Tao Zhuxing, the leader of the lower bamboo sword sect!"

At the sight of him, the fleet's public communication channel was filled with grief.

"It's Lao Tao again. Damn it, we can't let him get ahead this time!"

"That's right. This kid is very thick skinned, second only to the guy named yekongming. If he wins this, then don't we all have to stare at him?"

With the sound of the uproar, but see these boats in the sword light everywhere, a name or dignified or containing divine light of young talent will fly to fan Mengxue near.

"I'm Ding Xiaochen, the eldest disciple of Chenguang mountain. I've met a girl!"

"I've seen different girls."

These people salute fan Mengxue one after another, and some of them even look at fan Mengxue with blazing eyes.

Fan Mengxue could not help frowning slightly, then quietly stepped back half a step, slightly nodded, it was a salute.

In addition, she said nothing and the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

Seeing this, tianzha could not help sighing. Then he stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "I think you are all the sword repair children. Are you going to the sword palace star domain?"It has to be said that although the cultivation of tianzhana has been stagnant in recent years, it still exists as high as a mountain for these young swordsmen.

In particular, the momentum of not being angry and self-confident in others made these people look solemn.

Tao Zhuxing, the first leader of Zhuxing sword sect, said in a deep voice: "yes, sir, we are invited by a friend to go to the star realm of sword palace!"

"Oh? Friend, who is it? " The day covers that some cry smile all not of ask a way.

Because his eyes were so fierce, he could see all the young people's situations with just a glance.

Among them, the strongest one is just Darrow. It's good to put such strength outside, but it's not enough to put it in the coming catastrophe.

So he wondered who had invited such a group of budding sword repair teenagers.

Tao Zhuxing immediately said, "it's the night sky that we are waiting for."

"The night is bright?"

"Yes, his grandfather is the old man who washes swords!"

"Oh Tianzha suddenly said, "it's the descendant of night extraordinary!"

After that, he looked at these people with a smile.

"What are you going to do in sword palace?"

Tao Zhuxing said in a deep voice: "I'm waiting here. Naturally, I'm going to kill the demons and fight against the coming catastrophe together."

"Yes! It's said that there are those who want to invade the heavens. How can we forgive them? We must let these people see the swords in our hands! "

There was a lot of noise from the teenagers.

Tianzha wanted to laugh, but when he saw the serious look of the teenagers, he suddenly couldn't laugh.

Because this kind of attitude, is not exactly the youth should have high spirited?

Even fan Mengxue on one side turned pale.

"But I don't know the name of the elder and the name of this girl?" Tao Zhuxing asked again.

Tianzhena laughs, "my name is tianzhena. This is my apprentice. Her name is..."

Tianzha turns to see fan Mengxue.

Fan Mengxue's face gradually calmed down, then lowered her eyes and said, "fan Forget about Ann

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