But unexpectedly, although the gray fog diffused into the vast void at a very fast speed, it didn't have the slightest aggressiveness. Instead, it gradually transformed into a huge forest.

That's right!

It's literally a forest.

However, with the copper gate as the center, within the void of hundreds of miles, trees with a height of 100 Zhang stand up, blocking everyone's sight.

And under the trees, countless low shrubs are growing crazily, grabbing space wantonly.

But in a moment, these sharp and barbed shrubs and vines will completely occupy all the space.

At this point, the void becomes a dense forest, which makes people unable to survive.

Everyone was stunned by the scene.

Zou Sui could not help muttering: "Captain, this What the hell is going on? What tricks are these evil things playing? "

Cheng Hao looked at the scene like water, then shook his head.

"I don't know, but it's certain that these evil things are not greening us. They must be plotting something!"

"What about that?"

"Nonsense, of course, it was reported to the instructor!"

"That's right. It's really time to report to the instructor!" As soon as Zou Sui patted his thigh, he immediately had some doubts.

"But how to explain this scene to the instructor?"

"Don't worry!" Cheng Hao said, "from the beginning, I recorded everything through the water mirror method!"

With that, a small ball of light appeared in front of Cheng Hao, and then he took out the talisman used to contact Xue an from his arms.

After pouring in the spirit power, you can see a flash of light on the Fu Zhuan script, and then you can bring the light ball directly into it.

After finishing all this, Zhou said: "Captain, what are we going to do next?"

Cheng Hao said in a deep voice, "no matter whether the forest has malice or not, we should all work hard."

"So give me the order that everyone immediately disperse according to the formation and surround the forest. If there is any change, report it to me immediately!"

"Yes All the people responded in unison, and then according to the formation that had been practiced for countless times, they spread out in an orderly way, bringing the forest under close surveillance.

At the same time, in the distant sword palace star domain, Xue an's face suddenly sank, who was talking and laughing with Fox night ye hanshang and others.

Zhuge Zang was the first to notice the difference and immediately asked, "what's the matter?"

Xue an's face was as deep as water, and he said slowly, "it's the news from the fire phoenix. There's something wrong with the copper door seal!"

With this remark, the banqueting hall, which was originally full of laughter, was silent.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Do you need to go now? " Fox night a change plain tired lazy, immediately stand up to sink a voice to ask a way.

"What he sent is a water mirror image. Let's have a look first!"

With that, Xue an drew a seal character in front of him. Then he saw a flash of light. The ball of light flew out of it and burst out in the air.

In a flash, a scene of water mirror image is convenient for people to slowly open in front of it, which is exactly what happened before the copper door.

After watching, all the people were confused and looked at each other.

Fox night is a face of consternation, after a long time just said: "old Xue, what the hell is going on? Are these evil things here to plant trees? "

Before Xue an could speak, Yue Qinghuan, who had been sitting alone in the corner of the banquet hall, suddenly chuckled, and then said faintly, "fool, of course not!"

"Fool? Well, who do you call a fool? " Fox night for this girl of unknown origin has long been quite afraid, now listen to her actually dare to ridicule themselves, naturally more dissatisfied.

"Of course it's calling you. Why? Do you have a problem? "

With that, Yue Qinghuan stood up and walked to Xue an.

"You..." Fox night rage, just about to attack, one side of the Ye Han Chang pulled him, and then gently shook his head at him.

Fox night this just indignant of say: "see in you is a woman's sake, this big Ye don't with you a common understanding!"

Yue Qinghuan didn't even look at him. Instead, he gazed at the image in the water mirror. Then he turned to Xue an and said with a smile, "you seem to have seen it!"

Xue an nodded. "Yes, I can see it already."

"What are they talking about? What do you see? " Fox night low voice asks a side of Ye Han Chang.

Ye Han Chang shrugged, "I don't know!"

At this moment, Zhuge Zang suddenly sighed, "I can see it too!"

"What do you see, old man?" Fox night asks quickly.

Zhuge Zang looked at the water mirror with a dignified face and said in a deep voice: "obviously, this forest is transformed by extraterrestrial evil, which means that the seal on the copper door has gradually become invalid!"The whole audience was silent.

Fox night looked at Xue an, "old Xue, is that so?"

Xue an nodded, "that's right!"

Fox night all over a excited spirit, and then hastily way: "that still wait for what, quickly summon people to rush to the Pure Land Buddhism, late can all over!"

Xue an shook his head with a smile. "Don't worry. Although the seal is gradually losing efficacy, it's obvious that it won't collapse overnight. Otherwise, these evil things won't infiltrate into the interior with evil Qi first. How good it is to attack them directly!"

"But you can't stay here. What if something happens?" Fox night is still a little impatient.

"Who said you're going to stay here? You immediately start to organize your hands and get ready for everything!" Xue an said solemnly.

"Good!" Fox night immediately agreed to come down.

But ye hanshang immediately asked, "what about you?"

Because he found that Xue an's words obviously did not include himself, so he asked.

Xue an smiles, "I'm going to a place!"

"Where to? The pure land of Buddhism

Xue an shook his head and said, "go to the earth!"

"What? To earth? " Almost everyone is a little bit confused, so.

It is clear that there is something wrong with the seal of the bronze gate of the Pure Land Buddhism. How Can Xue an go to the earth?

Only Yue Qinghuan's eyes brightened slightly, and then the corner of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a faint smile.

Fan Mengxue's mood is very low recently.

In fact, from the moment she stepped into the star realm of sword palace, she became a little depressed.

This kind of state becomes more and more intense after seeing the returned Xue an.

Even the Tao bamboo shop, who had been trying to get close to her with all sorts of excuses, did not dare to get close to her within ten feet.

In the words of Tao Zhuxing, the eyes can really freeze people to death!

Today is no exception.

Fan Mengxue stands alone in a flower Hall of the sword palace, overlooking the sea of flowers in the distance.

Tao Zhuxing stood outside the flower hall, but he didn't dare to go in. What he was anxious about was scratching his ears.

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