Until just now, after finally solving all the problems, Chen Xiaoyi immediately said in a deep voice.

"All cameras aim at the battlefield immediately, I want to record the situation on the battlefield in all directions without dead angle!"


Therefore, people on the earth are also lucky to see the picture of Xue an chopping the white bone chariot with one sword, and then people flocking to attack it.

Whenever a white bone chariot falls in the picture, there will be a burst of cheers all over the earth.

Many people are even more excited to dance.

"Ha ha ha, is this the so-called evil thing? I don't think so! "

"That's right. In front of Mr. Xue, nothing can resist his sword. If there is one, two swords!"

"It's a joke to dare to try to touch the sky with such strength!"

For a moment, the whole earth was boiling.

But unlike the fanatical general public, a small number of people have always been sober.

For example, the general of the town who is in the headquarters of Zhongdu.

His face was very dignified at the moment.

As the top official of China, the picture he can see is much clearer than that of the outside world.

And at the moment of the headquarters, there are countless top talents are crazy calculation.

"General, this is the latest calculation report. Each of these white bone monsters has at least the strength of Darrow level. If converted to our standard, they can at least resist the attack of three special nuclear bombs!"

"Is the result accurate?"

"No more than ten percent error!"

The general of Zhenguo was silent for a long time before he gave a wry smile, "that is to say, if there were no Mr. Xue's guard, as long as there were three such white bone monsters, our defense system would collapse, right?"

"Two eight to be exact, general!" The staff officer added in a low voice.

The general of Zhenguo waved his hand helplessly, "OK, I know. Go down!"

The staff officer did not retreat, but said in a deep voice: "general, through technical analysis, we also found that the energy fluctuation of the light curtain on the copper door has increased by at least 17.1 times than at the beginning."

"What do you mean?" The general of Zhenguo was shocked.

"It means that it's probably just the beginning. The real power is still behind it." The staff officer pushed his glasses and said solemnly.

The general of Zhenguo rose abruptly, swept away the previous decadence, and then said in a deep voice: "pass my order, all the troops of China will enter the special combat readiness immediately!"


"How many special nuclear warheads do we have?"

"There are 3781 pieces in stock plus new ones listed recently!"

"Set all crossing coordinates, and the goal is The copper door at the other end of the passage

"I understand!"

The staff officer immediately went down to be busy.

The general of Zhenguo stood in front of the big screen, looking at Xue an's back and whispering.

"Mr. Xue, this is the last card of China. I hope I can help you!"

At this time, in this battlefield, many people noticed something different.

Because these white bone chariots are beaten but don't fight back, as if they are winning time for something coming.

Sure enough.

At this moment, there was a sudden buzzing sound from the copper door.

This kind of sound is not big, but like a magic sound to your ears.

"My God, look what that is." Someone screamed and raised his hand to the copper door.

The crowd turned to look.

But the light curtain of the copper door suddenly began to shake violently, as if something was about to spray out.

On the earth, Yue Qinghuan, who had been lying on the rattan chair, could not help sitting up straight, and then raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Is it..."

As soon as the voice fell, a black smoke suddenly came out of the copper door in the picture.

After the smoke appeared, it rushed towards the crowd at a very fast speed.

At the same time, the hum became more and more intense.

It wasn't until he was nearly in front that anyone could see the true nature of the smoke.

Where is the black smoke? It's countless black flying mosquitoes!

"Lying trough, where the hell are these mosquitoes from?" Fox night exclaimed, and then fight hard, in front of the mosquito to smash some.

But the number of smashed pieces is nothing compared to the whole group.

I saw these flying mosquitoes coming from all over the world. Where they passed, the monk who couldn't dodge was sucked countless blood essence on the spot. He was about to be sucked dry, but there was a flash of fire.


The flame spread wildly and began to disperse the black mosquitoes.Then Xue an's eyes were full of brilliance, and the great idea spread, which also made these black mosquitoes retreat.

But this is just the beginning, because at this time, in the copper door and suddenly into the countless poisonous insects.

These poisonous insects are like tides, rushing towards the crowd. Although they are far away, the smell is disgusting.

Looking at this scene in the picture, the earth, which was originally jubilant, quiets down.

Many people were shocked.

Because from the beginning to the present, but for a while, there are a lot of unimaginable existence pouring in from the copper door.

This does not prevent many people from wavering in their optimism.

But the next moment, the strong counterattack will be these people's heart decadent gas swept away.

I heard someone roar: "Damn, what I hate most at ordinary times is mosquitoes. This time, I used mosquitoes to bite me and die!"

"Yes, just a few poisonous insects dare to show off their power?"

Roar, Guanghua everywhere, people began to fight with these poisonous insects together.

However, the situation this time is not as easy as it was just now, because although the strength of these poisonous insects is not so good, there are too many of them, and they will be hurt if they are careless.

So they had to form teams to fight side by side.

But at this critical moment, Xue an is still, and then quietly looking at the copper door, seems to be waiting for something.

Sure enough.

There was a sneer in the copper door.

"Xue an, do you like these little gifts I prepared for you?"

With the voice, but see Guanghua flashing, and then in front of the copper door will emerge a figure.

He was a big man, wearing a sun moon star robe, with great momentum and proud face.

Seeing him, the corner of Xue an's mouth could not help raising slightly, showing a cold smile.

"Dou Yinan, you are finally willing to show up!"

This remark shocked the whole audience.

Many people were shocked.


Is this Dou yin'an, the former leader of xuanming mausoleum?

And this person is looking up to the sky to laugh, "Xue an, you destroy my legitimate son, destroy my orthodoxy, now you know the crime?"

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