Yue Qinghuan now looks like a villain abducting children with candy in the street.

At least in the eyes of two little girls.

I saw them quite nervous back.

"And I don't think so! Mom is going to cook the cooked rice soon Think about it.

"Yes, it's time to eat!" Niannian added.

Yue Qinghuan is a mysterious smile, "don't worry, it won't delay you to come back for dinner!"

Then she reached out her hand and gently grasped the wrists of the two little girls.

Just as the two little girls were about to struggle, they felt that the surrounding environment had suddenly changed, and they came to a prosperous place from the previous villa roof.

"Why! Isn't this the downtown area of Beijiang? " Think about it and ask in surprise.

"Yes, but how is it so cold and quiet here, people?" Niannian also asked.

At the moment, they are in the most prosperous Longteng street in Beijiang.

But now this busy street is empty, and the two ends of the street are blocked by fences.

Yue Qinghuan's face also can't help showing a strange color, "it's probably because of the enemy, people are not in the mood to hang out!"

Having said that, the three men's figure flashed and disappeared in the same place.

When they reappear, they have come to another big city in China.

But the result is still the same, there are empty streets everywhere.

The two little girls couldn't help being silent.

Yue Qinghuan suddenly chuckled, "it's true!"

Then she asked the two little girls, "do you want to know where everyone has gone?"

"Well!" The two little girls nodded heavily.

"Well, then I'll show you!"

All of a sudden, the surrounding environment changed again, and then came to a very busy place.

The three did not show their bodies, but stood in the air and looked down.

Think about it, you can see the landmark building, can't help exclaiming: "it's Zhongdu square!"

Niannian pointed to the chaotic crowd at his feet and said in surprise, "aunt Yue, what are these people doing? Why... "

She just wanted to ask why so many people gathered here.

Just then, dozens of lights flew by, and then a group of people appeared on the ground with stretchers.

When they appeared, there was an immediate commotion, and countless people in white rushed to rescue the people on the stretcher.

All kinds of medical equipment are running like water, and people are fighting against the clock to rescue the wounded.

At the same time, on the other side, there are many lights falling.

Obviously, none of them was injured, but they were all so weak that some of them even fell to the ground as soon as they appeared.

However, as soon as they appeared, the people who had been waiting on one side immediately gathered around them, and then carried them onto the wounded frame and ran inside.

The whole process took no more than three minutes, and then there was a temporary calm in front of the door.

Until then, the two little girls just realized that the original sacred and solemn building had been transformed into a hospital.

The wounded, needless to ask, were naturally carried down from the battlefield.

Seeing this, the two little girls couldn't help being silent.

Yue Qinghuan said faintly: "I was a little puzzled before, why these ordinary people can persist in such a cruel battlefield for so long, now I finally understand!"

With that, Yue Qinghuan suddenly whispered in a voice that only he could hear: "it's really Chinese. After so many years, there is still no change!"

After watching here, the two little girls naturally have no interest in playing any more.

When the three returned to Tianzi No. 1 villa, the two little girls said goodbye to Yue Qinghuan and then walked down the third floor.

At this time, Anyan just finished and brought the food to the table. When she saw her two daughters, she said with a smile, "go and wash your hands quickly. This time, what you do is your favorite braised meat!"

Naturally, she knew that Yue Qinghuan would not come down for dinner, but her good self-cultivation made her order her two daughters to call her once.

But the two little girls are not as happy as Anyan imagined. They bow their heads and wash their hands sullenly.

An Yan can't help but be stunned.

What's going on?

What did Yue Qinghuan say?

I don't think so!

But instead of rushing to speak, she sat down at the table.

At this time, the two little girls came back after washing their hands. After sitting down, they suddenly asked.

"Mom, what about Zhang Xiaoyu and Xiao Sha?"

"Oh, they have something to do. If they go out, we can eat by ourselves." Anyan said with a smile.

"What about Aunt Xuaner and aunt Mengxue?"

An Yan's eyes showed a look of surprise. She obviously didn't understand what happened to the two little girls and why she asked, but she soon said with a smile."Naturally, they have something to do!"

"Mom, you used to go out after dinner, didn't you?" Think about asking again.

"Well This... " Anyan just wanted to explain.

Niannian jumped down from the chair, and then said solemnly on her small face, "Mom, we've just seen you and aunt Xuaner and aunt Mengxue. They went to the hospital to help, right?"

"How do you..." Anyan just wanted to ask, immediately thought of what, and then sighed.

"Miss Yue took you to see it, didn't she?"

"Mm-hmm!" The two little girls nodded heavily.

"Yes, as you can see, I and your aunt Xuaner, aunt Mengxue, went to the hospital to help."

"Then why don't we know?" Think of suddenly asked.

This question makes an Yan a little surprised, just want to blurt out why to let you know.

But when she saw the serious look on the two little girls' faces, she suddenly didn't know what to say.

"We are not children now. We are all busy now. We have to go to the front line to help." Think about it.

"My sister is right!" Recitation echoed.

"You To help? But what can you do? " Anyan was just dumbfounded.

"Why not? I can see the root of many things, and my sister can do as she says. Of course, she can help

Anyan wants to say something else, just think about going forward and looking at her eyes very seriously.

"Mom, I know you and Dad don't want us to be hurt, but now the disaster has come, people are busy, how can we stay here?"

"Yes, yes! My sister is right Read is a strong echo.

An Yan suddenly laughed, and then stretched out his hand to gently stroke the two little girl's head.

"Mom is very glad that you can think so. Then you can follow me to help after dinner, OK?"

"Mm-hmm!" Two little girls happily went to dinner.

And an Yan is smiling at them, and then half is gratified, half is said with emotion.

"It's really Grow up

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