In the smoke came the angry voice of the silent Banshee.

In fact, Hydra and many evil things have already started.

Just when Xue an fights with the silent Banshee and is deprived of her vision.

All the people on the battlefield are aware of the difference, and there are Chu Wu and other people coming here immediately.

But as soon as they did something, they saw an old man with moustaches and a wretched face blocking the way.

He showed his big yellow teeth and giggled.

"Don't worry, your opponent is me!"

"Get out of here!" Chu Wu Xiang did not hesitate to blow a punch.


The blow was enough to shatter a mountain, but it stopped suddenly in front of the old man.

Because at this time, the old man's eyes flashed, Chu Wuxiang felt that his whole arm suddenly lost consciousness.

When he looked down, he could not help but be shocked, because from the beginning of his fist, a strange Gray was rapidly spreading upward, and everywhere he passed, his flesh and blood turned into rocks.

This strange scene made his mind shocked, but Chu Wuxiang's reaction was not fast. He did not hesitate to raise his other hand and cut it according to his shoulder.

With a click, the arm broke.

When the fracture of the moment, just the gray light has spread to the bottom.

With a clatter, his arm fell to the ground and broke into gravel.

This time, many people can't help but take a breath.

Because this ability is really incredible.

Just one face to face, he forced the Immortal King to repair Chu Wuxiang to break his arm to survive.

The old man gave out a strange smile, "the reaction is very fast, I hope you can react as fast as you do next!"

Say, he is like ghost similar to toward Chu have no sumo to come.

Chu Wuxiang covers the broken arm and retreats quickly. Fox night rushes over at this time.

"Old man, look at your grandfather fox!"

Then he came straight to the old man's back with a fox tail.

But the old man didn't even turn his head back. Suddenly, the hair on the back of his head went to both sides. He showed a face that was completely different. He gave fox night a smile.

The gray light immediately spread from the end of the fox tail.

Fox night scared a spirit, fox tail end hair instant drop, this just can't avoid this blow.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the whole battlefield.

Although most of them are only faced with ordinary evil things, and they don't have so many incredible abilities, everyone still felt extraordinary pressure in this battle.

The reason is that this evil thing is too powerful.

In addition, all the high-end strongmen were dragged down by the Hydra and other super evil things, so the situation of the whole battlefield became precarious.

The most obvious point is that people's casualties began to increase sharply.

Although there were casualties in the past, they were basically small-scale and controllable.

But this time, people finally realized what blood falls like rain.

What is life like grass.

Evil things are like mowing grass, harvesting the lives of many strong people crazily.

At this moment, the friars below Da Luo are completely reduced to cannon fodder.

Even friar Da Luo was barely able to protect himself.

Even Xue an was trapped in it.

All the people who watched this tragic scene were stunned.

On the earth, everyone put down what they were doing and looked at the scene on the screen.

Many people have tears on their cheeks before they know it.

"Mom! What are these uncles doing? " An ignorant child asked softly.

"They Protecting us The young mother choked.

At this moment, Li Jingxing on the battlefield, after chopping a huge evil object, exclaimed: "all the strong below Dalao will retreat immediately!"

But there was no response.

People are still fighting for their lives.

"Do you hear me? It's an order Li Jingxing roared eagerly.

But no one responded to him.

Not only that, Li Jingxing also watched a young Jian Xiu burn all his sword intentions, resolutely pounce on the evil group, and then detonate himself.


After a dull sound, several evil things fell to the ground, but this famous sword repair also fell.

"Why are you so stupid! Go back Li Jingxing had never been so impolite, and even his voice trembled.

"Don't try to persuade me, no one will quit!" A voice came from his side.

Li Jingxing turns his head and looks, but he doesn't know when he will appear at his side.

But at this time of Yue Cha, no longer in the past handsome extraordinary, monk robe is covered with blood.The key is that the Golden Wheel behind his head has been completely broken, leaving only a dim golden light in his eyes.

"Master yuecha, you..."

Yue Cha smiles and shakes his head, "Master Li Jian, do me a favor and send me to the next corner!"

Li Jingxing understood something, nodded deeply, then waved his hand, a sword light with Yue Cha flew over most of the battlefield and came to a corner.

Right now.

In this corner, there is a golden light still blooming.

It's the Yingluo of ruding.

These evil things seem to be very taboo to the golden light, and they all get out of this corner.

When Yue brake down, he can't even stand.

I can only struggle to climb up to Yingluo, and then look at the golden and solemn Yingluo, with a smile rising from the corner of my mouth.

"Yingluo, I'm leaving!"

Then he reached out to touch Yingluo's face, but stopped halfway.

Then he closed his hands slowly and said in a soft voice, "Nanwu, my Buddha, Yingluo, I'll give you the last ride!"

After that, a bright golden light appeared on the body of yuecha, which turned into a huge Buddha seal and printed on the Yingluo.

Yueji, who was fighting in the distance, suddenly noticed something. Looking back, he just saw this scene and could not help roaring.

"Younger martial brother!"

In the boundless golden light, Yue Cha's face was relieved, and the smiling Chong Yue Ji nodded, while his back body collapsed and disappeared completely.

In the eyes of the silent moon, blood and tears shed in an instant.

But at this time, the golden light on Yingluo became more and more bright and strong. At the same time, the Golden Lotus appeared, and there was a faint voice of Sanskrit singing.

At first, all the Buddhists were in a daze. Even if they were all together, their palms were together, and they were delighted and praised.

But at this time, no one noticed that a huge tear was slowly falling from the corner of Yingluo's eye.

"Another Bodhisattva is coming to the world!" Ao Yi in the distance sighed and immediately joined the regiment again.

At the moment, she was scarred on the huge dragon body.

Just at this time, fox night suddenly appeared in her side, with a blunt tone said: "you go down to rest, I come!"

Then he replaced her.

Ao Yi was stunned, and then a brilliant smile bloomed on her face, "no, your strength is not as good as mine!"

"Nonsense, I'm the fox king!" Although so clamorous, but the next second, fox night will be an evil thing shock fly out.

"How's it going? Are you all right? " Ao Yi a vomit breath to shake to break this evil thing, concern asks a way.

"Bah, bah, bah, it's OK! How come these evil things are getting worse and worse? I don't know what happened to Lao Xue! " The fox night is gloomy.

In fact, this is also the common aspiration of many people, because Xue an is now everyone's expectation.

If he doesn't show up, the battle will surely be lost.

At this time, in the center surrounded by evil things, Xue an was still in the boundless darkness, fighting with the silent Banshee. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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