With the voice, but see fog, this silent Banshee body began to emerge.

After a rebirth, she not only recovered her injuries, but also improved her momentum.

When her figure appeared in front of the public, she raised her hand to Xue an.

"By my command, touch, peel!"

"Smell, peel!"

"Taste, peel!"

In a flash, Xue an's five senses were stripped off and became an isolated island completely disconnected from the outside world.

Yue Qinghuan finally turned pale and exclaimed in a low voice.

"Five senses Banshee! It's a silent Banshee cultivated into five senses

And after a short silence, the whole audience was even more shocked.

"It's over! No matter how severe Mr. Xue is, he can't fight after breaking the five senses! " Some people are desperate.

"This Banshee's ability is so extreme that it can not only deprive people of five senses, but also regenerate infinitely. Is this the real strength of evil things?"

When the whole audience was agitated, Li Jingxing suddenly cheered softly.

"Everyone, prepare for the showdown!"

With this remark, the whole battlefield was in a moment of awe.

Because everyone knows that the battle is not a simple one.

Once the defense line is lost, the earth, the sword palace, the stars and even the whole sky will be overturned.

At that time, the blood of countless creatures will dye the whole void red.

So now everyone has no way out.

Because behind them is home!

A road of determination and bright light in the crowd one after another.

That is the last strength that many monks are striving for.

And this solemn and stirring scene also spread all over the earth.

Countless people are infected with it.

More people cry.

But these evil things began to laugh.

"Interesting, interesting! This group of ants hiding in the small puddles actually try to make themselves strong with spiritual power. This behavior is extremely childish and ridiculous. After all, if the spirit is useful, what is the strength to do? "

A head without facial features, but with a similar trunk like tentacles of evil things laugh.

"What I like most is that when I swallow these self moving guys alive, their faces don't dare to shout out even though they are extremely painful! That will make me excited to reach the cream tide directly

Another evil thing with strange eyes was shaking.

"Cut the crap, kill them all, and then occupy the whole sky!" Hydra roared, and then the whole army of evil things rolled over again.

Li Jingxing looks at the army of evil things calmly, then takes a deep breath and speaks slowly.

"Gentlemen, we have no choice but to retreat now. For today's plan, we have to fight to death to show our true qualities. So let's leave the first battle to us."

With that, Li Jingxing stepped forward and said, "all the sword cultivation disciples listen to the orders!"

As soon as the words came out, all the swords in the audience cheered: "here

The sound was like thunder, which spread all over the battlefield in an instant.

Li Jingxing slowly pulled out his sword which he had not used for a long time. The tip of the sword pointed straight ahead, and his eyes cheered coldly.

"Take up the sword!"


At the command of the crowd, the sword burst.

"The old man who washes the sword is extraordinary at night!" Night extraordinary head out of the crowd, to Li Jingxing behind.

"Jiujianxian makes Hu Jue Qijian!" Linghu Jue gulped down the last mouthful of wine, then raised his head and laughed to come to Li Jingxing's back.

"Loose repair autumn leaves sword!" Injury had to 60% of the autumn leaves pale out of the crowd, each step, behind the sword will be fiery a point, a pair of eyes is even more shocking.

That's the light of life!

"Three swords walking, Jian Qijian in the heart!" Jian, the eldest disciple of the sword palace, had three swords floating in her heart and strode out.

In a flash, the light of the sword was like a dragon, and the shouts came one after another.

"Chen Guang Shan Ding Xiaochen rises sword!"

"San Gu sword faction Gu Bu Qi Jian!"

"The sun of the old man who washes the sword, rises the sword in the night sky!"

No one retreated. All the swords raised their heads and burst out the strongest sword meaning in this life.

Meanwhile, in the crowd, Tao Zhuxing suddenly appears beside fan Mengxue.

"Fan Girl

Fan Mengxue turned to look.

Tao Zhuxing said with a shy smile, "your name is not forget an, right?"

Fan Mengxue nodded, "my name is..."

But before she finished, she was interrupted by Tao Zhuxing, "don't tell me, I understand!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly some embarrassed smile, "before leaving, can I ask you something?"Before leaving these two words let fan Mengxue whole body huge shock, then incomparably solemnly nodded.

"Go ahead, please!"

"Can you call me bamboo?"

Fan Mengxue was stunned by this request at that time, but immediately she reacted and was about to speak.

At this time, Tao Zhuxing suddenly laughed at himself, "forget it!"

Then he looked at fan Mengxue very seriously and said softly, "goodbye!"

Then he turned and yelled.

"Tao Zhuxing, the leader of the Shao sect of Zhuxing sword sect, starts the sword!"

As soon as the words came out, a few laughs came from those sword practitioners.

"Lao Tao, I thought you were afraid of death!"

"Yes, I thought you were scared to pee!"

Tao Zhuxing laughed, "go away, my old Tao is a sword mender. Why are you afraid of life and death?"

After that, he got up all his sword spirit and flew to the sword cultivation camp.

Looking at his far away back, fan Mengxue suddenly felt at a loss.

It's like watching a good friend die, but you can't help it.

At this time, the army of evil things had rushed to the front.

Li Jingxing roared, "chop!"

All the swordsmen roared in unison: "chop!"


Wuliang sword light gathered together, turned into a torrent, and rushed up in a decisive posture.


They collide in an instant.

The sound of evil objects being torn, accompanied by the light of sword light falling, mixed into a battle song of hell.

Whether they were present or not, everyone was completely shocked by this extremely tragic scene.

But he saw that although he knew that he would die, he still rushed up without hesitation.

A sword!

They often can only issue a sword, and then they are thoroughly shocked by the evil things.

But even so, their sword power is still like a rainbow, and their sword meaning is as blazing as fire.

It was the last glory in their lives, but it was so gorgeous, just like a ray of light piercing into the darkness, which was moving.

Looking at these generous sword repair, countless people have been in tears unconsciously.

Fan Mengxue covered her mouth with her hand and burst into tears.

Because she finally understood what the last goodbye Tao Zhuxing said to her meant!

Just at this time, Hu Huan suddenly sighed, and then spoke slowly.

"Lao Li has already gone up, so next, it's our turn!"

Speaking of this, he was always tired and lazy, his face suddenly became very solemn, and the whole person burst out the most powerful power of the Immortal Emperor.

"Where are the foxes and the demons in Qingqiu?"

"The disciple is here!" Fox night is the first to answer.

"Aoqing is here!"

"Ao Yi is here!"

"Green bird ah Rou is here!"

"Here's Hu Ying!"


In an instant, the voice of Yinghe was like a mountain calling tsunami.

Hu Huan nodded and took a step forward.

"Assemble the square array, prepare for Attack

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