And seeing this scene, the remaining strong men on the battlefield already know what will happen next.

They gathered behind Zhuge Zang and others in silence.

Zhuge Zang said faintly: "this is the end of the matter. We have nothing to say. If there is a retreat, we can leave by ourselves now. The rest, follow me!"

Then he flew up.

And the rest of them, none of them flinched, and all of them flew to the sky.

It seems that Zhuge Zang is aware of this scene, and a happy smile appears at the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that there are no cowards in the Terrans!"


Their participation made the war more intense.

But even ordinary people can see that the situation on the battlefield is irretrievably heading for failure.

Because these evil things are almost inexhaustible.

What's more, there are many high evil things with weird ability.

On earth, the atmosphere has become extremely repressive.

Think and read already cry red eyes, several times to the battlefield to find my father and mother, were tearful fat aunt to pull.

Just at this time, fan Mengxue came back with Anyan, and then put her on the chair of Laoxie hotel.

"Mom!" Two little girls rushed forward, but found that at the moment of Anyan can't move, even can't speak.

"What did you do to our mother?" Think of anger.

Fan Mengxue said in a low voice: "don't worry, I just control her temporarily. After three hours, the seal will be released automatically!"

Then she gave her fat aunt a miserable smile.

"Fat aunt, please take sister Yan and two little girls to leave here, the sooner the better!"

Then she took out a jade pendant.

"This thing can help you hide your breath, and it should help you avoid the search of evil things at that time!"

After that, fan Mengxue grew up and flew back to the battlefield.

And just after she left, an Yan, who was trapped in a chair, shed a drop of blood and tears from the corner of her eyes.

Fat aunt holding the jade pendant, she had been crying, but now gradually showed the color of perseverance.

Suddenly, she turned to take out a kitchen knife from the kitchen and put it into the bag. Then she carried an Yan and led two little girls.

"Let's go!"

Meanwhile, in Zhongdu, the general of Zhenguo pressed a button.


In an instant, giant missiles began to appear in the major military bases and some mountains and rivers in China.

It's a special nuclear bomb!

If the defense line is lost and evil things invade, it will be the last deterrent of the earth.

After all this, the general of Zhenguo suddenly grew old and nearly fell to the ground.


One side of the staff immediately rushed forward to help.

However, the general of Zhenguo waved his hand to indicate that he was ok, and then said in a soft voice: "open the ammunition depot, distribute weapons to the people, and then inform all the troops to prepare for the final death battle!"

The staff officer reddened his eyes and nodded, "yes!"

Just when the whole planet is finally ready.

On the battlefield, there was the most tragic scene since the war.

The Buddhists headed by Maitreya and Yueji sat in a row at the forefront of the battlefield.

The brightest wheel of light appears behind everyone's head. These golden lights are connected with each other and eventually form a great wall of golden light.

When the evil things came down, the golden light was still, giving everyone a rare chance to breathe.

But all of them were silent.

Because everyone knows what these actions of Buddhism at the moment mean.

"These monks Are you crazy? " Fox Huan some complexion pale of say.

"You don't understand. It's their faith." Li Jing line light way.

At this time, the hydra, which has already shown the original form of the noumenon, comes to the golden light.


After a loud noise, a crack appeared on the great wall of golden light.

"Come on, get out of here!" Hu Huan can't help shouting.

However, the Buddhists, who were so shaken, did not seem to hear it. Instead, they stood up one by one and rushed forward.

A golden Buddha finally rushed to the hydra.

The Hydra grinned grimly, "I hate bald donkeys most. Die for me!"

Said, a snake tail then drew to come over.

But just in the middle of his attack, the golden light on this Buddhist monk suddenly began to grow rapidly and exploded in an instant.

"I'll blow myself up!" There was a scream.

The explosion was so powerful that half the head of the Hydra was broken.Hydra can't help but get angry, "ah, how dare you hurt me, all of you

But just then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

However, a famous Buddhist monk rushed to the hydra, and then exploded one by one.

Looking at the golden light like fireworks, even the most hard hearted people will be moved.

All the people felt the blood was surging up, and Hu Huan roared.

"All of you, with my last shot!"

Countless strong people gathered together, ready to do this last charge.

Fox night whispers to judo beside her: "judo!"


"You will stand behind me in a moment, and I will explore the way for you after I die!"

Ah Rou's eyes were full of tenderness

But at this time, a seal was suddenly printed on ah Rou, and she flew out of the battlefield with extremely fast speed.

This unexpected scene made fox night creepy and startled.

"What's the matter? Who is it? "

Just at this time, Ao Yi suddenly appeared in front of him and said, "I did it!"

"What do you mean?" Fox night roars.

But at this time, Ao Yi suddenly grabbed his chest clothes, put his face close to the front, staring at Fox night's eyes.

"You bastard, don't you know ah Rou is pregnant with your baby?"

"What?" Fox night was shocked all over, and the color of disbelief appeared in his eyes.

"Fox night, do you know that I hate you very much, and I even want you to die, but I don't want ah Rou's children to have no father, so Get out of here

Speaking of this, Ao Yi suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a dragon ball.

This dragon ball is brilliant, but it is her own life dragon ball.

As soon as the dragon ball comes out, it flies directly into Fox night's mouth and seals the fox night who wants to speak.

Then, like throwing goods, Ao Yi lifted him up and threw him out in the direction of ah Rou's flight.

Fox night in the heart of crazy cry, up the whole body to want to see aoyi one eye.

But helpless, this dragon ball contains the strength of Ao Yi's whole body, he can't break free at all.

Fox night has never hated its low power so much.

But everything is late, he turned into a light, was thrown straight out of the battlefield.

Aoyi stood in the same place, looking at the fox night away, big big tears kept falling, but soon she wiped them dry, light way.

"Fox night, remember, you owe me a wedding!"

After that, she turned to show the original shape of the dragon and rushed up to the army of evil things with a roar.

This battle!

The gods weep, the Buddha closes his eyes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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