Xue an fought against the huge pressure on his shoulder and raised his eyes to stare at the man.

The man is a faint smile, "don't worry, this is just the beginning, I see how long you can last!"

When the words fell, the pressure suddenly increased. Xue an snorted and fell again. At the same time, his shoulder blades and spine began to burst.

"Brother Ann!" Fox Ying wails, then rushes towards the man regardless of everything, roars with blood red eyes.

"I'll fight with you!"

Behind Hu Ying, fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner, who are also covered with bruises, rush towards the man.

In front of the man's eyes, he said, "eh, what a beautiful little fox! It's good to take him back to be a little servant girl!"

Then he put out a finger and gently.


An invisible wall instantly binds Hu Ying, fan Mengxue and Tang Xuaner.

Fan Mengxue vomited a mouthful of blood at that time, which was the reason that she tried to impact the wall, but was injured by its anti shock.

As for Hu Ying, her eyes are about to crack, and her eyes are burning at the man.

But her this appearance actually aroused the man's interest, saw him gently hook hand, fox Ying easy to fly to his body in an instant.

Then he raised his hand and gently raised Hu Ying's chin, tut tut exclaimed: "what a beautiful little fox demon!"


In the extreme anger, Hu Ying behind suddenly grew a tail, unexpectedly at this time successfully promoted to six fox.

With her promotion, her momentum suddenly flourished, but it was repressed in the blink of an eye.

Because this growth in strength is of no importance to the man, on the contrary, it makes him feel more excited.

"It's a strong temperament, but the more it is, the more interesting it will be to adjust it."

Hu Ying can't even move. She can only look at the man with her eyes burning. Then she says word by word.

"Let go of xiao'an!"

"You mean him? Tut Tut, what a touching friendship. So you like him? "

The man sighed a few times, then turned his head and looked at Xue an, who had been soaked with blood all over his body.

"It's strange that such a delicious little fox likes you, but you didn't touch her. Why? Did you leave it for me on purpose? "

Originally, the man wanted to say something, but at this time, Xue an raised his eyes blurred by blood and looked at him coldly.

This kind of cold to the extreme vision shocked the man's heart, but soon, he began to laugh.

"Xue an, it seems that you are still unconvinced! Well, I'll let you die convinced, and I'll let you understand the consequences of offending us! "

With that, the man stamped his foot.


The whole battlefield void, and even the whole pure land Buddha Kingdom, suddenly moved. Then, the space-time channel connecting the earth and the pure land Buddha Kingdom instantly increased, and all space barriers were eliminated in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, this battlefield void will be integrated with the earth, as well as the sword palace star domain.

This almost miraculous scene dazzled everyone.

But this is a common thing for this man.

He looked down at the land of China at his feet, and finally stopped his eyes on the Kunlun Mountains, which had been completely silent. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I didn't expect that this place hasn't changed much after so many years!"

At this time, the general of Zhenguo, located in Zhongdu, resolutely pressed the launch button to resist the terrible power from the sky.

Boom boom!

China's land glowed everywhere, countless nuclear warheads began to lift off, all aimed at the man.

But before these nuclear warheads came near, the man waved his hand.

In an instant, almost all nuclear warheads could easily disintegrate into nothingness.

Only one left rushed to the front, but was caught by the man, and then looked at it with great interest, which was quite interesting to say.

"Interesting toys, but that's all!"

With that, he suddenly grasped, and the nuclear bomb disappeared.

Everyone's eyelids are jumping wildly at such a fierce scene.

The general of Zhenguo was even more pale. At this time, the man glanced at him casually.


After a loud noise, the entire command building where the general of Zhenguo was located was razed to the ground.

"What a noisy mole ant! You are right

Xue an didn't say a word, because he was gritting his teeth and shouldering the great pressure.

"In fact, you should know, because your talent is rare even if you put it outside. The strength of banbu xianzun is enough to make you deeply understand the difference between Xianfan and Xianfan!""So I really don't understand. Why do you want to speak for these mole ants?"

Xue an looked at the man coldly, and finally said slowly: "I think you are the mole ant!"

This sentence makes this man a Leng, spin even if burst out laughing, "good! There is seed! It's the first time in so many years that someone dares to talk to me like this. It seems that you Chinese are all the same stubborn. Then I'll help you! "

Said, the man stretched out a finger to gently point.

Originally by fat aunt hide to think of Niannian and Anyan easy to float in the air, came to Xue an in front.

Seeing this scene, everyone's pupils contracted instantly.

Xue an's eyes were also slightly frozen.

"Ha ha, is this your blood and Taoist? How lovely they are

The man said with a smile, his eyes flashed, and Anyan's bondage was instantly untied, and then she screamed at Xue an.


At the moment, Xue an is bleeding all over, and his bones are still exploding. It seems that he will be crushed by some great force at any time.

Seeing this scene, Anyan's heart is bleeding.

Two little girls are more angry: "big bad guy, let my father go!"

Niannian was a man with a white face and yelled: "get out of here!"

With this cold drink, the Qi of heaven and earth changes.

Aware of all this, the man slightly raised his eyebrows, surprised: "interesting, it's actually what you say!"

"But it's too weak. If you grow up strong enough, I may be afraid of you, but now..."

The man laughed, "it's just a joke in my eyes!"

Said, an Yan and think about Niannian, easy to be firmly tied up in an instant.

Then the man turned and looked at Xue an, "Xue an, now your family are here. What do you think I should do with them?"

Xue an didn't say a word, just took a deep breath, and then straightened up a little bit to carry the huge pressure.

The man's eyes showed the cruel brilliance of playing with prey. "You want to fight with me, right?"

I don't know whether it's because of blood or some other reason, Xue an's eyes have become bloody red.

"Yes, that's it, but it's not enough!" The man was suddenly excited.

Then raise your hand and grab into the void.

After waiting to stretch out, it is awe inspiring that a soft fox night two people who were forced to throw out by Ao Yi before.

They can't even move now.

"These two are your friends, too! Who do you think I should start with? " The man said in distress.

"Why don't you start with your two daughters, don't you think?"

With that, the man reached out his hand to touch, think and read.

Just at this time, Yue Qinghuan's figure suddenly appeared in front of the two little girls, and then coldly said: "other can, but they two can't!"

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