Fat aunt didn't have a good look at him, "OK, OK, I know you're powerful, right? You said these words. Since you came back, how many times have you said them? I'm tired of listening

"Hey, hey! It's not enough to say it several times. That's the most glorious moment in my life! "

"Well! Why don't you die? " Although she said that, aunt Pang was very considerate and opened another bottle of wine for Lao Xie.

Just then, the door of the hotel was pushed open from the outside, and then a voice with a smile came.

"Fry two good dishes, remember to put more pepper, less onion!"

The familiar voice shocked aunt Pang and uncle Xie. They immediately turned to look at the door.

Xue an looked at them with a smile, "Uncle Xie, what's wrong? Are you not welcome? "

Two men almost jumped out of their seats.

"Little Xiao an Old Xie stammered.

As soon as the words came out, he regretted it.

Sure enough.

The fat aunt pinched him hard, then hesitated and said, "Xue Mr. Xue, why are you here? "

The tone was polite and formal.

There is no other reason, it is now Xue Anwei hope too much!

He is a half step immortal, and he is able to destroy the invading evil things and save the common people from fire and water.

Each and every one of them is an earth shaking event.

This also makes Xue an an an inviolable existence in the eyes of many people.

In the face of such prestige, fat aunt naturally did not dare to relax as before.

But after hearing these words, Xue an was slightly stunned. She shook her head and said with a bitter smile, "fat aunt, are you killing me? You also call me Mr. Xue. Do you want me to turn around and leave? "

Said, Xue an some disappointment will turn to leave.

See this scene, old Xie some anxious, immediately step forward, "xiao'an, you don't listen to your fat aunt she nonsense, she also this woman's view!"

Said, old Xie fierce stare fat aunt one eye, "heard? Xiao'an is not that kind of person at all. No matter what kind of person he becomes, he is still the xiao'an he used to be

In the face of Lao Xie's reprimand, fat aunt did not get angry as before, but bowed her head in embarrassment.

Such a scene also made Xue an dumbfounded, "well, uncle Xie, you don't want to show your master's demeanor, stir fry a few dishes quickly! I'm starving! "

"OK, just a moment. I'll do it right away." Old Xie Xing rushed back to the kitchen.

Fat aunt is also happy at this time.

"Xiao'an, you and Yan'er are sitting here first. I'll go and get you some wine. You hid a few bottles of good wine before uncle Xie, and I've taken them all down!"

Then he left happily.

Soon, the kitchen stove will be whistling up, along with the collision of the spatula, instantly make this small hotel full of thick human fireworks.

An Yan also felt a kind of complete relaxation at this time, as if time instantly returned to the beginning.

At that time, she would occasionally follow the paid Xue an to come here for a tooth beating ceremony.

The so-called tooth sacrifice is just a few common dishes.

For Anyan, who was born in the capital at that time, it was really vulgar, but she was very happy.

In a twinkling of an eye, when I come back here again, my identity, status and mentality have been very different.

But the joy of waiting to be served did not change at all.

Soon, a few dishes were served.

Then Lao Xie wiped his hands on his apron and said with pride, "how about a taste?"

Xue an is also not polite, picked up chopsticks and picked up a taste.

There is no Longgan Fengsui, just a few very common ingredients, but in Lao Xie's hands, it burst out a different aroma.

He didn't say anything, just a thumb.

Lao Xie's face was full of bright smile.

At this time, fat aunt also came with wine.

Old Xie sits aside. Xue an opens the wine bottle and fills a glass of wine for old Xie himself.

"Uncle Xie, come on, I'll give you a toast first!"

With that, Xue an drank all the wine in his glass.

Old Xie's hands began to shake.

Eyes are slightly red!

Although he just behaved as usual, Xue an's identity is now there!

He did not dare to make any mistakes.

But I didn't expect that Xue an offered himself a toast.

This naturally made him full of excitement, and then he also lifted his neck to drink all the wine in the cup.

After a glass of wine, the atmosphere suddenly became more enthusiastic.

Until then, fat aunt and old Xie were convinced that Xue an had not changed!

It's still the gentle boy before!After three rounds of wine, Lao Xie asked strangely, "xiao'an, why didn't you go to the party, instead, you came here?"

Xue an laughed, "because I have a problem. The more large-scale banquet I have, the less I have enough to eat. Besides, I haven't tasted uncle Xie's food since I came back so long this time. Naturally, I have to relieve my hunger first this time!"

Lao Xie felt that his face was bare. He took the cup and said, "in this case, let's do another one!"


In a short time, a bottle of wine has been eaten.

Old Xie's face has shown three points of drunkenness.

Although he had undergone a transformation, half of his body was already mechanical structure, but his drinking capacity was still not very good.

And with the strength of the wine, Lao Xie became reckless.

"Xiao'an, I don't know if I should ask you a question."

"Uncle Xie

"Now that the battle is over, what are you going to do next?"

Xue an put down his glass and looked at old Xie with a smile. "Uncle Xie, you mean..."

Old Xie does not care at all, a strength to make oneself the fat aunt of the complexion, say seriously.

"I don't think it can be finished so easily. God knows if those dog days will come back, so we must make preparations in advance!"

Xue an also laughed, "well said, let's have another drink!"

After another glass of wine, Lao Xie's tongue was already a little big.

"Damn it, those dog days have a good life. But they have come to trouble us. If they dare to come again, I'll be the first to rush up!"

Fat aunt finally couldn't help it. She coughed softly, and then said in a low voice, "Lao Xie, can your mouth hold the door a little bit? Yan'er is here too!"

Other words old Xie did not care, but this sentence out, old Xie immediately understand, quickly closed his mouth, dare not say a word.

Xue an smile, and then said: "Uncle Xie!"


"Please go to the back kitchen and fry a few more dishes. There's someone who's rubbing rice!"

As soon as the voice fell, a burst of laughter came from outside.

"Xue an, you're not a friend enough. You've left us hanging out there, but you've sneaked here to open a small stove!"

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