"Oh! That is the Baozhu city that the daughter of the strategist just mentioned! It's also the dock where the shadow turtle clan contacts and trades with the outside world! " The shadow turtle emperor said.

Xue an's eyes flashed a touch of strange brilliance, "so to speak, this is also your territory of the tortoise emperor?"

"Of course!"

"Is the tortoise emperor interested in accompanying me to the city?"

The shadow turtle emperor was slightly stunned. He didn't understand what Xue an meant.

Even Yue Qinghuan was puzzled.

Xue an looked at the city in the distance and said, "I have a premonition that the matter that the tortoise emperor asked me to investigate should be closely related to this city!"

This statement, whether it is shadow turtle emperor or Yue Qinghuan, is one of the shock.

Especially the shadow turtle emperor, can't believe his ears.

"You mean the people of Pearl City betrayed me?" The shadow turtle emperor roared.

"I'm not sure yet, just that it's possible!" Xue an light way.

Nevertheless, the shadow turtle emperor was furious.

"I've given countless powers and wealth to the ruler of this city. It's unforgivable for him to betray me!"

With the voice, but see shadow, turtle emperor's momentum around the body suddenly soared, vaguely already had a half step Saint image.

It can be seen that this monster, which has survived for thousands of years and bred naturally, has terrible strength.

But he didn't lose his mind. After a few roars, he stared at Xue an with his blood red eyes.

"Strong Chinese, I hope you'd better have a definite aim. If I find out that you are framed out of thin air, even if you are Chinese, I will tear you to pieces a little bit!"

In the face of the threat of the shadow turtle emperor, Xue an just smile, "don't worry, if there is no basis, I will not say so naturally!"

"Well! I hope so. " The shadow turtle emperor snorted coldly and then walked away.

Xue an and Yue Qinghuan followed each other.

But on the way, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help worrying and asked, "Xue an, do you have any evidence? Does the disappearance of the shadow turtle really have anything to do with this pearl city? "

"Evidence Of course I didn't! "

"What?" Yue Qinghuan's eyes widened for a moment, then he looked at the fierce shadow in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"No, what are you talking about? Isn't this looking for trouble? "

Speaking of this, Yue Qinghuan couldn't help shaking his head in anger. "I'm stupid too. You just came to heaven. How can there be evidence?"

Xue an glanced at Yue Qinghuan, then said with a smile: "although I don't have the evidence, I still have it, because many things can be found by just using my brain a little bit!"

"What do you mean?" Yue Qinghuan was stunned.

"It's very simple. The shadow turtle Emperor just said that when his people disappeared, he didn't notice it at all!"

"But in the absolute home of death underworld, nothing can avoid its eyes, so there are only two possibilities."

"One is that the strength of the hands-on person is far better than that of him, so that he can do it unconsciously. But if the hands-on person's strength is really so strong, why don't he directly attack the shadow turtle emperor? So the possibility is very small! "

"The other is to have people who are very familiar with the shadow turtle clan to work in the dark. Only in this way can the shadow turtle clan relax their vigilance and hide from the shadow turtle emperor. In this way, the most qualified and the most suspected one will naturally belong to Baozhu city! "

After hearing Xue an's analysis, Yue Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, and finally took a deep look at Xue an.

"You think of all this in such a short time?"

"Is there a problem?"

Yue Qinghuan stopped talking.

Because she suddenly felt a kind of weakness.

In fact, she had heard about it before, but she didn't think about it at all.

On the contrary, in a few words, Xue an clearly analyzed the interests.

But Yue Qinghuan still couldn't help saying, "I still don't understand that Baozhu City, born of the shadow turtle clan, turns around to deal with its own backstage. What's good for them?"

Xue an looked up to the front and said faintly: "human nature is hard to speculate in many times. People are always flocking to things that you think are unprofitable, but the motivation behind it can be summed up in two words, one is name, the other is benefit!"

Yue Qinghuan looked at the serious expression on Xue an's face when he said these words. He couldn't help but be a little crazy.

Xue an also noticed her eyes, could not help slightly raised eyebrows, "how? I'm fascinated so quickly? "

Yue Qinghuan's face turned red and spat, "bah! It's not a shame to talk. How can I look up to you? I just think what you just said is very similar to what another person said! ""Oh? Who said that? "

Yue Qinghuan's face showed the color of worship and took a deep breath: "my brother, Yue Shifang!"

Pearl City.

As a city that is neither in the star road nor has any strategic value, the prosperity here owes all to the treasures provided by the shadow turtle family.

These pearls bred from the black area of death are not only complete in variety, but also of high quality.

Whether it's personal cultivation or refining treasure, it's a rare top grade.

So this city was named Baozhu city.

And the Lord in charge of Baozhu city is Zhang pengtian.

Zhang pengtian has made a lot of money just by drawing taxes from the sale of pearls.

I don't know how many people are envious of his position.

However, Zhang pengtian's position as the city leader was as stable as a rock.

This is because his direct backstage is the shadow turtle emperor.

Therefore, the shadow turtle emperor will be so angry when he hears that the people in Baozhu city may have betrayed himself.

However, he is not a fool. Naturally, he can't believe Xue an's words.

In order to thoroughly investigate the whole matter, he didn't make it public. Instead, he disguised himself as an ordinary jewel dealer and entered the jewel city.

The whole process did not attract anyone's attention.

But Xue an and Yue Qinghuan are opposite.

Especially Yue Qinghuan, when she entered the city, she immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Hiss, what a gorgeous girl!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. It seems that you are a soldier with such momentum!"

"I know her. She was here a few months ago!"

For a time, many people whispered and talked in the distance.

Yue Qinghuan obviously enjoys being noticed.

Xue an's attention was all focused on the city.

He found that the people walking on the street had the worst power, which was equivalent to the real immortals in the sky.

As for the strong, they are everywhere.

Even the strong in fairyland.

Xue an's eyes slightly coagulate. Is this tianwai's strength?

Just at this time, I heard a surprise voice in the distance.

"But miss Yue?"

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