Zhang pengtian looked at Xue an in amazement, "how can you..."

"How could I know so well?" Xue an chuckled. "In fact, from the beginning, they were not aiming at you, not even the shadow turtle, but at the death underworld!"

Hearing this, Yue Qinghuan trembled and understood immediately.

"You mean..."

"That's right, this matter itself is connected with the affairs of the heavens. It seems that those guys still do not give up their heart after the destruction of the bronze gate, trying to invade the heavens again through the dark area of death!" Xue an said softly.

Yue Qinghuan's face became very ugly. "In that case, why didn't they just do it, but they went around in such a big circle?"

"I don't know, but there must be reasons, such as not wanting to be conspicuous?"

Yue Qinghuan's face was reflective.

As for shadow turtle emperor and Zhang pengtian, they did not understand Xue an and Yue Qinghuan.

What invades the heavens, the copper gate is destroyed and so on.

Zhang pengtian was at a loss.

On the contrary, the shadow turtle emperor thought of something, but his face became more and more ugly.

Because the death underworld has always been the territory of the shadow turtle clan. No matter how powerful they are, they have never touched it. It's not because they can't do it, but because it's not worth it.

After all, a black area of nothingness, in addition to breeding some pearls, is really not worth the value of those powerful hands.

But if things are like what Xue an said, the nature will change.

Even the whole family of shadow turtles may face extinction.

How could he not be nervous about it.

At this time, Xue an raised his eyes to look at Zhang pengtian, and said in a cold voice, "in that case, where are the people of the shadow turtle clan who were caught by you secretly?"

Zhang pengtian was shocked and his face turned pale in an instant.

What he said just now is basically true, but when he narrates it, he deliberately adds many perspectives of his own, in order to show that he has also been framed, so as to win the sympathy of the people and survive.

But when Xue an asked about it, all his previous efforts were useless.

"Yes, where are all my people?" The shadow turtle emperor roared.

"When At that time, I designed to catch seven shadow turtles, but one of them was too strong. He was killed by mistake and condensed into blood beads. As for the others They have been taken away by the people of Linglong city! "

With these words, the shadow turtle emperor was furious. "You sold all my people to Linglong city? I will tear you to pieces

Then he would rush forward.

Zhang pengtian was scared to death and immediately begged for mercy: "Lord tortoise, please forgive me. I was set up by others! Please let me go

But how could the red eyed shadow turtle emperor listen to these words.

Helpless, Zhang pengtian had to put his last hope on Xue an and cried.

"My Lord, please say a few words for me. I will remember your kindness."

In his opinion, this young man in white is a rookie. Although he is powerful, he should be able to speak better.

But this time he miscalculated and saw a cold smile on Xue an's face.

"I believe all of your words, but the only thing you absolutely hide is that you will never be a white lotus like you said! So

As soon as Xue an threw it away, it was just like throwing garbage. He directly threw Zhang pengtian to the shadow turtle emperor.

"Ah, ah, ah..." Zhang pengtian screamed in the air. When he fell into the hands of the shadow turtle emperor, the shadow turtle emperor suddenly pinched.

Click, click!

With a burst of bone explosion, Zhang pengtian's joints were crushed in an instant.

The shadow turtle emperor obviously hated this ungrateful villain, so it was a cruel killing move.

Under the extreme pain, Zhang pengtian also knew that he would die today, so he began to roar.

"Don't worry. If you offend Linglong City, you must all die. I'm in front of you..."

Just as he wanted to say that I was waiting for you in front of me, he was smashed in the head by the angry shadow turtle emperor, and devoured the spirit and brain completely.

Yue Qinghuan frowned slightly at such a bloody scene, then turned his head.

At the same time, the shadow turtle emperor, covered with blood, went to Zhang Jinju, who was kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Zhang Jinju was almost scared out of his mind.

He never thought that things would develop in such a direction.

Originally, it was a very good thing. I hooked up a beautiful girl from the military school. I was about to get started, but everything went down in an instant.

Now even my father is dead.

How can he not feel fear and despair.So when he saw the shadow turtle emperor striding towards him, Zhang Jinju screamed like a chicken.

"Spare my life, I don't know these things..."


The scream came to an abrupt end because the shadow turtle emperor had obviously lost his patience and directly slapped him for meat.

So far, Zhang pengtian, the former leader of Baozhu City, and his son were all killed.

The rest of the guards were shaking their clothes and fighting at the moment. Then they fell to their knees and did not dare to lift their heads.

If it were Xue an, they would be released.

Unfortunately, what they met today was the shadow turtle emperor, who was already ready to kill.

So just listen to the screams, and the guards are soon slaughtered.

After all this, the shadow turtle emperor was soaked with blood, and then he strode towards Xue an and Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan was a little nervous and stepped back a little.

Can also be at this time, only see shadow turtle emperor plop once, then kneel to the ground, then incomparably sincere say.

"Shadow tortoise, thank you for your kindness

With that, he really kowtowed to the ground, and even kowtowed three times.

Yue Qinghuan is somewhat unnatural, but Xue an accepts it calmly.

Because this is what he should get.

Wait until after kowtow, Xue an just light way: "get up, things to this, obviously not finish!"

Then the shadow turtle emperor stood up.

"The people who were captured by Linglong city should still be alive now, so the most urgent thing is to go to Linglong city and rescue them!"

The shadow turtle immediately nodded, "OK, let's go now!"

"We?" Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "You're wrong. This time it's our two actions. As for you, you should stay in Baozhu city to guard!"

"Why?" The shadow turtle emperor immediately widened his eyes.

"It's very simple, because now Baozhu city is empty. If you leave again and some curfew people take the opportunity to enter, what should you do?"

"But..." The shadow turtle emperor is still reluctant.

"What? Have you forgotten your promise? " Xue an light way.

The shadow turtle emperor was shocked. "Of course not!"

"That's good. It's the most important thing for you to guard Baozhu city here. Otherwise, if there is any loss here, all previous achievements will be wasted!"

When he said this, Xue an's eyes flashed a bright light, such as stars and diamonds, which dazzled people.

At least Yue Qinghuan on one side is a little crazy.

"And it's not permanent for you to stay here. After your people are rescued, I'll make my own arrangements!"

The shadow turtle emperor finally lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "yes

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