Sure enough!

After hearing Xue an's words, Lu Yushi immediately turns his head and looks at Cheng Lixuan fiercely.

"What do you have to say now?"

Cheng Lixuan was so scared that he sweated heavily on his forehead. He trembled and said, "Lu Captain Lu, there's something strange about this! This guy must be doing something in it! "

"Don't talk nonsense. Since you have entered zuisheng building, you have to admit defeat. Now that you have lost, you should kneel down to make amends and admit your mistake." Lu Yushi said in a cold voice.

Cheng Lixuan never dreamed of such a huge reversal.

But before he could react, Lu Yushi raised his hand.

From behind him immediately rushed up two men, came to Cheng Lixuan behind, and then a press his shoulder.

"Kneel down!"

Cheng Lixuan didn't even hum. He fell to his knees.

This is not to say that the strength of these two men is better than Cheng Lixuan.

It's all because of the token in their hands.

This token inherits the power of zuisheng building. When the token appears, it means that they are doing things on behalf of zuisheng building. Naturally, they have the power of God and ghost.

In desperation, Cheng Lixuan kowtows to Xue an with a face full of shame and indignation.

"I'm wrong! Please spare your life

Xue an light smile, and then waved, "roll it!"

Cheng Lixuan shivered all over, then slowly stood up, and then took a deep look at Xue an, turned and went downstairs.

Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knows what Cheng Lixuan's last look means.

At this time, Lu Yushi also had a meaningful look at Xue an, and then he laughed.

"Go on, everyone!"

Then he led the man away.

The storm finally subsided.

But people in this room have no intention to gamble.

Many people are looking at Xue an with astonished eyes, as if they had known the boy in white who was no more than a half step immortal.

Not only them, but also Yue Qinghuan looked at Xue an in shock.

Because she suddenly found out that Xue Angang's methods and the sharp words of killing people without blood were just like a group of people she had ever seen

they were a group of people who could stir up the world with their eloquence.

In my brother's words, these people are the ancestors who killed people without blood.

The so-called anger and fear of the princes, live in peace, then the rest of the world, maneuver, nothing more than this!

Just then, Xue an looked down at her and said with a smile, "what's your look?"

Yue Qinghuan's face turned red, and then he moved his eyes to another place, "what eyes? I'm just looking at the way you just talked. Don't think about it. "

But before she had finished her explanation, Xue an had turned around and walked to the table. At the same time, she said faintly, "OK, come here to win money while you're lucky!"

Yue Qinghuan looks at Xue an's back. Suddenly he is disappointed, and then he stomps his feet.

"What an asshole!"

With that, she went forward angrily, grabbed one of the big chips that she was compensated for and threw it into the bet area.


A moment later, the ball arrived on schedule and stayed on the number she had bet.

Now, many people look at Yue Qinghuan in the wrong way.

How small is the probability of winning the single pressure number twice in a row?

Even Yue Qinghuan himself was startled.

When did you get so lucky?

On one side, Xue an chuckled, "no doubt, continue to bet, and tell them with practical actions, what is the real European emperor!"

Sure enough.

Next, Yue Qinghuan will win no matter which number he puts down.

So soon there was a spectacle on the gambling table. Everyone was waiting for Yue Qinghuan to make a bet. When she was sure to leave, she would flock to follow her bet to get rich returns.

After a while, the official in charge of roulette was as white as paper, and his eyes were even more desperate.

She had never seen such a strange card game before, so she looked at the rune seal in the corner from time to time.

That's the water mirror seal, which can be used as a monitoring probe.

The Dutch official knew that the current situation here must have been transmitted to the inspection hall through this water mirror seal.

But the strange thing is, why hasn't anyone come forward to solve it up to now?

Just when the Dutch official was puzzled.

In the inspection hall at the bottom of zuisheng building, the atmosphere is also very tense.

Almost everyone gathered in front of the roulette scene on the second floor.

Looking at Yue Qinghuan, who is killing all sides and winning money, the big cashier's eyes can't help narrowing slightly.Lu Yushi, standing on one side, can't help touching his bald head at the moment. "Damn, it's really evil today. How can someone win money?"

With that, he dragged a staff member of the inspection department and asked angrily, "are you sure these two people didn't make a thousand?"

In the face of the notorious King Lu, the staff member turned white with fright and said in a trembling voice: "to At least from the video evidence we have now, we We didn't find anything different! "

"Damn, it's a bunch of rubbish. Even a little girl can't see through it. What's the use of you!" This Lu Yushi stares at him and is about to break his neck.

At this time, the side of the big cashier light way: "OK, did not see out is not seen out, this is not their business."

The words of the big cashier obviously worked. At least after hearing his words, Lu Yushi let go of the staff.

"Go away! If it wasn't for the big cashier to speak for you, I would tear you apart today! "

The staff member was pardoned and ran away.

Then Lu Yushi turned his head and looked at the big cashier, "big cashier, what should we do now? Do you just watch this little girl win

The cashier shook his head. "You're wrong. What we should pay attention to is not the military woman, but the young man in white beside us!"

"Well? You mean he did it? Damn, when I confronted Cheng Lixuan just now, I thought there was something wrong with him. I guessed him right. Now I'll go and get him back! "

Lu Yushi went out in a murderous way.

"Come back!"

"What's the matter?"

"Do you have evidence now? Go and arrest people?"

"It's just a half step immortal. You still need a piece of bullshit evidence. It's not too late to bring it back for interrogation!"

"You are simple minded!" The big accountant took his eyes back and said faintly, "it's not difficult to catch him back, but if it gets around, what will other people think?"


"Others will surely think that zuisheng building can't afford to lose, so they take away the winning guests. In this way, who dares to come to zuisheng building in the future?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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