Looking at these people lying on the ground snoring, Yue Qinghuan and others are all a little silly.

Xue an is even slightly a Leng, "what do you mean?"

"Nothing. It's just that I know the elder of the friend who gave you the sword, so in her face, I won't pursue you any more. I'll even give these people back to you, but I have one more thing to remind you!"

"I didn't do anything about the shadow turtle clan in Baozhu city. There's something hidden behind it. But I advise you not to investigate it, because you can't bear the result!"

Xue an took a deep look at the emperor of Yuehua, then narrowed his eyes and said, "do you think this is possible?"

Yuehua Zhongjun chuckled, then shrugged, "I don't think it's possible, so I just want to remind you. As for whether or not to listen, that's your business!"

After that, Yuehua Zhongjun took another look at Xue an's sword, and there was a touch of pain in his eyes. Then he flew back to the sky.

"This place has been blocked by me before, everything will return to normal after I leave, but I hope you'd better not disclose these things, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!"

With this last sentence, the huge celestial body above the sky disappeared quickly and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

With the disappearance of the celestial body, there was a sudden sound of Bi peel in the surrounding environment, as if an invisible barrier was broken, and then everything returned to normal.

This month, huazhongjun from appear to leave, a total of time is a meal.

But no one thought that things would have such a huge change, so they were all in the same place.

It was not until a long time later that Yue Qinghuan woke up, "just And just go away? "

Xue an took his eyes back from the sky and nodded: "that's right! It's gone! "

"What the hell is going on..."

Yue Qinghuan whispered, and suddenly remembered something. He immediately looked at Xue an's sword and wanted to see some clues from it.

But after staring for a long time, she also got nothing, but had to give up.

Just at this time, the girl who was lying on the ground and couldn't wake up suddenly gave a cry, and then she woke up and turned around.

This is a pretty girl with childlike innocence in her eyes.

When she saw Xue an and Yue Qinghuan standing in front of her, she was stunned.

"What's the matter? Who are you

Xue an didn't respond to her words. Instead, he went straight to the big pit that LV Yangyan had smashed. His eyebrows were slightly raised, and the huge idea suddenly extended from his eyebrows, turned into thousands of threads, and flew into the big pit.

At this time, the shadow turtles began to wake up one by one.

However, unlike innocent girls, these shadow turtles are obviously much more cautious.

Especially after seeing the chaotic situation in the field, he curled up in the corner with a full face of vigilance.

At this time, with the promotion of shennian silk thread, LV Yangyan, who was unconscious with blood, was dragged out of the pit by Xue an.

Seeing LV Yangyan, the girl could not help exclaiming, "brother!"

Then he jumped on it immediately.

But at this time, LV Yangyan was lying there like a corpse.

The girl saw this scene and immediately cried out, "brother, what's the matter with you, brother, wake up quickly, don't scare me!"

But no matter how she shakes, LV Yangyan doesn't respond at all.

The girl was full of tears, lying on LV Yangyan's body, crying almost fainted.

Yue Qinghuan's face was full of pain, and he stroked the girl's shoulder.

"Well, don't cry. You can't come back from death. Your brother..."

But before she finished her words, the girl cried even louder.

"Brother, are you really dead? I don't want you to die! "

Yue Qinghuan stood there awkwardly.

At this moment, Xue an chuckled, "well, if you want your brother to really die like this, then you should try your best to shake it!"

This speech, the girl's cry suddenly stopped, and then looked at Xue an with tears on her face.

"You said What did you say? "

"I said, your brother is not dead at all! He's just dormant for a while! "

As he said this, Xue an came up to LV Yangyan, then squatted down and gently touched LV Yangyan's forehead.

The girl became more and more nervous.

Because even if she is a woman, she knows the importance of forehead and eyebrow to a practitioner.

It can be said that now all the vitality of his brother is in this young man in white.

If he had any hostility to his brother, he would be doomed.

So her heart can't help but raise her throat and look at it with fear.Fortunately.

It seems that her prayers worked.

I saw LV Yangyan's body suddenly tremble, and then slowly exhaled a breath.

This tone is so long, as if the hibernating turtle and snake are breathing.

It is the method of turtle breathing that Zhenwu Taoism is good at.

After hearing the exhale, Xue an released his hand.

At the same time, Lu Yang Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

"To my sister Well

Because it was Xue an with a smile who first came into view.

It didn't stop him.

But when he saw his sister, even though she was seriously injured, he jumped up and rushed to the girl. Then he grabbed her shoulder and looked up and down.

"Brother!" Cried the girl.

After confirming that his sister had not been hurt, LV Yangyan took a long breath and said, "am I dreaming? Or am I dead? "

With this remark, the girl could no longer control herself and fell into LV Yangyan's arms crying.

"Brother, you're not dreaming. It's really me!"

Lu Yang Yan's whole body was stiff, and then his eyes were moist. He reached out and patted his sister's back.

"All right, all right, stop crying!"

It's like talking to a child.

Hearing his pacification, the girl gradually stopped crying. Then she looked up at LV Yangyan with blood on her face and said: "brother, how did you do this? Does it hurt? "

"It's OK. It's all right. It doesn't hurt at all!" Lu Yangyan grinned, but his dark eyes have proved how bad his situation is now.

There was anger in the girl's eyes. "Who did it?"

The sound became even colder.

After feeling his sister's anger, LV Yangyan's expression immediately became extremely dignified and said in a deep voice: "it's none of your business. Don't be angry, let alone excited!"

Hearing his rebuke, the girl thought of something, then lowered her eyes and gradually calmed the boiling blood.

While Xue an on one side saw this behind the scenes, his eyes were slightly bright.

Because he clearly perceived that just when the girl was angry, there was a strong breath emerging from her.

Although it's just a surprise, it's still breathtaking!

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