Hearing this, Liang Dikang, Zu Deming and others looked at each other and immediately laughed.

"What should I do? That's it! It's a trifle, it's nothing at all! " Liang Dikang said confidently.

"That's right. He's just a half step immortal. Long Shao can rest assured that we will deal with this matter perfectly!"

They all expressed their opinions one after another, and the "righteous indignation" seemed to have subdued each other.

And seeing this scene, long Zhan's face could not help easing a lot, and then raised his glass, "in that case, I'll give you a toast!"


Then the atmosphere finally returned to normal, and the gang continued to indulge and have fun as usual.

In other words, at the same time, in another vein which is also located in the upper layer, the atmosphere is somewhat different.

This branch is exactly the branch of Yue family.

However, compared with the prosperity of the dragon family, the division of the Yue family is much more lonely.

In the middle of fenmai, there is a huge planet, which is the home of the family.

Right now.

Many of the people in this family's headquarters are sulking.

And all this comes from the people of the dragon family who are sitting in the reception hall at the moment.

They occupied most of the reception hall and sat in the middle. The old God was holding a teacup in his hand. With a sneer on his face, it was a senior elder of the dragon family, long chaoming!

This long chaoming completely ignored the glare of the opposite Yue family, instead, he took a sip of tea, and then said, "how long has it been?"

"Elder Hui, three hours and a quarter have passed!"

Long chaoming put down the tea cup, and then said to the ugly face of his wife's family.

"Do you hear me? I've been waiting here for more than three hours, but your wife's family still doesn't even have an explanation, or even the head of your family. What is this? Look down on my dragon family? "

As soon as this remark came out, all the people of the dragon family behind him were very powerful.

But this makes the appearance of the man who is specially responsible for entertaining foreign guests more and more ugly.

"Long Changlao, I really don't know what you want to say, and I've already passed on what you just said. There must be his reason why the owner doesn't come out to see you, but what I want to say is..."

"This is the territory of the Yue family. Please respect yourself!"

Words fall, an invisible military power from this treatment and the servants behind him suddenly out, actually directly suppressed the momentum of the dragon family, and showed the trend of counterattack.

Seeing this, long chaoming broke the confrontation with a cold hum, and then there was a strange laugh.

"It's really interesting. If you don't have any words to say, you can use force to suppress people. Is this the way of hospitality of the Yue family?"


Just as she was about to speak, a female voice came from outside the room, "step back!"

With the voice, but see a figure graceful, face covered with black gauze woman step in.

Although I can't see her face clearly, it can be seen from her elegant manner that she is absolutely beautiful.

As soon as he saw her, the steward immediately bowed down.

This dragon's morning sound is in front of a bright, then slightly lean over: "it's two girls! I'm very polite

Two girls!

It's a strange title.

It's not the second lady or the second lady, but it's very well-known among military experts and even hundreds of ancient families.

Especially in the family of Yue, almost everyone will be very respectful after seeing the second girl.

All this is because this woman is the head of the Yue family, that is, the close maid of Yue Qinghuan's brother.

It is reasonable to say that a waitress can never have such prestige, but the key is that she has been in the family for too long.

As long as Yue Qinghuan's elder brother was not the owner of the family, she was often around. It is rumored that the woman had rescued the Yue family more than once.

Because of this, although the woman had no name, and did not know her origin, she had a high prestige in the family.

Because people have taken her as the wife of the householder by default. In many cases, her words represent the meaning of the householder in law.

And her appearance today must also represent the leader of the family in law.

She nodded slightly, "Long Chang is so polite. The owner knows what you just said!"

Long chaoming's eyes brightened, "Oh? But what does the master-in-law mean? "

"The master has only one word!"

"What's that?"

The woman blinked her eyes. Her voice was as cold as ice. She said slowly, "Qinghuan is a member of the Yue family, his sister! It has nothing to do with your dragon family, so you don't need to criticize and comment here! "

This speech is like a loud slap on the face of all the people in the dragon family.The dragon's morning cry suddenly rose, and his face was green and red, staring at the woman.

"Second girl, is that really what your master said?"

"Of course!"

"Good! Good Long chaoming got angry and raised his eyebrows. "I didn't expect that your wife's family would be so protective. That's right! That Yue Qinghuan is really a member of your wife's family, but don't forget that you and I belong to the same military family. Her words and deeds are also related to the face of the military family! "

"A soldier's daughter, with noble blood, has a close relationship with a wild man who doesn't know where she came from. If it's spread, what will the ancient hundred families think of us?"

Long chaoming questions harshly, shaking the living room.

And this noise also makes many people in the family angry, some people quietly appear in the living room.

But the two girls just waved, "what are you doing? Everybody back down

With an order, these people did not dare to disobey, so they had to retreat again.

Then the second girl looked at long chaoming coldly. After a long time, she said with a sneer, "what a grand truth, but if elder long really cares about how the outside world treats us, why should he allow the existence of beauty tears?"

This question hit the nail on the head. Long chaoming, who wanted to continue to say something, was speechless. After a long time, he said angrily.

"Two girls, are you not afraid that the news will spread, and no one dares to marry Yue Qinghuan? You know, my dragon family

Before the words were heard, the second girl interrupted him directly, "don't say it. Although the master didn't say it, I can make the decision for him now. It's all our business whether our woman is married or not. As for your dragon family..."

"Please forgive me for being too high!"

This speech was so crisp that all the people in law's family took a breath in their hearts.

Because it was so stuffy just now.

If someone comes to the door and points his nose to scold him, everyone will be angry.

Now, the two girls can be regarded as giving vent to the public.

On the contrary to the Yue family, long chaoming is almost mad now.

He shivered and looked at the two girls with angry eyes.

Two girls have no fear, coldly looking at him, then sink a way.

"Long Chang Lao, I want to remind you that this is my wife's territory. If you dare to roar like that again, I won't be polite to you any more!"

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