After pulling his arm out of the passage, Xue an slowly looks at Liang Dikang and others with pale complexion and full of panic.

"See? That's my rule

Liang Dikang and others subconsciously nodded, did not dare to say a word.

Xue an waved his hand. "Get out of here!"

If these people are pardoned, they will be scattered as birds and beasts.

In the blink of an eye, a group of people who were just fierce disappeared, and everything was calm again.

But Xue an didn't turn to leave. Instead, she looked at the darkness in the distance with a smile.

"You've been hiding in the dark for so long, don't you plan to show up?"

With this question, a sigh came from the darkness.

"Seriously, Xue an, I thought you would grow up, but I didn't expect you to grow up so fast!"

With the voice, but see civet cat step out.

"Big smelly cat?" Yue Qinghuan exclaimed.

On hearing this address, cihuamao's face showed a sense of helplessness.

This belongs to the human expression in a cat's face, how to see how funny.

"Miss two, please don't call me big smelly cat as soon as we meet? At least I'm also the general of the leader side, which will make me lose face! "

"What should I call you, big smelly cat?"

"Civet cat is OK, uncle cat is OK, just don't call me smelly cat, I'm disgusted!" Civet cat said helplessly.

"Bah! You're the only one Yue Qinghuan spat, but he laughed.

The civet cat couldn't provoke Yue Qinghuan, and he didn't dare, so he didn't hear it.

He turned his head and bared his teeth to Xue an. "Boy, Uncle Ben was going to help you clean up Liang Dikang. Unexpectedly, you gave me such a big surprise. I believe the owner will be surprised when he sees you!"

Xue an's face moved, because he knew that the next thing he wanted to see was to leave the armory and bury the dead Chinese.

For this person, Xue an is also full of curiosity.

Because he wanted to know what happened in those years!

seems to have seen Xue An's doubts and eagerness, and he smiled and turned his body.

"Come on, the master is waiting for you at home."

At this time, they were just before the division of the Yue family, so under the leadership of cihuamao, they came to the Yue family just a moment later.

This house is totally different from Xue an's brilliant and majestic atmosphere, and even a little too ordinary.

It's like an ordinary family.

When two people and one cat fell to the ground, the guard in charge of guarding the door immediately dodged to both sides and bowed to salute.

"Yes, miss two! I've seen Mr. cat

Civet cat swaggered through it with a look of satisfaction.

Yue Qinghuan's face was expressionless, but there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

After all, she has been away from home for so long that she misses her brother.

I don't know if he's OK!

With this idea in mind, two people and a cat went into the courtyard, and then went back.

But just before I arrived at the flower hall in the backyard, I saw two girls standing here, as if they were waiting for them.

"Two girls!"

Shiqing respected his brother nuhuan very much.

The two girls nodded, but their eyes stayed on Xue an. After gazing deeply for a moment.

She burst into a smile.

"Qinghuan, your brother asked me to wait for you here, only let the boy go in by himself!"


Yue Qinghuan was stunned. He didn't understand what his brother meant.

He came all the way back, but his brother was not in a hurry to see himself, but to see Xue an alone?

What is the reason?

There are all kinds of doubts in her heart, but when she grew up with her brother, she stopped very cleverly, then lowered her voice and said to Xue an.

"Go, my brother wants to see you!"

Xue an nodded and then stepped in.

It's still the beautiful flower hall and the warm wind.

The backyard seems to be a world of its own, independent of the external environment.

There was a look of surprise in Xue an's eyes.

Because after he entered the backyard, he didn't notice any fluctuation of the technique. He just went through a door. As a result, such a huge change took place inside and outside the door.

This kind of means is incredible.

Just then, a faint voice came from the flower hall.

"Can you play chess?"

"A little bit!"

"That's good, accompany me to the next set!"With the voice, Xue an felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed. He came directly from the colorful backyard to an ancient battlefield.

He stood on the top of the mountain, at his feet was the battlefield infiltrated by countless blood.

On the battlefield, there are countless soldiers.

These soldiers stood in turn according to the pattern of the chessboard, and in the middle was the boundary between Chu River and Han Dynasty.

The soldiers on Xue an's side were as red as fire, while those on Chuhe's side were all dressed in black.

Such a scene made Xue an raise her eyebrows slightly. At the same time, a voice came from the opposite mountain.

"You are the guest, you are the first!"

Words fall, Xue an's in front of then emerge a side so big chessboard.

Xue an is also not polite. He makes a move directly.

All of a sudden, the situation on the battlefield changed with the roar of the horses.

"It's a very unorthodox start!" The opposite voice commented, and then returned.

In an instant, the two men were killed, and the situation on the battlefield became fierce.

"Ha ha, you lose the voice, suddenly smile

Then he saw a chariot rumbling over and coming directly to the top of Xue an's mountain. As long as he took another step, the top of the mountain would be smashed by the chariot.


It's a great move.

But Xue an said without waves: "that's not necessarily true!"

Words fall, see Xue an a son drop plate, then listen to the opposite battlefield to upload a pawn's cry, straight forward out of a step.

It is this step that directly blocks all the retreating routes on the opposite side and becomes a dead end without solution.

But plays the key role, actually is only a most ordinary, but, even the attack also can only advance step by step the pawn!

The war is settled, but the opposite side is silent.

Until after a long time, I just heard the voice sigh: "good chess! I killed my veteran with a pawn! What kind of move is that? "

Xue an shook his head. "No move! Because I think, as a passer-by, you can only go forward and kill the enemy desperately to survive. The so-called big fight is the only way to say no fight, and the only way to say nothing is to do something great! In the face of indomitable power, any move is vain

"Well said!" There was a round of applause from the other side. "It seems that cihuacat is right. You are really a rare talent!"

Words fall, the battlefield scene instantly passed away, when Xue an found himself sitting in the flower hall.

Opposite him, a beautiful young man was sitting on a chair, looking at him with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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