Lu Bingtang happily put the most precious part of the plundered treasure into his personal space.

As the head of the pirate, he naturally has the right.

After he finished, it was the other leaders' turn to choose.

And that's what they take for granted every day.

Because their location is just adjacent to a very prosperous commercial road, and there are many merchant ships coming and going every day. They don't even have to take the initiative to attack. If they sit at home, there will be merchant ships offering tribute for peace.

This makes Lu Bingtang and others living here extremely moist, and they are even a little happy.

After the equal division, the leaders were flattering.

Lu Bingtang complacently said, "today's harvest is really good. What kind of tribute are they from merchant ships?"

A small leader stepped forward and said, "chief Hui, it's a caravan going to the Yue's family that turned in the tribute."

"Oh? Is it the Yue's caravan Lu Bingtang was in a daze, and his interest came immediately.

"Tut Tut, we've been staying here for some time. Now that the caravan of Yue's family is here, it's time to take this opportunity to have a look and thank you for the friendship of the host." Lu Bingtang said consciously and humorously.

There was a roar of laughter.

"That's right. Thanks to the care of our wife's family, we can have such a good business. Naturally, we have to go and thank you!" A big leader laughs.

There was a man next to him who frowned and said, "to tell you the truth, I went to the caravan when it was paying tribute. The leader of the caravan was a charming little lady!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the pirates laughed strangely.

Some people even slapped the horse and said, "the boss is sure to take the little girl down as soon as he goes!"

Lu Bingtang quite complacently tidied up her clothes, and then said faintly, "let's go and have a look first. If it suits her appetite, she really can't go today!"

The whole audience answered the promise, and then followed Lu Bingtang.

Meanwhile, a huge caravan hovered quietly in space.

In the command room of the leading ship, the angry jingcaihe smashed the command console.

"Asshole, why don't you let us go after all the tolls have been paid?"

"The other side said it was their chief leader who wanted to come to see him in person!" One of them said bitterly.

"Chief leader?" Jing Caihe is stunned, "what does a pirate's chief come to visit us here?"

"I don't know!"

Jing Caihe was silent for a moment. Finally, he waved his hand weakly, "OK, I know. You go down first!"

The man wanted to talk but stopped. Finally, he sighed and turned back.

There is only one person left in the huge command room.

She leaned on the podium dejectedly, her heart full of sadness.

As a family that has cooperated with the Yue family for hundreds of years, although jingcaihe has not taken over the route for a long time, it has established close ties with the Yue family.

All kinds of daily necessities and training instruments needed by the Yue family are provided by the Jing family.

And this annual pass will not only bring huge profits to the Beijing family, but also give them a solid backing and backer.

This is the reason why the Beijing family has been able to stand up to now in the chaotic sky.

But in recent years, the situation of the Beijing family has gone from bad to worse.

The most direct manifestation is that in the past, some people who were respectful and responsive to the Beijing family suddenly changed their attitude.

Not only is it no longer convenient, but it is also obstructed in many places.

Then there was the encounter on the way to trade.

In the years when Beijing Caihe just took charge of this route, the whole route was unimpeded without any fetters.

But then suddenly there are many star pirates, even in front of the house just three days away from my wife's house.

Nevertheless, at the beginning, these pirates did not dare to obstruct the Jingjia caravan.

After all, they are working for their in laws.

But just last year, these pirates suddenly changed their ways and didn't give the Beijing family any more face.

In desperation, jingcaihe had to take the initiative to pay tribute in order to pass safely.

This year's trip was no exception, but I never thought that I had paid enough money to buy the road, but I still didn't let myself pass. I also said that the chief leader would come to visit. For the current situation of the Beijing family and the crisis caused by these pirates along the way, jingcaihe knew exactly why.

It's all because people have gradually lost their reverence for the declining family.

How can this not make jingcaihe sad and angry.

Just at this time, I heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then a report was made.

"Miss, the pirates are coming and they want to see you!"Jing Caihe took a deep breath, "OK, I know. Go back and tell them, I'll come later!"


Step down.

Jingcaihe stood in front of the mirror, looking at the charming self in the mirror, his lips slightly pursed, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

These pirates are not well intentioned, so she has to be well prepared in advance.

She reached out and hid a sharp sword in her sleeve, and fitted a life protecting seal.

After finishing all this, Jing Caihe took a deep breath, and his face in the mirror gradually became cold. Then he turned away.

Right now.

In the reception hall of the great ship, Lu Bingtang sits on the right seat, drinking tea.

The men huddled together and talked about something.

"Haha, those people have just reported to us. We will see the leader soon! It's said that she is still the first lady of the Beijing family! "

"The bullshit Beijing family, now even their backstage backer's wife's family has declined, who are they?"

"But it's also a famous young lady. It must be different to play with it!"

"Of course! Today, the boss is blessed! "

These guys are talking about more and more obscene topics.

Just at this time, the corridor outside the reception hall came a clear sound of footsteps, and then the door was pushed open, and jingcaihe stepped in.

As soon as she appeared, she made the whole hall quiet.

At most, these pirates, who had seen some common people in various brothels, were all stunned at the moment.

There is no other reason, it is really cold as ice in the face of Beijing Lotus really can be called qianjiaobaimei these four words.

Especially her indifferent and lofty temperament makes many people itch.

Even Lu Bingtang could not help but stand up with a smile.

"This must be the girl from Beijing. I'm Lu Bingtang, the head of this pirate. I'm very lucky to meet you today Congratulations

Lu Bingtang, who originally had little ink in his heart, had to be very literate today, so he racked his brains to come up with an adjective, but how strange it was to listen to. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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