In the banquet hall, the pirates suddenly turned pale.

Lu Bingtang was shocked all over, and then hissed and roared, "come on! Defend

But as soon as his voice fell, he heard a loud bang, and then the whole banquet hall disappeared!

That's right!

It's the kind of missing you think.

However, the steel wall of the banquet hall was torn like a thin layer of paper, and a group of brave soldiers came together with the smoke.

Although there are a large number of people, every step they take is so uniform, just like one person, which makes the whole ship tremble.

Dong Dong!

The sound of footsteps seemed to strike on the chest of Lu Bingtang and others, which made their breathing pause.

Lu Bingtang's eyes gradually widened, and he looked at the scene in disbelief. Until they got out of the smoke, he murmured in an almost groaning tone.

"No It's impossible! How could it be them? "

As a pirate leader who had been stationed at the gate of the Yue family for so long, he certainly knew the dress of the soldiers of the Yue family.

In fact, in the first few years, he did worry about whether this elite soldier would trouble himself.

But after several years of exploration, he found that the soldier in law's family was not as terrible as the rumor, so he gradually relaxed.

That's why he's more and more unscrupulous.

But I never thought that today, he saw a scene that only appeared in nightmares.

He was not the only one. When he saw this silent and angry soldier in law's family.

All the pirates who thought Tianda was his second son were silent.

Then he craned his neck and looked at it stupidly.

It was a wonderful scene, as if an invisible hand had caught them by the neck and lifted them up.

At this time, although jingcaihe was drunk, she also felt the strange outside world and didn't know where the strength came from. She suddenly broke away a trace of restraint and tried her best to look at it.

When I saw the familiar sign of my wife's family, I burst into tears.

Because she knew she was saved!

And it was saved by the Yue family, who had been regarded as a sick tiger by some people.

At this moment, Lu Bingtang suddenly came to understand.

Then his face quickly filled with smile, step forward to stand in front of the team leader said.

"It turns out that the heavenly soldiers of the Yue family are here. It's really a misunderstanding. We're only here to have a drink and have a good time with the girl in Beijing. Why is it such a big battle? Would you like to sit down for a while?"

In his words, he not only covered up his plot lightly, but also tried to win over the captains. It can be seen that he was not the pirate chief in vain.

But unexpectedly, in the face of his courtship and flattery, the team leaders didn't even blink.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward and weird.

Lu Bingtang's eyelids were beating wildly, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"It must be hard for you to come here. I've got a lot of gadgets recently. I'll take some with me later. What do you think?"

This is a blatant flattery, but these soldiers are still unmoved.

Lu Bingtang finally couldn't hold on. His face muscles jumped and his smile became stiff.

"Zhu What do you mean by that

After the crowd, there was a chuckle, "what do you mean Don't you know? "

With the voice, but see these soldiers silently separate a road, and then Xue an, Yue Qinghuan, Yue Junze three people came in.

At the sight of the three of them, jingcaihe suddenly began to struggle. Although he could not speak, he still sobbed.

When Yue Junze saw her, he exclaimed, "elder sister Caihe!"

Then he glared at Lu Bingtang, "how did you pick elder sister he?"

Lu Bingtang did not hear Yue Junze's question at all, because at the moment, all his attention was attracted by Xue an, who was walking in front of him.

To be exact, it should not be attraction, but suppression.

And it's all-round, no dead angle suppression.

He felt that the power of the young man in white was like the vast sea.

Although I just looked at it, I couldn't even speak.

It didn't stop him from creeping.

Who is this man?

Why never?

At this time, Xue an's playful eyes swept the pirates' faces one by one, and finally stopped at Lu Bingtang, then he gave a smile.

"Are you the head of this pirate?"

Lu Bingtang didn't want to respond, but somehow, when he heard Xue an's question, he nodded like a ghost."Good! Only him, the others Kill them all Xue an said lightly.

With an order, before Lu Bingtang could react, the soldiers of the Yue family rushed forward like a black torrent.

Poop, poop!

With the sharp sound of the blade across the muscle, the flower of blood began to bloom in the banquet hall.

The sound of begging for mercy, roaring and Howling before his death, together with the disgusting blood gas, poured into Lu Bingtang's perception, making his face as pale as snow.

Just in the blink of an eye, the pirates, who were still alive, fell into the sky and became a corpse on the ground.

And after finishing all this, the soldiers of the family in law seem to have finished a trivial matter and return to the original place in silence.

Lu Bingtang's psychological defense line was instantly defeated.

Because in the whole process, his men were mercilessly reaped like rice in the field, while the soldiers of his wife's family didn't even get hurt. The gap was hopeless.


Lu Bingtang fell on his knees and looked at Xue an dully.

At this time, Yue Qinghuan and Yue Junze have come forward to rescue jingcaihe.

Although she was still in shock, she still looked at Xue an, who was standing in front of the line in white.

Seems to feel her doubts, Yue Junze in a complacent tone whispered: "this is my third brother-in-law, how? Isn't that great? "

Third brother in law?

Jing Caihe turns to see Yue Qinghuan.

Yue Qinghuan blushed and spat: "you listen to his nonsense, it's not like that!"

Although it's a denial, how can Jing Caihe, who is also a woman, not hear Yue Qinghuan's insincerity.

This also made her more curious about Xue an.

After all, who doesn't know that Yue Qinghuan is a famous goddess in the whole military family, but she has never favored any man.

Today, he was so special to the boy in white, which obviously surprised jingcaihe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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