The blade is sharp, but it sparks when it touches the skin of these lizards. In addition, there is no scratch on the skin.

Not only that, these lizards were also aroused fierce, wagging their tails toward the soldiers in law.


With a loud noise, the whole formation of the soldiers of the Yue family was forced back several meters.

But fortunately, the swords and shields prepared in advance and protected the people with huge shields, so no one was injured.

But this is not a long-term strategy, because these lizards are very fierce, and they obviously intend to swallow the soldiers of the family in law as a whole.

At this moment, Xue an said in a deep voice: "variable array, conical array!"

The voice was not big, but it reached every soldier's ears clearly.

All of a sudden, the whole army of the Yue family began to change rapidly, and finally formed a sharp formation.

All the cone points are held by the small team leaders among the soldiers, who are the elite among the elite.

"Go! Kill those who block it Xue an again cheered.

Four simple words are full of supreme authority.

Bingwei was shocked and quickly converged on the tip of the cone.

The team leaders felt that they were full of endless strength, and their eyes were full of evil spirit.

Poop, poop!

This time, when you wave the blade, you will cut all the lizards in front of you in half.

Among the blood splashes, the conical array is like a sharp sword, cutting through the whole lizard group directly.

After rushing out, he left a blood alley behind him.

"Turn back and kill again!" Xue an's tone is not mixed with any emotion.

The whole team quickly turned around and rushed in again.

After a few trips, most of the lizards were killed.

The rest finally felt fear and began to flee.

But how can Xue an let them go.

"Clean up the battlefield, no one left!"

At the moment, the soldiers of the Yue family were like the killing gods who rushed out of the hell. Their evil spirit had been condensed into essence and turned into armor.

With the blessing of the evil spirit of the soldiers, all the lizards were slaughtered in a short time.

When the last lizard fell down, a cold voice sounded in everyone's heart.

"The first act of trial, the Yue family first!"

As soon as the voice came out, the soldiers who were fighting in their respective scenes could not help but shake all over and look shocked.

In the tropical rain forest, long Zhan cut a giant scarlet seven or eight meters tall. But when he heard the news, even the mask could not hide his anger.

"Son of a bitch, isn't this wife's family in decline? Why is it so strong? "

Immediately, he yelled at the commander of the Dragon Family: "what are you doing to keep you? I've been ranked first by others. They all fight bravely. I'll see the result in a quarter of an hour! "

The dragon family's commander made his face gloomy and his eyelids beat.

He was very dissatisfied with long Zhan's behavior of taking over the responsibility.

Because the most taboo thing in the army is that two people have command at the same time.

But there is no way, who let the dragon is the favorite son of the family!

So he could only endure the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice: "at all costs, end this first trial as soon as possible!"

For a moment, the soldiers of the dragon family began to attack madly, and the progress became very fast for a moment.

But this kind of crazy attack is also in advance overdraft their physical strength.

This is a very unwise behavior, you know, this is just the first trial, there is still a long way to go!

The long family is crazy, and the Sima family's life is not so good.

Of course, Sima Tiancheng would not be as stupid as long Zhan, but he also felt pressure, because his father Sima Chongchao had already said that before he practiced martial arts.

As long as good results can be achieved in this exercise, he will be made a successor in the future.

For this purpose, he can only forge ahead bravely.

So he secretly winked at the commander of Sima's family.

The other side understood and began to deploy troops to speed up the attack.

Different from the pressure of the two families, Zhong Liwu, who was killing the sea monster in the sea, was stunned and immediately burst out laughing after hearing the news.

"Good! That's interesting! "

Then he turned to the soldier who left home and yelled, "boys, can you hear me? Someone robbed us of our first place. What shall we do next? "

"Kill! Kill! Kill

There are several soldiers who can serve under such a fool as Zhong Li Wu Hu. At the moment, they are all red eyed and roaring."Yes, it's killing! First of all, we must have been away from home. Let's go

Zhong left home and began to fight madly.

On the other side of the battlefield, Gu forgetya, who is not in a hurry to deal with the demons in front of him, does not show much excitement after hearing the news.

Because she didn't plan to win the first place, as long as she can guarantee the same place as last time, she will finish the task.

With this relaxed attitude, she even turned around and said, "don't worry, save your strength, and slowly grind these demons to death!"


The fighting situation became more stable in an instant. Gu forgot Ya stopped, pulled away from the battlefield, and then turned to a certain direction.

She has a special ability, that is, as long as you see the other side, you can blur the location of the other side.

This kind of ability also made her outstanding achievements in war.

At this moment, she could conclude that the boy in white who had left a deep impression on her must be in this position.

"It's a bit interesting. It seems that there will be many unpredictable variables in this year's martial arts conference."

Families on the battlefield react differently, and even more so outside that battlefield.

This martial arts performance is an ancient ceremony inherited from ancient times, and it has been transformed by a peerless power.

For example, now, including Yue Qinghuan and the elders of the Yue family, all the family owners almost gather in the martial arts hall to watch the situation on the battlefield through a huge water curtain.

This is not a live broadcast.

After all, those who can participate in the martial arts performance of this strategist are not ordinary people. If it is live broadcast, if people outside the field and in the battlefield have some means of communication that can avoid shielding and blockade, is it equivalent to having a God's perspective on the battlefield?

Because of this consideration, the situation on the battlefield is reflected by means of a progress bar.

Each of the 12 teams has its own progress bar, which will grow with each item completed.

This not only directly reflects the situation in the field, but also avoids cheating, killing two birds with one stone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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