Under the support of this idea, there was a great force surging in his body, as if it would explode in the next second.

But he didn't know that when the Qi and blood of his whole body reached the peak, there were scales on his neck, just like... Evil things.

Xue an naturally felt the strong murderous spirit of long Zhan.

To be honest, Xue an didn't recognize the Dragon at the beginning.

Until long Zhan roared and rushed to the front, "Xue an, today is your death time!"

He just suddenly, and then a cold smile.

"Long Zhan, your life is really big!"

With that, he dodged long Zhan's fist.

Long Zhan gasps heavily, the action in the hand doesn't stop at all, the fist goes straight to Xue an's vital point but come.

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

What a powerful fist!

I haven't seen you for a few days. How can the strength of long Zhan make such great progress?

Although in the heart is startled, but Xue an foot does not stop, has been swimming restlessly, dodges the long Zhan attack.

After several faces, long Zhan roared, "Xue an, what are you hiding from? You have the ability to fight me head on

But Xue an didn't speak, because at this time he had already seen some clues.

Especially the scales on the neck of longzhan made Xue an think of many things in a moment.

But he didn't have any fear. He just sneered and stopped his dodging step. He faced long Zhan's blow.


An invisible shock wave directly destroyed the surrounding low shrubs into vermicelli.

Xue an snorted and then stepped back involuntarily.

Long Zhan didn't even shake. He rushed forward again with a grim smile.

This time, all the onlookers were shocked.

Gu forgets Ya full face shocked looking at to fight together of long Zhan and Xue an two people, can't help but flash an idea in the brain.

When did the famous dandy of the dragon family become so powerful?

It even means to suppress Xue an in an all-round way.

Not only her, Zhong Li Wu Wang and Song Yu Ze all face dignified color.

They didn't hate Xue an at all, but they were full of admiration, which is why they didn't join the regiment.

But it seems that Xue an can't hold on to the current situation.

If he is defeated, it means that the whole family will be defeated like a mountain.

In this case, these people could not help but secretly pinch a sweat for Xue an.

At this time, long Zhan had already forced Xue an back again and again. He couldn't help laughing under his excitement.

"Xue an, you'd better give up as soon as possible. In this way, I can give you a good time. Otherwise, I will tear you to pieces a little bit!"

But Xue an just sneered, "Oh? Is that right? "

The irony in his words made long Zhan angry and his blood filled his eyes.

"Xue, don't give me a fuckin 'toast. You can't be my opponent at all. Do you dare to be tough when you die?"

Xue an laughed and said nothing.

But this attitude completely angered long Zhan. He suddenly raised his head and howled like a hungry wolf.

With howling, his skin suddenly began to crack, as if there was a monster in his body to break free.

The stinking blood flowed down, which made him look extremely ferocious.

These pictures also made the soldiers in the war slow down their offensive.

Gu forgets ya, Zhong Li and others are even more creepy and startled.

"My God, what's that?"

With the sound of exclamation, but see long Zhan's ribs suddenly stretched out from the chest and abdomen, and then crazy growth.

In the blink of an eye, the ribs would cover longzhan like armor. At the same time, it made his body look like the devil in the hell, without any human form.


At this time, long Zhan, who had lost his human consciousness, gave a vague roar, and then rushed to Xue an.

It's too fast for everyone to react.

Bang!After a dull sound, Xue an's body was hit and flew out, and rolled several times in the air before landing.

Look at Xue an at this time, a wisp of blood drips down the corner of his mouth.

"Master commander!" Yue Junze exclaimed.

The soldiers of the Yue family were in a slight commotion.

The commander of Sima's family was overjoyed. "Speed up the attack, the wife's family can't do it!"

For a moment, when the morale of the Yue family was floating, Sima and the soldiers of the long family immediately suppressed it and retreated.

At this time, Xue an's eyes were as clear as stars. He slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice, "I'm ok. Just keep your feet steady!"

Hearing what Xue an said, the soldiers of the Yue family just relaxed a little and fought with Sima and the soldiers of the long family.

This long Zhan is a strange smile that makes people feel numb.

"Xue an, you are proud enough to survive me, but next, you still have to die!"

Say, long Zhan rushes again, the speed is fast, already exceeded everybody to imagine.

But at this time, Xue an suddenly closed his eyes, and then turned aside.

Long Zhan's fist rubbed Xue an's hair, but it was empty.

Long Zhan was shocked.

Because he didn't expect Xue an to avoid his own attack.

But in his stupefied Kung Fu, Xue an Huoran raised his fist and said in a cold voice, "it's good enough to fight. Now it's my turn!"

With that, he hit longzhan's chest and abdomen.

The majestic force shattered the bone armor on longzhan's body in an instant, but the terrible thing is that longzhan didn't fly out.

Not only that, those broken bones were quickly healed and recovered in the blink of an eye.

On the contrary, Xue an stepped back a few steps because of the anti earthquake force.

Long Zhan burst out laughing.

"Useless Xue an, you can't break my defense with your current strength. Let's die!"

Say, long Zhan fiercely pours on.

But at this time, I saw an amazing sword light passing through the sky.


Long Zhan's arm was abruptly cut off.

There is no blood. As long as the wriggling bone armor tries to repair the wound, it is crushed by the sword.

Long Zhan roared with pain and said in disbelief: "impossible, how can you hurt me?"

At this time, Xue an slowly raised his hand, and his hand was the red sword left by the three swords. He said in a cold voice.

"Why not?"

When he saw the scarlet sword, long Zhan seemed to see something extremely terrible.

"This sword... No!"

Then he turned and ran.

But how could Xue an let him go.

Xue an stepped out and came directly behind long Zhan. Then he held up his sword in his hand and cut it down obliquely.

There was a click.

As soon as the sword light arrived, the bone armor on long Zhan's body cracked, and then a huge wound slanted down from his right shoulder to the root of his thigh.

This time, even the bone armor on his body failed to save him, and the blood gushed out, which made his eyes dim quickly.

Even so, he still tried to turn around and try to see Xue an.

But at this time, half of his body would slide down and become two halves.

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