"According to the present situation, one year at most, half a year at least!" Yue Shifang said.

Xue an slightly raises eyebrow, "so fast?"

Yue Shifang gave a wry smile. "I didn't expect that, because the speed of this body's collapse was really unexpected."

Xue an was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "haven't you tried to save yourself in thousands of years?"

"Of course, I've tried. In fact, I've tried almost all the methods I can in the past few years. As a result, they all failed!"

"Is there any miracle doctor in the sky that day Xue an asked suddenly.

Yue Shifang laughed at himself, "I know what you're thinking, but it's useless, because I've tried every miracle doctor I can get, and even some of the top-level doctors who once dominated for a while still can't solve my injuries!"

Speaking of this, Yue Shifang suddenly thought of something, "except one person..."

Xue an's eyes brightened, "who are you talking about?"

Yue Shifang shook his head. "Forget it, it's no use saying it. You can't ask him to move!"

"How do you know if you don't try?"

"What you don't know is that he is the first person in the world in terms of the essence of medical ethics, but what is more famous than his medical ethics is his extremely eccentric temper. It can even be said that as long as he doesn't want to, no one in the world can please him!"

"Who are you talking about?" Xue an is not moved by it and asks in a deep voice.

"The magic doctor of ghost needle, Zha Wenliang!"

Xue an nodded, "OK! I know! "

After that, Xue an got up and went out.

"Xue an!" Yue Shifang suddenly called out.

Xue an stopped and turned to look at Yue Shifang

Yue Shifang sighed, "to tell you the truth, I've tried many times over the years, but Cha Wenliang doesn't get oil and salt at all, so you'd better not waste your efforts!"

Xue an laughed, "how can I know if I don't try! Just because you don't invite people, doesn't mean I don't invite people! "

With that, Xue an turned around and strode away.

When he left, the two girls came out from another corner of the backyard and walked slowly behind Yue Shifang.

"Is Qinghuan back?"

"Well! I've been persuaded to go back. "

"It's been a hard time for you." Yue Shifang said with a smile.

Two girls didn't say a word, just stood there silently, until a long time later she just said: "do you think he will succeed?"

"I don't know! It's reasonable to say that after so many years and countless efforts, I can't ask this Cha Wenliang to move. I should not have any hope for him, but it's strange that this guy seems to have a special magic power. "

"It's like something that others can't do with all their pains will succeed in his hands."

"It's like this time?" Two girls raise eyebrows to ask a way.

Yue Shifang nodded with a smile. "Yes, he really gave me a big surprise in this martial arts performance."

"I hope he can give me a big surprise this time!" The two girls said in a soft voice, and slowly clenched their hands on Yue Shifang's shoulders.

Yue Shifang couldn't laugh any more. He just patted her fist.

"It's all up to heaven!"

The second girl left.

She wants to take advantage of this time to find all kinds of rare medicinal materials to make medicinal soup for Yue Shifang.

When Yue Shifang was the only one left in the flower hall, he leaned on the wheelchair and looked up at the eaves of the flower hall with godless eyes.

It was not until a long time later that he suddenly sighed.

"The rules of martial arts have changed suddenly. Is that your opinion?"

"It seems that you are also very concerned about this Chinese teenager!"

"Does this young man have to solve the robbery of the strategists?"

This series of questions scattered into the air, did not usher in any answer, only the flowers under the eaves of the lonely open.

Just like Yue Shifang's present mood, he is lonely and lonely.

"Do you know Zha Wenliang Xue an asked in a deep voice.

Yue Qinghuan was stunned, then nodded, "of course I know! It's the top doctor who has lived for thousands of years and is famous all over the world. ""Good. Do you know where he lives?"

"It's said that he often stays in the valley of falling gods in the sky! Why do you ask this? "

"I'm going to invite this man to heal your brother!"

Yue Qinghuan's expression became serious immediately. "Is my brother in a bad situation now?"

"Well!" Xue an also did not conceal, direct nod should way.

"Well, I'll go with you!" Yue Qinghuan said immediately without hesitation.

Xue an also didn't refuse, "do you know the way?"

"Yes, I went to luoshengu once with my second sister. As a result, even Cha Wenliang didn't see him, so he was blocked back!"

Speaking of this, Yue Qinghuan was embarrassed. "This Zha Wenliang is famous for his eccentric temper. We just look for him like this. Can we please move him? Do you want to make some preparations in advance? "

"No, if his character is as eccentric as you say, it's useless to make any preparation!"

Soon, they were ready, and then set out quietly in the dark.

Only a few people know what they are doing here.

Because Yue Shifang's physical condition at the moment is a secret that needs to be strictly kept.

Once spread, it's easy to make this in the forefront of the storm on the Yue family again.

In this case, the Yue family soon fell into a strange silence.

This kind of strange performance is also noticed by others.

Take care of your family.

Gu forgets ya to ponder not language, "this Xue an has not been exposed since the martial arts return, where did he go?"

She whispered to herself, and the image of the boy in white came to mind.

A moment later, she said in a deep voice: "continue to observe, I know anything about the changes of the Yue family."


Like Gu family, Song family also issued a similar order.

However, different from this kind of observation without malice, the dragon family and Sima family are furious now.

Because of this martial arts performance conference, they suffered a great loss. They not only lost in martial arts performance, but also lost their blood lineage and commander-in-chief.

Even his soldiers were captured by his wife's family.

Such humiliation naturally made the two families gnash their teeth at the Yue family, especially Xue an, who just wanted to eat his meat raw.

Now I hear that there seems to be some changes in the Yue family. Xue an has never been seen since he came back. The two families almost think of one thing.

Is it because Xue an's performance is too brilliant that he is taboo by his wife's family?

This is not impossible, because military power has always been the top priority of every family. Generally speaking, military envoys are held by their own children.

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