Snow Wolf city.

A city under a snowy mountain.

Because this is where the wolves live, there are towering houses everywhere.

Of course, the tallest building must be the wolf temple in the center of the city.


At the gate of snow wolf City, several giant wolves are complaining.

"Damn it, there's a lot less vodka this time. It's boring!" Said a wolf with a trace of gold on its head.

"Hey, you think it's really less? The materials distributed in each city are constant. If it is suddenly reduced, it must have been deducted by the people above! " Another wolf sneered.

"Hush, will you keep your voice down? Be careful to be heard by the wolf king, it is the blood of wolf God A mature wolf quickly dissuades him.

"Well, if the snow wolf was valued, he would not be sent to such a remote place. Besides, isn't he out of the city now? Not even talking about it? "

The big wolf's complaints resonate with many people.

When the snow wolf king arrived here, he began to collect a lot of goods and materials, which made him rich. He was not a wolf.

At this time, a group of people passed through the gate.

"Stop!" A giant wolf blocked the way.

"Big My Lord, we are going to clean the room for you An old man in the lead said tremblingly.

The wolf looked at the ragged old man and the people behind him. He waved his hand in disappointment and said, "go away!"

When these people entered the city, the wolf sighed: "Damn it, I can't even touch the oil and water all day long. It's boring!"

There's a huge whine coming from the distance.

Several giant wolves guarding the city looked up and saw a dense crowd in the sky. The dust raised when running blocked out the sun, and the momentum was extremely frightening.

Several giant wolves were stunned at first, and then turned pale.

"Wolf God, are these pariah crazy?"

"Come on, ring the bell!"

Several giant wolves began to ring the bell in a hurry.

Because the size of snow wolf city is very small, and there are only civilians around, so the people who guard the city are just a few of them.

As soon as the alarm bell was sounded, the black crowd had already rushed under the wall.

At this time, several giant wolves also calmed down from the initial panic.

Especially when I saw that all of them were Dalits with sticks, I felt a sigh of relief.

"I thought what was wrong, tut, it was a group of pariah!" A giant wolf disdains to say.

To them, these pariah are as weak as lambs to be slaughtered, and they are not worthy of fear.

"I'll go down and kill them all!"

A giant wolf jumped down from the tall city wall, carrying a huge mace in his hand, and rushed towards the crowd with a grim smile.

This giant wolf is more than three meters high, so fierce to rush, let the crowd a burst of commotion.

After so many years of being bullied, many people are afraid of these wolves and subconsciously want to avoid them.

"Shoot the arrow, shoot the arrow!" Wu Qing called out.

People raised their bows and crossbows, aimed at the wolf and began to shoot arrows.

But because the wolf's speed is very fast, the arrow has not yet shot, it has been rushed by it.

"Hey, you scumbag, die for me!" There is a cruel light in the wolf's eyes, and the wolf's tooth stick is about to be waved.

At this time, a golden light came from the distance at a very fast speed, around the wolf.

Then the whole body of the wolf broke up slowly.

The scene made the crowd shout.

But on the wall of a few giant wolves were shocked.

"What's the matter? What was that golden light just now

At the same time, the whole Snow Wolf city also boiling, hundreds of wolves rushed to the city wall.

They all came after hearing the alarm bell.

Seeing so many giant wolves, many Chinese people turned pale.

"You pariah, why disturb our city of Snow Wolf for no reason?" A wolf with a much bigger body came out slowly and asked.

Snow wolf king is not here, it is the master of snow wolf city.

After the crowd was silent for a while, someone took the lead in shouting, "we are not Dalits, you are the beasts!"

"Yes! We are not pariah! You brutes

These cries made the wolves turn pale.

The Acting City Lord sneered, "since you want to die, don't blame us. Kill all these pariah!"

At an order, hundreds of wolves began to move forward slowly.

Walking between the world seems to be trembling.

But at the moment, the Chinese people have already red eyes, and all the things that can be used as weapons are aimed at these giant wolves.They have put life and death out of the way.

The fierce and fearless momentum of these wolves is also a little suspicious.

Why have the weak and deceiving Chinese people suddenly become so united?

"Kill them all!" The wolf eyes of the Acting City Lord flashed a look of horror, and ordered the way viciously.

Just its voice just fell, a touch of gold suddenly appeared on its neck, gently around.

The huge wolf head will rise to the sky.

The corpse of the wolf fell down on the wall and made the sky full of dust.

This scene shocked all the wolves.

What is golden light?

However, the Chinese people gave out loud cheers, and some people called out: "Sir, you are mighty!"

At the same time, Xue an's body appeared in the air before the crowd, facing the hundreds of wolves alone, he said faintly, "today, I'll let you taste what it's like to be slaughtered!"

With the voice, countless swords, like rain, went straight to these wolves.

These giant wolves didn't take these thin swords seriously, but in an instant, the sword rain swallowed them up.

Scream mixed with blood, dyed red the walls of snow wolf city.

Looking at these giant wolves who are usually high above and whose hands are covered with the blood of the Chinese people, they fall down one by one.

Countless Chinese people burst into tears.

The village leader Ni was more excited and trembled.

From childhood to adulthood, scenes that have been fantasized for countless times really appear.

After a few finger flicks, all the wolves turned into blood, and even the city wall collapsed under the sword rain.

The huge noise surprised the Chinese people who were enslaved in the city, and then saw the unforgettable pictures in their lives.

Countless sword rain fell, and all the Chinese people were safe and sound. However, those bullying wolves were wrapped up in the sword rain. After a few screams, they turned into bloody and white bones.

For a moment, the smell of wolf blood in the whole Snow Wolf city rushed to the sky.

At this point, Xue an one sword slaughters the city!!!

At this time, a huge wolf howl came from the temple in the center of the city.

"Who is it? How dare you kill my people? "

With the voice, a whole body exudes the cold glory of the wolf slowly walked out of the temple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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