In fact, before opening the jade slips, Xue an was prepared.

Because he learned from Tang Longtao that Lou Yingshi was probably carrying a piece of armor.

But when he really opened the jade slips, he found that the scene inside was quite different from what he had imagined.

But there was an empty room in the jade slips, and a little girl was sitting in the middle of the room.

you 're right!

A little girl like a fake!

I saw her eyes closed, long eyelashes falling down, covering her eyelids.

At first, Xue an even thought he was wrong, so he wiped his eyes and confirmed it.

This is because it is impossible to store life in such jade slips.

This has nothing to do with the level of strength. It is completely determined by the innate characteristics of this magic weapon.

In other words, even an ant can't survive here, let alone a four or five-year-old girl.

When Xue an was shocked, he seemed to feel his peeping, and the little girl in the jade slips slowly opened her eyes.

This is a pair of clear eyes like gems, which makes the lovely face of the little girl more beautiful.

Then she flashed a pair of big eyes to see Xue an, eyes full of curiosity.

Xue an was shocked.

Because he was surprised to find that when he looked at the little girl, he could not help but have an impulse to sink into it.

You know, for Xue an, who had a strong mind, it was something that never happened.

There are only two possibilities. One is that the girl's mental intensity is far stronger than herself. Only in this way can the effect be achieved, but it is almost impossible.

After all, even Yue Shifang, who is above the sage, is not Xue an's rival, let alone the little girl.

The second is that the little girl has a special talent to interfere or manipulate other people's attention.

But either way, it proves that the little girl is extraordinary.

In particular, Xue an also found that she could not detect the fluctuation of Qi and blood in this little girl.

But in her mind, she was a little girl like a fake.

This strange phenomenon, which is inconsistent with what we have seen and observed, also makes Xue an slightly moved.

Just then, Zha Wenliang spoke.

When he saw that Xue an had been standing there silent after opening the jade slips, and his face had changed, he could not help but be a little surprised.

"What's the matter? What's in it? "

After hearing Zha Wenliang's words, the little girl trembled slightly, as if she had been frightened, and her eyes were like deer's panic.

Somehow, after seeing the little girl's eyes, Xue an felt a pain in her heart, as if she saw her daughter being wronged.

This kind of feeling makes Xue an thrilled.

Because unconsciously, he was infected by the special temperament of the little girl.

This is horrible.

Just at this time, Cha Wenliang, who was on one side, saw that general manager Xue an didn't reply, so he also came over and looked into the jade slips.

"What's going on... Huh?"

When he saw the little girl, Cha Wenliang immediately stood in the same place, and his face was obsessed.

You know, his mind is far less than Xue an's, so it's hard to resist the girl's special talent.

Just then, Xue an suddenly gave a cold hum.

This cold hum soon swept away the special atmosphere around him. Cha Wenliang immediately woke up from his obsession, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Because just his state is too dangerous, unconsciously fell into a delusion, difficult to extricate themselves.

If someone takes advantage of it, will he not be in danger?

At this point, Cha Wenliang's eyes changed when he looked at the little girl.

Although his strength is not too high, but at least he is also a famous doctor. As a result, as soon as we met, he almost caught the little girl's way.

It can be seen that this seemingly innocent little girl is not as simple as it seems.

The little girl didn't feel anything about it. She didn't seem to understand why Xue an interrupted herself, so she tilted her head and looked at Xue an.

Just at this time, Anyan, who heard the sound in the courtyard, came out of the room, and then came to Xue an.

"Husband... Eh? What a lovely little girl An Yan can't help but wonder.

Hearing this, the little girl looked at an Yan, and then a pair of big eyes showed a very happy and excited look.

That look... As if someone who has been hungry for a long time saw a delicious meal.

Then she put out her hand to an Yan.

Xue an immediately steps forward and blocks an Yan behind him.

Although no malice is detected, the origin of the little girl is mysterious, so it's better to be careful.

But just as he stood in front of Anyan, the necklace hanging from Anyan's neck suddenly flew out, directly into the jade slip, and then fell into the little girl's hands.

An Yan exclaimed, "husband, my alchemy armor!"

The necklace that just flew into the jade slips was made of alchemy armor.

At the beginning, Xue an got a set of twelve zodiac alchemy armor by accident. Although the monkey and the dragon were not able to get together in the end, even the whole set of armor was very powerful.

So Xue an gave it to an Yan for protection in a critical moment.

But I didn't expect that today, this suit of armor flew up for no reason and fell into the hands of this little girl.

Xue an's eyes flashed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Because at this moment, but see the little girl after receiving this necklace, as if to see some delicacies in general, excited to play with two.

Click, click!

Accompanied by a sound of mechanical gear rotation, the necklace immediately transformed into a set of majestic and powerful armor.

But the little girl's next move surprised Xue an and his three.

I saw her cheering, and then jumped on the top of the armor, mouth bite down.

With a click, the helmet of the armor was bited down by the little girl.

Then I saw the little girl's mouth bulging, very satisfied with chewing up.

Xue an's three faces were shocked.

You know, this armor is made of alchemy!

It's hard enough to withstand the full force of a strong man.

But under the little girl's mouth, it was like a sweet cream cake. Without any obstruction, it was chewed down.

And look at this, also eat very sweet.

"My God, what's her mouth made of? Why is it so powerful? " An Yan can't help exclaiming.

At the same time, the little girl swallowed what she had in her mouth, and then ate the set of alchemy armor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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