This is a room on the top floor of the medicated food shop.

Because the medicated food shop is at the top of Yangcheng County, when you stand in front of the window of the room, you will find that the whole Yangcheng County is trampled by you.

At least that's how Xue an felt.

"You... Are Chinese!"

A sudden question made Xue an take his eyes back from the window, and then nodded.


Although he had known the origin of Xue an for a long time, the Xuantian empress could not help but be shocked when he admitted it.

"Sure enough... Is the earth OK now?"

Xue an looked at the woman quietly. After a long time, she said slowly: "the aura is all over again!"

The simple four words, which contains the meaning is so intriguing.

"I didn't expect to see Chinese people even after I left the earth so long!" Xuantian female emperor sighed, and then looked at Xue an.

"Are you also curious about my identity?"

Xue an laughed, then shook his head, "not curious!"

"Well? Why do you say that? "

"Because I know where you came from!" Xue an light way.

"How can it be!" The emperor could not believe her ears.

But the next second Xue an's words blocked her back.

"In fact, I also want to know how you, as a Chinese God, appeared here!"

Hearing these four words, Xuantian empress looked at Xue an with great brilliance.

"How do you know?"

With questioning, the majestic pressure came out of the woman, which made Xue an step back.

But even so, Xue an's face was as usual, just a faint smile.

"Is that hard to guess?"

The Xuantian empress looked at Xue an with a calm face. Her authority gradually converged, and finally she lowered her eyes. "Also, even the fire of Zhu Rong has been won by you. It's not difficult to see my identity!"

Said, Xuantian empress raised her head again, and then slowly took off the veil on her face, revealing a beautiful face.

"I'm really a Chinese God. My former name was Jiutian Xuannv!"

Hearing this address, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, but even though Xuan pressed back her thoughts.

Because at this time, the Xuantian empress or Jiutian Xuannv continued to say.

"Since you can come to this place, you must also know the great disaster of the Chinese people in those years."

Xue an nodded. "In fact, I came here just to investigate this matter!"

Nine days Xuan girl's facial expression suddenly becomes anxious, "that you can find some eyebrows?"

Xue an shook his head. "There are clues, but the real murderer has not been found yet."

But Jiutian Xuannu didn't pay attention to it. She asked eagerly, "besides these, have you ever seen any other Chinese gods on the earth or in the heavens?"

Xue an looks at this nine day Xuan girl with a smile, "why do you ask like this?"

"Nothing, just looking for an old friend! Forget it, it's no use asking you. After all, at your age, you can't have met them in any case! " Nine days Xuan girl's face is full of deep disappointment.

Xue an's eyes flashed a strange light, and then he said, "you haven't answered my question. As a Chinese God, how did you appear here?"

Hearing Xue an's question, Jiutian Xuannv sighed, "it's a long story. Back then..."

Nine days Xuan female dun dun, the facial expression that shows to recall.

"At that time, I fought with the immortals to fight against those invading evil families. As a result, the enemy's strength was too strong, and we were defeated, and countless compatriots were killed!"

"Until the back, the whole heaven and the gods, demons and demons are united to make the final resistance!"

"That war, from day to night, and from night to morning, countless gods died, and the blood dyed the mountains red!"

"But the enemy is still in a steady stream. In this case, almost everyone is desperate!"

"We have also given up all hope, ready to do a desperate fight, but at this time, an inexplicable light enveloped our gods!"

Speaking of this, there was a look of horror in the eyes of Jiutian Xuannv.

"I can't describe the power of this light. I just know that when it envelops us all, there will be a flower in front of us. When I open my eyes again, I will appear alone in the sky!"

"That's it?" Xue an couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, that's it!"

"What about the other gods that disappeared with you?"

Nine days Xuan Nu wry smile, "to tell the truth, I have been looking for them all these years, but nothing!"

Xue an was silent.

Because he suddenly remembered what he had said to himself a long time ago when he was exterminating the emperor of hate in the sky.

The scene he described is almost the same as what nine days Xuannv said.

In the last desperate situation, a Guanghua from nowhere disappeared with the Chinese gods.

The only difference is that Jiutian Xuannv is one of them.

While Xue an was thinking about it, Jiutian Xuannu continued: "because I am good at medicine, I established a doctor alliance with several other medical experts here. At the same time, I also found that after the journey of Guanghua!"

"My strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and I will never grow old, so I have been waiting here, looking forward to meeting Chinese people one day!"

With that, Jiutian Xuannv looked up at Xue an.

"That's why I'm here, now... It's your turn to say!"

Xue an laughed. "My origin is very simple. I was an ordinary person on the earth. Later, by chance, I embarked on the road of cultivation, and then

Xue an briefly described how he practiced and how he knew about the Chinese people's great disaster.

However, when he said that he was on the road to find the real murderer, and all the way to here, the nine days Xuannv could not help but be moved.

"Is that how you came step by step?"


Nine days Xuan female didn't speak, after a long time just sigh.

"The famous military genius in the original prequel was talking about you!"

Xue an laughed, but did not speak.

"In any case, you are all Chinese people, and I, as a Chinese God, will take care of you. Let's say, what can I do for you?" Nine days Xuan female very earnest say.

Xue an shook his head. "It's not necessary to help, but there's something I think you should know!"

"What is it?" Nine days Xuan female one Leng.

Xue an turned his wrist, and then a piece of jade appeared in his palm.

When she saw this thing, nine days Xuannv was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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