"This sword means..."

Shen Hongyi stops and almost looks at the sky sword light in the distance.

Although her strength has fallen a lot because of the rebirth of the sword soul, her realm and eyesight are still there.

Although there is a long distance between them, the meaning of the sword in this light has reached an incredible level.

Even Shen Hongyi felt an impulse to worship.

"He did it. He's taken that step, my God! What kind of genius does this have to be? "

Just as she stood in the same place, pale and whispering.

The whole Shen family was also shocked. Even the sword building, which had been silent for a long time, was shocked by this amazing sword.

All of a sudden, countless sword lights came out of it like a tide, and then stood in the sky and stopped to watch.

Among them, there are many top experts who have disappeared for a long time.

These people stand together in groups of three or five, all eyes on the direction of chengjianshan.

At this moment, the sword light of chengjianshan has pierced the sky and turned into a pillar of light.

Even just looking at it from a distance, it makes people feel stingy and cold.

From this we can see that the sword is full of meaning.

On the spot, all the swordsmen changed their faces and talked in a low voice.

At this time, at the top of the sword building, the manager of the Shen family stood with his hands down, looking at the distance like the Dragon Sword light, and his tone was slightly excited.

"Did he really take that step?"

With the sound of questioning, a vague shadow appeared beside him, from which came a voice of emotion.

"Yes, he did!"

It was the mysterious master of the Shen family.

"It's amazing to be able to go further from the sage's realm at such an age. There will be no limit to our future achievements! This is enough to be called the most exciting news of the Shen family in the past thousand years. Congratulations The big shopkeeper has a big heart.

"Yes, it's really worth celebrating. After all, he can break through the shackles at such an age. He can no longer be described as a genius, but a genius among the geniuses!" The owner also said with a smile.

"OK, I'll send an order to go down immediately and start a big banquet to celebrate for the second young master!"

"Don't worry, wait for him to come back first!"

At the same time, Shen Hongyi, who is closest to chengjianshan, wakes up from his stupidity.

She took a deep breath and lowered the boiling air in her heart. Then she forced herself to bear the burning sword spirit and flew to the direction of chengjianshan cottage.

But she just went forward a few steps, in front of the space suddenly appeared numerous cracks, like a mirror broken.

And then out came a teenager.

As a teenager, Shen Hongyi is more beautiful than a woman.

Especially the pair of Danfeng eyes, is more brilliant, clear as a spring in general.

Although it was just standing there, Shen Hongyi felt a frightening pressure from this young man for the first time.

This kind of pressure goes deep into the marrow and infects the soul.

Even Shen Hongyi, who had a firm heart of the sword, was frightened. Then she lowered her head and said respectfully.

"Second young master!"

you 're right!

This young man, who is more beautiful than a woman, is Shen Muyu, the famous second son of Shen.

After seeing Shen Hongyi, Shen Muyu chuckles.

His smile, as if all flowers bloom together at this time in general, intoxicating.

This man really has a unique charm that can't distinguish male from female.

Then he heard Shen Muyu say in a warm and magnetic voice: "sister Hongyi, your injury is not good yet?"

Shen Hongyi's face flushed and her head buried lower.

Because in terms of age, I am really the elder sister of the second young master Shen!

But that's what made her most desperate.

So she murmured, trying to put it off as far as possible.

But at this time, a gust of wind hit, Shen Muyu suddenly stepped forward, came near Shen Hongyi, and then raised her hand to her eyebrows.

Shen Hongyi was shocked.

However, the contact was instant, and then Shen Muyu withdrew his finger, turned and flew to the sword tower.

Shen Hongyi stares at his back, and his eyes are full of infinite horror.

Because it was just that simple contact, her strength that fell because of the rebirth of the sword soul was as good as ever. Not only that, but also her own sword heart was firm and clear.

It's a fantastic way to do it.

Even the big shopkeeper can't do it himself!

Is it true that his strength has surpassed that of the boss?

Shen Hongyi was startled by his idea.

"Sister in red, why are you still standing there? Come back with me to see the owner of the house

"Oh... Oh! Good

Hearing the voice of Shen Muyu coming from his ear, Shen Hongyi pressed down the fear in his heart and got up to follow him.

At the moment, the sword tower is very busy.

Almost all the sword practitioners who have devoted themselves to cultivation are shocked and gather together to wait for the arrival of Shen Muyu.

When he stepped into the hall, everyone was shocked.

Some people are even more stuffy hum a, canthus shed blood.

That's because just now, many people sent out the sword intention to detect Shen Muyu.

But I didn't expect that Shen Muyu's sword was like the noon sun.

Those prying eyes are directly hurt by it.

Just this moment, many people who wanted to be in the limelight no longer dare to have this idea.

Shen Muyu completely ignored the reactions of the outside world. He walked slowly to the field, looked up at the high platform in the middle, and then gave a salute.

"Muyu, I've met the owner and the shopkeeper!"

The tone is light, gentle and smooth.

On the high platform, the shopkeeper caresses his beard with a long smile.

"Good! Good! Good

Three good words in a row.

And a satisfied laugh came from the vague figure nearby.

"Very good. Now that you have successfully broken the barrier, we will have full confidence in the next hundred meetings. Send me the order and immediately hold a banquet to celebrate it!"


The Shen family was moved by the news.

But at this time, Shen Mu Yu gently shook his head.

"Don't be in such a hurry. I still have one thing to solve. It's not too late to come back to drink after I solve it!"

"What's the matter?" Asked the owner.

Shen Muyu chuckled, and Danfeng's eyes flashed. "Naturally, it's about the heart of my aunt Jing's sword!"

"You mean that Xue an?" Asked the shopkeeper.

Shen Mu Yu nodded, "that's right! He not only holds the heart of Shen family's sword, but also defeats the two major swords of Shen family, and even sister Hongyi, so naturally I'm going to meet him! "

"But..." The shopkeeper still hesitated.

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