This gelxiong Wu La laughs strangely. The laughter is as ugly as a Nightowl.

"Of course I'm scared, and I'm scared to death! But if I can get the saint of the moon mother God family, then it's nothing

With the voice, several ghost like figures appeared in the fog behind gelxiong Wula.

The leader was a skinny old man with a skeleton staff in his hand. His eyes were full of endless evil and greed.

"Gexiong Wula, what are you talking to this little girl about? It's a matter of business to take her back and hand her over to the big talent!"

Gelxiong Wula said with a smile, "don't worry, your highness. Now I've laid a net around me, and it's covered by the miasma. Now she can't fly even if she has wings!"

"Why, there are still people in the inn? It's still a man and a woman. Tut Tut, this man's blood is so strong. It must taste good to eat! "

"That woman is also good. She is delicate and tender. Play first and then make a doll!"

The ghosts standing behind gelxiong Wula and the skeleton priest began to talk excitedly.

In a word, this group of people didn't take mengzhunasha and Xue an seriously.

There was a flash of determination in monatha's eyes.

As early as on the way to escape, she had prepared for the worst, but it was a pity that the two men and women who broke into the Inn by mistake.

Thinking of this, mengzhunasha can't help glancing at Xue an and Yue Qinghuan not far behind, and then is slightly stunned.

Because it's different from what I imagined, at the moment, the two men and women not only don't have the color of panic, but are sitting on the chair.

In particular, the handsome young man in white looked at all this with great interest, as if he didn't feel the tense and treacherous atmosphere at the scene.

Although she was quite surprised at Xue an's performance, this Mona SA didn't care much about it at the moment. She only gave a soft drink.

"Get up!"

At the command, the black figures that had been hanging on the rope loop behind the door immediately flew up and lined up beside Mona.


Monasa raised her hand, and the black figures rushed up immediately.

Ge Xiong Wu La sneered, "it's time to struggle. It's really unrepentant. Well, I'll teach you a lesson today!"

With the voice, gelxiong Wula suddenly waved his hand, countless poisonous insects immediately emerged, and rushed toward these figures.

Ding Ding Ding.

With a slight sound, the black clothes wrapped outside these figures were all broken, revealing the golden bodies below.

"Gold armor and copper corpse, cluck, it seems that Mengzhu tribe really cares about your saint!" The skeleton priest sneered.

you 're right!

This group of people and horses are all bronze corpses in gold armor.

This is also one of the secrets of Mengzhu tribe, which is very powerful.

But now the rain and fog around, there is no moonlight, so the strength of these gold and copper corpses has also decreased a lot.

They were trapped in the middle by countless poisonous insects, and gave out a grudging roar, but they could not be saved.

On the contrary, these poisonous insects keep spraying poison on them.

With the sound of peeping, the surface of these copper corpses began to corrode gradually.

Seeing this scene, mengzhunasha could not help but be very anxious. She knew that if she continued to delay like this, these gold and copper corpses would be destroyed by these poisonous insects.

But all the way to escape, at the moment she has exhausted the magic weapon, the whole person is also extremely tired, no longer have any fighting power.

So she could not help but look desperate, and then a sharp bite on the tip of her tongue.


A mouthful of blood essence.

These gold and copper corpses were so powerful that Shengsheng broke away from these poisonous insects and rushed forward a few steps.

But this bravery is only a moment. After a moment, they fall into the whirlpool of poisonous insects again.

After spitting out a mouthful of blood essence again, monasa's face was extremely pale, and she was tottering, as if she would faint at any time.

"She can't do it. Catch her and prevent her from committing suicide!" The skeleton priest said in a low voice.

Without waiting for him to finish, these ghostly beings behind him rushed at a very fast speed.

See this scene, mengzhunasha eyes flash a color of determination, originally beautiful cheek suddenly appeared a peach color.

"No, she's going to urge you to stop him!"

As the person who knows Mengzhu tribe best, gelxiong Wula can't help exclaiming.

As soon as the words came to an end, the skeleton priest waved his staff towards monasa.

Mona Sadang even froze in the same place, even the insects that will attack are imprisoned.

"Ha ha ha, it's true that the priesthood is very skillful!" The ghosts were overjoyed and rushed to monasa.

But in addition, there are two grinning towards Xue an and Yue Qinghuan.

For them, anyone who sees this scene will die.

Moreover, in their eyes, Xue an and Yue Qinghuan are just a delicious meal.

But these two ghosts rush up and fly out faster.

And in the middle of the inverted flight, they also issued a very miserable howl.

"Ah, no..."

In the howling sound, a little transparent flame rose from the two ghosts and instantly burned them to ashes.

Not only that, but also the ghosts who rushed to monzhunasha screamed, and then the flames burst from their feet and burned them to ashes.

This sudden scene shocked everyone present.

The skeleton priest roared, "why is it sacred? How can it be so vicious?"

As he said this, the skeleton priest waved his staff and hit the inn again and again.

Pee pee pee.

Strands of black light directly penetrated the walls of the Inn and rushed towards Xue an.

Where I passed, even the air was infected by the dark light, which showed how vicious the black light was.

Monasa also woke up from the initial shock. Although her body could not move, her eyes could move.

So when she saw the black light attacking Xue an, her heart was tight.

She had learned the power of black light by herself. She knew that it was a famous skill of gexiongwu tribe, which was extremely difficult to prevent. She was especially good at polluting the magic weapons and spirits of those human friars.

So she couldn't help worrying about Xue an.

But at this time, but see holding a glass of Xue an suddenly sneer.

"Holding a magic weapon refined by countless evil spirits, he says that I am vicious..."

Xue an Huo Ran raises Mou, "old monster, are you joking?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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