Because the territory of yin and Yang family was too large, they were divided into Taiyin, Luoxuan and Jidu.

Among them, Taiyin was the first, and the general altar of the Yin Yang family was in it.

The second is the star realm of Luo, which is not as prosperous as the Taiyin, but it is also very prosperous because it is close to the Luofu gate, which is the only way to get in and out of the Yin Yang family.

Only this Jidu star territory, because most of the territory is bordered by the barren void, and the rest is next to the land of witchcraft, which is extremely desolate.

Therefore, among the three major star domains of the Yin Yang family, Jidu star domain has the worst strength and the lowest status, and few people pay attention to it at ordinary times.

Even if it is about to be held in the Taiyin star domain hundred conference, also did not set off any waves in this Jidu star domain.

But no matter how desolate it is, it's also a star field, and it's also the star field of the Yin and Yang family, so there's always a main city.

It is also because of the calmness and low-key of Jidu star region that the residents here have developed the character of being quiet and independent from the world.

It can be said that the whole Yin Yang family, here is the most in line with those ancient scholars described the scene of paradise.

But today, the main city of Jidu, which has always been calm, has become lively.

Because in the open space outside the main city, a high platform was set up.

There is a big plaque on the high platform with four big characters on it.

Martial Arts Contest!

Under the stage, people are talking to each other.

"My God, I'm afraid our city leader Lei is not losing his heart and going crazy. He actually made a martial arts contest to recruit relatives?" Some people were shocked.

"There was a rumor that our city master had hurt his mind for the wedding of the eldest lady and intended to compete for marriage. At that time, people thought it was just talking, but they didn't expect that the city master actually came to the real world!" Some people are also stunned.

"No, no! It's just the time of the meeting of hundreds of families, and the whole world is gathering here. Once the martial arts contest is held, I'm afraid there will be many things to do from now on! " Some people look worried.

"I guess this is the main effect of Leicheng! If you think about it, it's not easy to pick out a son-in-law from all the heroes in the world? " Someone said with a smile.

All in all, the crowd at the moment has everything to say, and the focus of their discussion is the protagonist of today's martial arts competition.

The daughter of Lei Di, the main city of Jidu, is Lei Yi.

When it comes to the father and daughter of Lei Butong and Lei Yi, there are many topics.

In a strict sense, Lei is not a member of the Yin Yang family.

His noumenon is a naturally generated Lei Zun, bred from the endless sea of thunder, with extremely powerful strength.

But later, the founder of the Yin Yang family came to the star field, took a fancy to the position here, and decided to establish a sect here.

So the founder of the Yin Yang family discussed with Lei, who occupied the star field at that time, hoping to occupy it.

Of course, Lei Butong would not agree, but how could this ancestor of Yin Yang family be Yi? The two sides immediately broke out a conflict.

And the final result of this conflict is that the Yin and Yang family separate a star domain and give it to Lei Difeng for management, which is the predecessor of Jidu star domain.

And because of this reason, this difference can be said to be an existence outside the Yin Yang family system, with a very detached status.

Coupled with the baptism of years, so many years have passed, no one knows to what extent Lei's different strength has reached.

Therefore, even among the senior members of the Yin Yang family, this difference is the special existence of listening to the tone and not listening to publicity.

Lei Butong also strictly abides by the agreement with the founder of the Yin Yang family. He never steps out of the Jidu star field, and he is very low-key.

However, in this stratosphere, almost everyone knows that ray has one of his biggest weaknesses.

That's his only daughter, Lei Yi.

Lei Zun is a special kind of monster. He is born from the thunder of heaven and earth, so he is very difficult to bear.

In this case, Lei Butong has a descendant of his own blood, Lei Yi.

You can imagine how much he dotes on his daughter.

In fact, it is true that Lei Butong has spoiled his daughter to the sky before, asking the stars not to give to the moon.

But Lei Yi's character is extremely weak, and he has not inherited his father's hot temper.

Even if the gate doesn't go out, it looks like a young lady.

If this is the case, Lei Butong is quite disappointed with his daughter's character, but it will not develop to the stage of martial arts competition.

The key is that some time ago, Lei Yi went out for a visit by chance. When he came back, he seemed to be a different person. He sat there all day, not thinking about food and tea, not keeping his mind. He was still talking about meeting someone!

This makes Lei different to be alert. After careful investigation, Lei Yi discovers that her baby daughter ran into a teenager in Jidu city that day. They had a good conversation.

If he only found that his daughter knew a teenager, Lei was not too angry.

But after he finished the investigation, he was going to visit the boy. As a result, he heard the news and ran away.

This time, Lei was furious.


Can you still eat people?

And I'm so afraid of myself. There must be a ghost in my heart!

Otherwise, a man will not run away.

But although he thinks so, Lei Yi doesn't think so.

The weak girl thought that her father scared away the boy, so she became more depressed.

This scared Lei Butong. After thinking hard, he had an idea. Then he came up with the method of martial arts competition.

In his words, anyway, my daughter is at the age of liking people. She was blind just because she had little knowledge!

It's just that this hundred Congress is just around the corner, and the world's heroes are gathering.

If you find one who looks good at this martial arts contest, won't you forget the boy before?

This idea is full of naked straight man thinking.

But if you think so, do it.

Lei is different in his vigorous and resolute work. He immediately began to prepare for it. This is the big competition arena that people see now.

Xue an and Yue Qinghuan mingle in the crowd. After hearing the whole story, they can't help but smile.

"If I were Lei, I would hate my father to death. How can I compete for marriage? Do I really think I'm in a novel?" Yue Qing laughs.

Xue an also laughed, and then said in a quiet tone: "maybe you and I are really in the novel!"

Yue Qinghuan turned his lips and thought that Xue an's story was pure nonsense.

"It's nonsense all day long. If it's really in a novel, who is the main character?", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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