Xue an also didn't deny, just slightly raised eyebrows, "Oh? Why do you say that? "

Lei Butong laughs, "it's very simple, because this Lei Zun in your hand!"

"As the most powerful Lei system in the sky, I can say that I am familiar with the formation of all Lei Zun in the world! Only this Lei Zun in your hand... "

Lei had a different pause, and then went on to say: "no matter in terms of temperament or strength, it is totally different from Lei Zun in this field. That's why I ask you that!"

Xue an is noncommittal, "is that all?"

Lei Butong seems to have known Xue an would be this reaction for a long time, so he chuckled and said his second sentence.

"And if I guess correctly, you should come from the Chinese among the heavens!"

If Xue an was able to deal with the previous problem calmly, now this problem makes Xue an's pupils shrink instantly.

And his reaction also made Lei different, confirmed his guess, and then said with a smile.

"Don't be surprised. Although the Dharma array on this pan is Taoist, it is obviously different from the Taoist in this field. On the contrary, it is very similar to a thing I got by chance in those years!"

With that, Lei doesn't know how to turn it over, but there is a piece of tortoise shell in the palm of his hand.

"I got this thing by accident. It is said that it came from Taoism and was specially used to record all kinds of secrets. Of course, there are also things about the heavens and the Chinese people on earth."

Xue an's expression gradually calmed down, and then took a deep look at the thunder.

In fact, when watching the battle under the challenge arena, Xue an had already faintly felt that there was a peerless strong man in the tall building behind the challenge arena.

After seeing ray different, he finally confirmed his guess.

In front of this with thunder incarnation of Lei Zun has the unpredictable strength, even if it is oneself also can't peep his inside information.

So Xue an knew very well that if the two of them started, the victory would only be in between.

Even if their winning rate is higher, it is a tragic victory.

Of course, this is just a conjecture of Xue an.

He is very clear that this ray is different. Since he is willing to bring himself here and tell himself this frankly, it has proved his sincerity.

As for what he can know.

For an existence that spans tens of thousands of years, it's not strange to know something.

Therefore, Xue an quickly adjusted his mind and said in a deep voice, "yes, I am a Chinese from the heavens. My name is Xue an!"

"Sure enough Lei Butong sighed, "you are the one who has stirred up the whole Tianwaitian recently, even defeated the two swords of Shen family!"

On one side, Lei Yi listened blankly.

what do you mean?

What is Chinese?

What's more, why did my father bring this young man into the tall building?

Could it be that.

Lei Yi suddenly thought of what, face can't help but get a red, but spin even if very serious thought.

No, I can't betray young master Yang!

With this thought, her face became more and more serious, and she was a little far away from Xue an.

Just as she was thinking wildly, Lei Butong continued: "have you already seen Cui Zhenghao's difference?"

Xue an nodded, "as soon as he stepped on the stage, I saw something strange! It's just that I didn't expect it to be so serious. It was only when he started with Ling Qianjin that I suddenly realized that it was evil

Lei Butong sneered, "that's right, evil spirit enters the body! Besides, I've got the idea on my daughter. These evil creatures are really looking for death! "

With his identity and status, he naturally knows the existence of evil things.

But Xue an shook his head. "It's not like what you think. These evil things won't do such thankless things!"

"Oh? What do you say? "

"In my opinion, Cui Zhenghao has obviously been dead for some time, and the evil spirit entering the body is not a high IQ evil thing, but more like a period of obsession!"

"From this, I infer that Cui Zhenghao died suddenly for some reason. Before he died, he was obsessed with making thousands of gold, which led to the evil spirit taking advantage of the opportunity and taking control of his body!"

Xue an's inference is reasonable, and Lei Butong can't help nodding after pondering for a moment.

"Listen to you, it's really possible, but doesn't it mean that the Cui family has known about Cui Zhenghao for a long time?"

"I should know. After all, Cui Zhenghao is dead. Now he is only a demon born of obsession. People close to him can see the flaw!"

Lei's face became colder and colder. He was angry and said, "son of a bitch! Knowing that my son is dead, I still connive at his misdeeds and even provoke my daughter. It seems that I was too tolerant of these rich families before, and even let them forget their awe! "

Xue an did not speak.

These are all internal affairs of Jidu star domain, which has nothing to do with him.

A moment later, Lei Butong raised his head and arched his hand at Xue an.

"My little gentleman's eyes are burning, which reminds me that I don't owe you this kindness!"

With that, as soon as Lei Butong raised his hand, Xue an's Pan flew into his hands.

Then Lei Butong said softly, "come out!"

With an order, Lei Zun, who was hiding in the pan and shivering, screamed, and then was dragged out.

"This strength is too weak!"

Lei looked at Lei Zun, shook his head, and then pressed his finger on his forehead.


Thunder and lightning burst out from Lei's different fingers and poured into Lei Zun's body like a tsunami.

Lei Zun made a deafening howl, while his body expanded rapidly, and he was on the verge of collapse in the blink of an eye.

But Ray's different indoctrination did not stop at all, but became more and more violent.

In this case, Lei Zun finally burst out with all his potential in order to survive.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

With the hysterical roar, Lei Zun's figure began to shrink gradually.

This is the result that the power of thunder and lightning is absorbed and condensed by it.

In this way, after a full time of incense, Lei Zun's figure in the pan has become as big as ordinary people, and no longer has the previous feeling of vanity, which is much more concise and real.

Lei Butong let go of his finger and let out a long breath.

"All right! Now it's just like this. Otherwise, I'll lose the face of the Lei Zun clan? "

At this time, Lei Zun fell down on his knees with a plop and yelled, "son, meet my adoptive father!"

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