But in this case, when Xue an crossed the boundary that symbolized the influence area of the city Lord's mansion, these watchtowers did not even change a bit, and still stood there in silence.

Then, Xue an looked up at the moon in the sky, and then the whole person disappeared quietly, integrated with the moon, and quietly sneaked into the city Lord's mansion.

The structure of the city's main residence is rigorous, and the interior and exterior are integrated. It can be said that it is heavily guarded and solid.

The reason why we are so strict is that there is a large array buried under the main mansion of the city.

This square array is closely connected with the veins of Yunxiao City, so we can ignore all the shielding arrays and spy on the whole city without dead angle.

So as long as you occupy this dharma array, you will naturally have control of the Cloud City.

This is the reason why the defense here is so strict, and it is also the target Xue an needs to look for when he sneaks into the city Lord's house.

At the moment, Xue an is in a mysterious state.

He has it because he is conscious and has a clear mind.

It is because he has lost his concrete form and turned into a breeze, which is slowly wandering in the city Lord's mansion.

In this state, his sense of existence has been reduced to almost no point, even the saint level of existence, can not be aware of his existence.

But the price is that his speed will become very slow, just like a breeze.

Xue an is not in a hurry either, because he knows that the city Lord's mansion seems calm, but in fact there are countless detection arrays hidden underneath. If he shows his horse's feet a little, his previous achievements in this mission will be wasted.

So Xue an walked slowly through the city Lord's mansion, and kept in mind all the plants and trees along the way.

At this slow speed, Xue an walked through most of the city master's residence in front of him, and then he was surprised to find a fact.

That is this seemingly luxurious city Lord's mansion. It's cold and quiet. Except for the soldiers on the tour, there's not much popularity.

In particular, there are no female dependents.

It doesn't make Xue an move.

It's very different from what he imagined before he came here.

However, he still pressed down his suspicions and sneaked to the center of the city Lord's mansion.

Here stands a small building. At the moment, the light is on on on the second floor. It is obvious that someone lives in it.

Xue an slowed down a little, and then came to the front of the small building.

He can be sure that this small building should be the key.

Because according to the pattern of the main mansion, the small building is just in the center, which should be the eye of the square array.

And the people inside don't have to ask, they must be the central emperor of Yuehua.

Although Xue an was not afraid of him after he was promoted to sage, he didn't want to disturb him before his goal was achieved.

So he tried his best to restrain all the breath, quietly came to the second floor in front of the window.

Compared with the strict security in other parts of the city Lord's mansion, this small building is surprisingly simple. Even there is no shielding array on the window, which is so wide open.

So when Xue an came to the window, he could see the situation in the house at a glance.

It's a very simple room.

On the ground is a simple bamboo mat, four walls white, and in the middle of the room placed a small table.

There is a lamp on the table, and there is a man sitting beside him. He is leaning over the table, painting something.

It's Yuehua Zhongjun who met Xue an.

But at the moment, the image of Yuehua Zhongjun has changed a lot with that domineering Yin Yang master.

I saw that he was wearing a light blue robe, with long hair scattered, and his figure was very thin.

Especially when painting on the desk, the face is even more intoxicated, as if the piece of paper on several cases is the most attractive thing in the world, and there is nothing else.

Xue an can't help but feel a little surprised.

What is huazhongjun doing this month?

At the same time, he felt a little bit tricky.

Because at the moment, he can finally confirm that the eye of the square array is in the small building.

But at the moment, the middle king of Yuehua is here. As long as he has some changes, he will definitely be disturbed.

Although I'm not afraid of him, that would scare the snake.

Just when Xue an felt a little difficult, there was a sudden sound of footstep downstairs. Then the footstep went up to the door and stopped.

From the weight and rhythm of the steps, Xue an can conclude that the comer should be a woman.

At this time, there is a woman coming. Is it the wife and concubine of huazhongjun this month?

Xue an's heart moved. At this moment, he heard a knock on the door. Then a clear female voice outside the door said.

"Mr. Zhong Jun, the tea is ready!"

Yuehua Zhongjun didn't even lift his head, but said faintly: "OK, come in!"

The door squeaked open, and then a tall, beautiful looking maid came in with a tray.

The maid's temperament and appearance are excellent, especially when walking, there is a unique charm.

But to these, this month in China gentleman doesn't care at all, but is still absorbed in the desk writing and painting.

Before the maid came to several cases, she squatted down gracefully and showed her slim figure. Then she lifted the cup of hot tea on the tray and put it on several cases.

"Mr. Zhong Jun, the tea is easy to be cold. Please enjoy it as soon as possible."

"Well, I see. You can step back!" Yuehua Zhongjun still didn't look up.

But the maid did not retreat, but still squatted there, as if waiting for something.

A moment later, the king of Yuehua just raised his head.

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing. I just want to wait for Zhongjun to drink the tea before I leave!"

The words are soft and full of concern.

Yuehua Zhongjun smiles, "OK!"

With that, he picked up the tea cup on the table and gulped it down.

"All right, you step back!"

Yuehua Zhongjun put the teacup on the maid's tray.

But the maid still did not leave, but looked at the moon gently.

"Mr. Zhongjun, don't you feel lonely here alone in such a long night? If you don't dislike it, I can stay with you. "

In the dead of night.

A beautiful maid keeps saying she wants to stay with you.

The temptation is not great.

But Yuehua Zhongjun just gave a faint smile, "I've received your kindness, but I still have something important to do here, so you'd better step back!"

At this point, the other maids would have stepped down with shame.

But the maid didn't flinch at all. Instead, she gave a smile.

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