With the death of the maid, the dagger hovered in the air, but it didn't disappear. It seemed to be waiting for something.

Yuehua Zhongjun was also stunned, and then Huoran turned his head and looked out of the window.

But the window was empty and there was no shadow.

Yuehua Zhongjun just wanted to speak, that is, at this time, the maid's head suddenly burst, followed by her neck, shoulders and chest.

In the blink of an eye, the maid burst apart.

But strangely, her explosion did not splash any blood, but stirred up countless smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust spread rapidly, and even the wooden floor was corroded and blackened.

Yuehua Zhongjun's body swells around the starting point of Yuehua, which forms a barrier to block these eroded smoke and dust.

At this time, the pieces of corpses falling on the ground began to gather together, and then countless granulations grew between these pieces, connecting each other and fusing rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, a strange monster with ferocious granulation appeared in the house. Then the monster slowly stood up and suddenly opened a bloody gap on his fuzzy face.

Inside is a red eye, staring at the moon Zhongjun.

Yuehua Zhongjun took a deep breath, sneered and said, "no wonder there will be the power of rules. It turned out to be a humble evil thing!"

As a great monarch of yin and Yang family, he naturally knows the existence of evil things.

In his opinion, the real high-level existence among these evil things is no different from the human race in appearance, and even more noble and elegant.

Only cheap things are bloody and sticky.

For example, now this monster just stood there and kept falling flesh and blood from his body, so the emperor in Yuehua scolded coldly.

But just then, I saw the evil thing laughing a few times.

"Yes, I am really humble, but today your noble Lord Zhongjun will die in the hands of my humble thing!"

Although the appearance is ferocious and terrible, when the evil thing speaks, it is still the sweet voice of the maid before. When the two are combined, there is an unspeakable terror and strangeness.

Yuehua Zhongjun didn't say anything, but just flicked his fingers. Immeasurable Yuehua quickly condensed into many weapons and attacked the evil thing.

The evil thing roared, and the dagger that had hovered in the air suddenly circled, and then flew to its hand.

Then the dagger grew in the wind and turned into a long sword more than three feet long.

The long sword waved again and again, smashed all the Yuehua weapons attacked, and then bounced. The evil thing jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the king of Yuehua.

Jun snorted coldly in the moonlight, and his anger loomed in his eyes.

In fact, the battle has already filled his heart with anger.

Because if this evil thing is about strength, it doesn't even deserve to give him shoes, but it is such an existence, but it forces itself to retreat by relying on a rule blade.

The humiliation was unbearable to him.

So in the face of this sword, Yuehua Zhongjun didn't dodge, but took a step forward, pinched the seal in his hand and blew it straight.


After a loud noise, the two hit each other and stagnated in the air.

But a moment later, he saw that the Yuehua attached to the emperor's hand quickly disappeared, and then the long sword cut down.


Blood splashed.

Yuehua Zhongjun had a bloody cut in his arm.

The evil thing became more and more excited.

"Ha ha, Yuehua Zhongjun, this is just the beginning. You know, this rule blade is forged to kill you, so all your resistance is useless. Accept your life!"

Then the evil thing waved the long sword again and cut it at the neck of yuehuazhong Jun.

In the moonlight, Jun's body flashed and tried to avoid this fatal blow.

But as soon as his figure disappeared, the long sword disappeared.

When the emperor in Yuehua emerged, the long sword also appeared, and the position was no different from the neck of the emperor in Yuehua, and cut down again.

Yuehua Zhongjun's face was very ugly, because he thought of the scene just now.

But just then, a faint voice appeared in his ear.

"The only thing that can destroy the power of rules is rules!"

This sentence is like a stone breaking the sky, even if it reminds the emperor of Yuehua.


I clearly have the power of rules. Why do I have to fight with this guy until now?

At this point, Yuehua Zhongjun couldn't care to remind himself of who he was.

He took a slow, deep breath.

Immeasurable Yuehua quickly superimposed layers on his neck and quickly filled the gap with the long sword.

Although these Yuehua armor can't really stop the whereabouts of this long sword, it can at least delay a little more time.

Then he saw that this month Huazhong gentleman looked up and breathed out a breath.


It turned into a strong wind and lifted the roof in an instant, revealing the boundless night sky outside.

At the moment, it is the middle of the Chinese moon, and the bright moonlight spreads all over the world.

These moonlights quickly penetrated into the body of Yuehua Zhongjun as soon as they came into contact with him, which gradually strengthened his momentum.

The evil thing smiled grimly, "do you want to use this moonlight to deal with my rule blade? You are too naive! "


No matter how the momentum of Jun in Yuehua grows, it can't stop the falling of the long sword, and with the increase of chopped Yuehua, the falling speed of the long sword is gradually accelerating.

But in the face of this change, Yuehua Zhongjun's face was not sad or happy, but suddenly raised his eyebrows.


With this burst of drinking, Yuehua Zhongjun raised his one hand, held his five fingers falsely, and made a picking action.

It was such an action that a spectacle appeared.

The shining moon in the sky disappeared in an instant, as if it had been picked off by something.

In the hands of the emperor in the moonlight, there was a brilliant light group.

As soon as the light group appeared, it had the supreme power and even stagnated the surrounding space.

The speed of long sword swing slows down rapidly.

The evil thing couldn't help crying, "what kind of magic power is this?"

"This is my law and my divine power!"

Yuehua Jun said coldly, and then the light group in his hand was bright, which was the appearance of the previous round of Huayue.

But now this huge planet has turned into a small ball of light in the hands of Yuehua Zhongjun. The gap is really amazing.

But this is also the strength of Yuehua Zhongjun. The hand can pick the moon and change thousands of times.

In fact, the Chinese moon hanging above Yunxiao city was placed by the emperor of Yuehua.

The skill he practiced was born to the moon, and after he practiced to the extreme, it will turn into a real moon, with infinite magic and powerful power.

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