Yuehua Zhongjun sighed, "I believe you can see that this portrait is very similar to the friend who gave you the sword heart."

Xue an nodded.

"I know you must have many questions. For example, your friend obviously exists in the heavens, but he has something to do with the Shen family outside this day, and who is the person on this portrait, right?"

Xue an nodded again.

"Don't worry, since you have preached the sage, you will naturally have the qualification to know these things. Next, I will explain them to you slowly, and also in order to repay your help." Jun Shen said in the moonlight.


With a flick of your sleeve in the moonlight, the surrounding environment changed instantly, from the simple to nothing room to a warm tea room.

Tea is good tea and water is good water. Yuehua Zhongjun personally filled a cup for Xue an, and then said in a deep voice.

"Do you know why the Shen family is after you and vows to take back the heart of the sword in your hand?"

Xue an took a sip of tea and said softly, "isn't it because of the precious heart of the sword? Not allowed to flow into the hands of outsiders? "

"The heart of the sword is precious?" Yuehua Zhongjun sneered, "that's right! Shen family's sword has a unique meaning. Before dying, the cultivator can condense all the sword hearts into a small sword. It can really be called precious, but do you think it's just because of this? "

"The root of everything lies in the person who gave you the sword heart, because this person is the offspring of a traitor in the Shen family!"


"Yes, it's abandonment!" Yuehua Zhongjun's face became serious, "to be exact, it should be a woman with amazing talent and incomparable beauty!"

Speaking of this, Yuehua Zhongjun's eyes showed an obsession, "that goes back to ten thousand years ago. At that time, I was just an ordinary child of yin and Yang family. Under a coincidence, I met her who was in the limelight at that time and was known as the first person outside the sky!"

"How to describe the scene of seeing her for the first time! At that time, my talent was mediocre, my strength was ordinary, and I didn't stand out in the crowd! "

"But she was a proud girl with thousands of favors. At that time, even if I looked at her from a distance, I felt ashamed..."

Looking at Yuehua Zhongjun, who is addicted to memories, Xue an didn't urge him, but listened quietly.

"At that time, I had low self-esteem and had no courage to get close to her, but she was so approachable, because everyone revolved around her and no one paid attention to me!"

"It made me look very embarrassed at that time. She obviously noticed this, and then came up with a smile and talked to me!"

Yuehua Zhongjun's face showed a happy color, "that is, in this conversation, I know her name, Shen Jingshu! The Shen family is a truly unique genius since the independence school. It kills the existence of all young people of the same generation! "

"Shen Jingshu..." Xue an whispered the name again, and the brilliance loomed in his eyes.

"Yes, it's Shen Jingshu! You must have guessed what will happen next! " Yuehua Zhongjun laughed at himself, "although I was in a low position at that time, I still fell madly in love with her, isn't it funny?"

But Xue an shook his head seriously, "it's not funny! Young Mu AI, this itself is a normal thing. How can it be ridiculous? "

Yuehua Zhongjun threw a grateful look at Xue an, "thank you."

Then he continued to talk about it in a sad and nostalgic tone, "although my strength was flat at that time, I practiced like crazy in order to get close to her, just to win her attention in all kinds of young people's gatherings."

"What I asked for at that time was also very simple, even if she might not like me at all, but as long as I could look at her from a distance, I would be satisfied! It was a beautiful and simple day. "

Xue an was silent.

Who would have thought that the yin-yang family Dazhong Jun, who is above hundreds of millions of people, still has such a humble past.

"But the good times didn't last long. The sky outside began to be turbulent, and the army of evil things appeared, which plunged the whole world into continuous war. As a child of yin and Yang family, I was not spared, and was sent to the battlefield!"

"But just then, I got a message..." Speaking of this, Jun Dun in Yuehua, and then went on with difficulty.

"As the most dazzling existence of the Shen family and known as the genius of geniuses, she was forcibly expelled by the Shen family at this time and was removed from the list."

"Do you know how I felt when I heard the news? I was like crazy, risking being regarded as a deserter, I escaped from the front battlefield and went to the Shen family to inquire about the news! "

"Then I knew that she was expelled because she had a strong conflict with the concept held by the Shen family at that time. Even she left without saying goodbye. Finally, the Shen family made this decision!"

"What strong conflict?" Xue an couldn't help asking.

He knows very well that he can be so respected by the Lord of Yuehua. This Shen Jingshu is by no means an idle person, and such a disciple is the key to the prosperity of a sect. Sometimes it is even more important than the master.

But such an existence was forcibly removed from the list. Obviously, something terrible happened.

Hearing Xue an's question, Yuehua Zhongjun sneered, but didn't give a positive answer. He just said in a sarcastic tone: "what do you think of the strength of the Shen family in Tianwaitian now?"

"Very strong!" Xue an is outspoken.

"Yes, it's strong! Some people even ranked the Shen family, Taoism, Confucianism and my yin-yang family as the strongest forces in Outer Heaven today, but do you know why they are so powerful? "

"It is because they adopted a shameful neutral attitude when facing the invasion of evil things, that is, they did not take the initiative to participate in the war and did not face up to evil things!"

"Because of this attitude, they can be said to be the family that suffered the least in the whole war! Many forces and families perished in that war. Even those who survived were greatly weakened, but they haven't slowed down until now. For example, the strategist who knows you well is like this! "

Hearing this, Xue an finally understood something.

Sure enough.

Just listen to yuehuazhong Jun go on“ At that time, Shen Jingshu had a violent conflict with the Shen family because she had different attitudes towards evil things. "

"Shen Jingshu insisted on fighting hard, but the senior level of the Shen family at that time thought it was none of their business and there was no need to lose their combat power."

"If that's all, it wouldn't make her leave without saying goodbye, but another view held by Shen Jingshu angered the senior Shen family at that time, and this view is also related to you!"

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