"I just had a nightmare!"

"Oh? What nightmare? "

"I dreamed that master, you suddenly became a strange insect, and then burned to nothing by a fire!" The woman said uneasily.

She did have a strange dream just now.

In the dream, binghuarong suddenly turned into a ferocious monster and was about to eat himself. As a result, he was nailed to death by a ray of sword light from the sky, and then burned to nothing by the fire.

The dream was so real that I even felt a faint heat before I woke up.

She didn't know it was a nightmare until she found that "binghuarong" was still lying on one side.

But after saying it, she regretted it again.

Because this gorgeous man is usually very grumpy, he will be furious when he hears that he cursed him to death in his dream.

So at the moment she was shivering waiting for the violent face to fall.

But at this time, "violent Huarong" smiled, "it should be that you are tired during this period. Go out and have a rest. The pressure may be greater here!"

The woman opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe her ears.

The stronghold leader wants to go by himself?


She thought of something and quickly knelt on the bed.

"Stronghold leader, spare your life, bitch! I dare not do it again! I... I'll serve you now! "

As she spoke, she trembled and wanted to untie her clothes.

Xue an watched, unable to help laughing and crying.

This woman is obviously wrong.

Of course, he wouldn't let her sleep, so he put on a face, "get out of here before I change my mind!"

The woman was frightened and ran away in a panic.

After she left, xue'an got up slowly and came to the window.

At this moment, dawn has broken in the East and the whole city is waking up.

Listening to the voices from the streets in the distance, a cold smile appeared on Xue an's mouth.

The stronghold leader of gale stronghold, Bao Huarong, has naturally been invaded by evil things.

Just now, Xue an not only cleaned him up, but also incarnated dozens of people and moved together in Yunxiao city.

After cutting off the existence of these evil things, Xue an replaced them with a body and hid them perfectly.

After Xue an entered the realm of saints, there were far more incarnations than those of the same level, and each incarnation was vivid, with some self-determination ability and no dull color at all.

All this should benefit from Xue an's powerful and almost abnormal mind.

Especially after entering the realm of saints, Xue an vaguely felt that his mind had reached an unspeakable height.

Just then, I heard a timid voice behind me.

"Master... Master, drink tea!"

Xue an turned his head and saw the woman standing trembling aside with a cup of hot tea in her hand.

When she noticed Xue an's eyes, the woman trembled all over and hurriedly lowered her head deeply.

"Well, put it on the table!"


The woman carefully put the tea cup on the table, and then stood respectfully aside, not daring to make any mistakes.

Xue an didn't talk too much. After all, he has just eliminated his violent appearance, and it will take some time to imitate this man's words and deeds.

If there is a sudden big change, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others.

So he stepped to the table, Shi sat down, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

The tea is sweet and sweet. It's actually very good.

Just last night, after running around all night without eating, Xue an simply picked up the snacks on the table and ate and drank.

After eating and drinking, Xue an leaned back in her chair. Before she could speak, the woman came forward very skillfully, stretched out her hand and gently kneaded her shoulder for Xue an.

The strength is not heavy or light, very comfortable.

But xue'an didn't care about this, because at the moment, he caught a glimpse of the scar on the woman's arm when she raised her hands and feet.

Its color is green and silted, which is obviously a fresh scar.

Seeing this scene, Xue an could not help frowning slightly.

The cruelty of the stronghold leader of the gale stronghold he incarnated at the moment can be used to imagine the mistreatment of this woman at ordinary times.

But he didn't say anything, just slowly closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

This gorgeous appearance is obviously an important task.

Although it is said that the strength of liefeng stronghold is not strong in the sky, his subordinates are in charge of a group of thugs like wolves and tigers.

These guys may only do bad things at ordinary times, but if they are used properly, they are a terrible help.

This is especially true when these 100 conferences are about to be held.

These evil things must have taken a fancy to this, so they sent evil things to parasitize him.

What do you need to do next? Xue an is thinking.

At this moment, the woman is also secretly watching Xue an.

It is impossible to say that the woman does not hate the strong man who captured herself.

But she also knew that her strength was low and she was not the opponent of the stronghold leader at all.

Especially during this time, the smell of the stronghold leader became colder and colder. When sleeping together at night, she even suspected that it was not a person lying next to her, but a cold and evil lizard.

This feeling made her feel on pins and needles and had a lot of nightmares.

But it's strange that today she found that the cold air on the stronghold leader seemed to have disappeared.

Not only that, the stronghold leader seems to be a little better for himself.

When it was still dark every day, she thought she couldn't run away from this severe beating and would be cruelly abused.

It's something she's used to.

But unexpectedly, the stronghold leader didn't beat her. Instead, he said that he was under too much pressure to leave.

This change frightened the woman. She was afraid that the stronghold leader was tired of it and was ready to kill herself.

That's why he came to test Xue an's attitude with morning tea and snacks.


Looking at the stronghold leader leaning back on the chair and closing her eyes for meditation, many thoughts flashed through the woman's mind.

The stronghold leader is really different!

In particular, how did the smell suddenly become so good?

You should know that in the past, violent Chinese people were tall and big. Although they had achieved success in cultivation, they usually didn't pay attention to hygiene, so the taste of their body can be imagined.

But at this moment, the woman is very close to Xue an, so she can smell the faint smell of grass from him.

This made the woman a little distracted, so one didn't pay attention. His hand used a little more strength and pulled off several hairs.

The woman's face changed greatly.

You should know that this gorgeous face is bald because of practicing martial arts. Therefore, he attaches great importance to the few hairs left. He will be angry if he drops a little.

What's more, several pieces have been torn down at the moment.

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