What happened suddenly made the mobs present numb.

Until Tong Chengjin had fallen to the ground and died, the close thugs woke up like a dream, and then roared at the assassin.

In the confusion, I don't know who shouted, "protect the stronghold leader!"

The remaining thugs immediately surrounded Xue an.

Seeing this scene, the assassin who originally intended to fight again and cut Xue an under the sword knew that it was impossible to succeed today, so he snorted angrily.

"Let you live today!"

Then she turned and rushed out of the restaurant and disappeared into the sky.

There is still chaos in the restaurant. The helpers who used to follow Tong Chengjin, the second stronghold leader, simply can't accept the fact.

Therefore, some people cry bitterly, others are at a loss.

Xue an felt a burst of laughter in his heart. He didn't have any psychological pressure on the child Chengjin.

Because this guy has committed many evils, I don't know how many enemies he has. He deserved to die in the hands of the corpse driving girl this time.

you 're right.

Xue an saw the origin of the assassin at a glance.

Although he had never met the corpse driving girl, Xue an still felt the fluctuation of her breath in the teahouse.

So as soon as he went out today, he noticed that someone was stalking him secretly. After a little exploration with his mind, he found that the stalker was the descendant of the ghost kingdom.

After a little thought, Xue an understood the purpose of her tracking and couldn't help sighing.

Speaking of it, the corpse driving girl is also carrying a deep blood feud. It is understandable to make such an action.

But Xue an didn't want to really fight with the corpse driving girl. If his disguised Avatar was destroyed by his comrades in the same trench, wouldn't it be a smile?

But Xue an couldn't really hide his head, so he thought of the idea of killing with a knife.

Now it seems that this method is obviously very successful. At least the second stronghold leader who is enough to secretly threaten his status is dead.

And everyone present saw that he died in the hands of the assassin and didn't start the whole process, so Tong Chengjin's followers had nothing to say.

And that's what Xue an wants.

Of course, he doesn't care about the opinions of a group of mole ants, but now his apparent identity is the stronghold leader of gale stronghold, and this identity may be very useful in the next hundred congresses.

Therefore, Xue an should also manage this identity well.

So he can't kill all these people directly. In that case, it is easy to arouse the suspicion of others and even reveal his whereabouts.

Once the evil thing knows that the puppet under its control has actually been replaced by others, all previous efforts will be wasted.

So Xue an coughed and came forward, pretending to be sad.

"Well, don't cry. Who would have thought that these assassins would be so cunning that they secretly tracked them to the restaurant to assassinate. Speaking of it, the second stronghold leader also died for me. I must find out the assassin and avenge him!"

Finally, Xue an's face was full of determination, and this powerful momentum also infected the supporters of these second stronghold leaders.

They looked at each other and finally knelt down together.

"Stronghold leader!"

Although the following words were not finished, the meaning was already obvious.

Everyone knows that once the second stronghold leader dies, no one in the whole gale stronghold can resist Xue an's prestige.

These people used to be attached to Tong Chengjin and can ignore Xue an, but now once Tong Chengjin dies, they naturally have to consider the future.

Xue an's last sentence must find out and avenge the second stronghold leader at the moment, which is obviously showing them a soliciting attitude.

These people were not fools. Naturally, they saw this, so they went down the slope and expressed their loyalty to Xue an.

Xue'an smiled, "they are all our brothers. Why, everyone, get up quickly!"

With his personal help, these people just stood up.

Xue an said a few words of comfort again, which made all these people look flattered and nod frequently.

Then Xue an turned back and said with a smile, "waiter!"

"In... In!"

The waiter hiding behind the counter stood up trembling, his face pale as white paper.

The assassination just made the whole restaurant a mess, and almost all the guests on the first floor ran away.

The waiter felt desperate and knew he was finished.

Although it didn't happen because of myself, I found out later that I had entertained these guys, so I had to be implicated.

It's good to pack up and go away at that time. You have to pay a heavy price for it.

So now he was regretful and hated, but he didn't dare to attack. He could only stand in the distance and tremble.

Xue an smiled and threw some Lingjing away.

"This is because of us. These spiritual crystals are even compensation for you!"

The waiter was stunned.

He never dreamed that these evil men would compensate themselves.

In his stupefied Kung Fu, Xue an led the people's Congress out of the restaurant and walked away.

The waiter leaned down and picked up the Lingjing on the ground. When it was confirmed to be true, his eyes couldn't help burning up gradually.

Although these thugs of liefeng stronghold don't understand why the stronghold leader wants to compensate a waiter, no one dares to express any objection to his practice after today's incident.

After all, these people are not all fools. The assassination just revealed many strange things. Some smart people have guessed something, but they don't dare to show it at all. They are just surprised.

Why did the big stronghold leader, who is always reckless and rude, suddenly become so insidious?

Is it... He's been pretending before?

This idea made many people feel cold.

After all, if this were true, it would be terrible.

Xue an naturally felt the awe of these thugs and couldn't help smiling, knowing that his goal had been achieved.

After returning to the courtyard where they lived, the men went back to their houses and were much quieter.

Xue an also came to his residence on the second floor.

The woman served hot tea for Xue an very attentively, and then stood respectfully waiting.

After half of the tea, Xue an didn't even lift her head, but said faintly, "well, go down and have a rest!"

A word made the woman's face pale.

"Master... Master, I'm not going anywhere. I have to sleep for you!"

Xue an shook his head. "No, you always had nightmares before. It can be seen that you are under great pressure. You'd better go down and have a rest first!"

The woman fell on her knees with a plop and stammered, "Sir, i... I'm all right now. Please don't want me!"

Then he kowtowed his head.

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